I am so done with thw half wig because


Well-Known Member
Okay so i was wearing my half wig which my SO hates with a passion. Since i just knew i would be home in time to take it off so that he wont see this man and i saw each other in the street what a dam coincidence of course he parks his car and gets in my car to talk

and im all excited about seeing him and he had this stare on his face like something was wrong stupid me forgot i had on the wig

He took the wig off my head and threw it in the backseat of course i couldnt do nothing but laugh he cussed me out about how fine my hair was and why do i keep putting carpet on my head and how i have the nerves swinging it from side to side like its mines.

I really couldnt stop laughing i just gave up on that experiment and now i've been wearing a cute little hat for 2 weeks and i have not combed it once yes its nasty but so what thats how i feel right now. oh yeah i had to promise no more wigs
I like that your man wants you to sport your natural hair, but pulling your wig off in public & throwing it in the back seat? :nono: We'd have to talk.

Edited to add: OP later says that it wasn't done in a mean spirited way, she really was just trying to convey a funny story.
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That is nt funny at all. He pulled it off your head and cussed you out? Red flag.
Okay so i was wearing my half wig which my SO hates with a passion. Since i just knew i would be home in time to take it off so that he wont see this man and i saw each other in the street what a dam coincidence of course he parks his car and gets in my car to talk

and im all excited about seeing him and he had this stare on his face like something was wrong stupid me forgot i had on the wig

He took the wig off my head and threw it in the backseat of course i couldnt do nothing but laugh he cussed me out about how fine my hair was and why do i keep putting carpet on my head and how i have the nerves swinging it from side to side like its mines.

I really couldnt stop laughing i just gave up on that experiment and now i've been wearing a cute little hat for 2 weeks and i have not combed it once yes its nasty but so what thats how i feel right now. oh yeah i had to promise no more wigs

I had to laugh at the bolded. I am envisioning U thinking What? ....then Oh Damn...I forgot.

So funny. :lachen:

Clearly he loves you just the way you are.
If YOU like the wig then...

I wouldn't let a man (that is not even my husband) dictate to me what I can and can't do with my hair (or play hair).
He did it in my car i have tints i dont play that.
He saw the wig before and he was like what the hell he said to me please dont put it on again he hates fake hair if he sees it again he is going to take it off and apparently he was really serious when he did it he started laughing himself

As for red flag no he is not that kind of a person i dont play that bullcrap i dont do crazy
I don't know why some people just can see the joke in this! C'mon....

NE-WAYS, my hubby does this all the time at home. I'll be mid sentence and PLOP goes the wig. I just laugh at him. Kuddos to men who can appreciate what's underneath :)
Okay so i was wearing my half wig which my SO hates with a passion. Since i just knew i would be home in time to take it off so that he wont see this man and i saw each other in the street what a dam coincidence of course he parks his car and gets in my car to talk

and im all excited about seeing him and he had this stare on his face like something was wrong stupid me forgot i had on the wig

He took the wig off my head and threw it in the backseat of course i couldnt do nothing but laugh he cussed me out about how fine my hair was and why do i keep putting carpet on my head and how i have the nerves swinging it from side to side like its mines.

I really couldnt stop laughing i just gave up on that experiment and now i've been wearing a cute little hat for 2 weeks and i have not combed it once yes its nasty but so what thats how i feel right now. oh yeah i had to promise no more wigs

:lachen::lachen:lmao, it's out of order but at the same time the comment was quality - so funny! :lol:
Thanks to all the people that got that it was funny not everything is so serious i think we all need to take a breather
How did he just pull it off? My half wig is on so good he would have to pull so much that it would become physical abuse.
he knoe exactly where the comb part was which is very small because i showed him before and plus i dont braid my hair underneath so it was easy for it to come off.

No the kicker is when i got home he puts it on his head the threw it in the couch and buss out laughing again
OMG!!!! I thought I was the one suffering from wig abuse, LMBO!!!

There have been plenty of times when my Hubbster has begged me to just "COME ON" so we can go where we're going, and I look beautiful the way I am, but I'm too busy adjustin' the part on my wig.:lachen::lachen:

Tell me why...In the MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC...We're playing wig keep-away?! Baybaaaay, we'll be sitting at a red light, he got the wig on, and has a straight face like "AND WHAT!?":grin:

I had to start hiding my wigs in SHOE BOXES, you hear me?! (he eventually got over it...Wigs should NOT be wasted.)

Been there, done that, laughed my behind off, and fell in love all over again because he likes me just the way I am. I feel you!
Girl thats hysterical.. my DH hides mine, but he doesnt realize that I have a stash in the closet and tada, half wiggin it again, lol The look on his face is the funniest thing.
Well after going through the thread I realized that he was just having fun with you but if he just pulled it off your head & threw it in the back to be a jerk - not cool.
:giggle: ...I found the humor in it. Like you said, the windows were tinted. I'm sure he felt liberated to do it only because no one was around to see.
As long as he was only joking around, that is cool. I mean if this were in a movie I have to admit I probably would laugh too. How are you going to wear your hair now?
How did he just pull it off? My half wig is on so good he would have to pull so much that it would become physical abuse.
IJS, lol...

I went to Six Flags and rode every coaster and my wig didn't budge.. Darn good wig, lol
I don't know what it is with men and wigs, they just don't seem to like them.My SO hates my wig, he hasn't snatched it off my head, just the opposite, he completely ignores it when I have it on.
LOL...that's funny.
Everytime I wear my wig my hubby asks me if I am "doing my hair treatment". I hide the plastic cap underneath so I can go out of the house and do my daily business.
Been there, done that, laughed my behind off, and fell in love all over again because he likes me just the way I am. I feel you!

Yes Mam, You got a very Good message from her Thread, That is Beautiful, You go Girl!
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I guess I don't get it. Who are you to try and dictate how I wear my hair. My SO once tried to say something about my fake hair. Then I had to break his heart about Beyonce, Ciara, etc. etc. He really didn't know...