I Am So Disgusted!


Well-Known Member
Today I pressed my hair and noticed that not only is my hair thicker on one side than the other; it is an INCH longer on one side! I don’t know how this happened. It used to be pretty much even, except a bit longer on top. I went ahead & trimmed my ends, and now it has a weird shape that I’m going to have to disguise. Has anybody else experienced this? Did you just go ahead and get it cut even? I would love to have a cute style, but I don’t want to worry about growing it out again.
Are you bunning and Surge-ing? You could gain another inch all around and cut it all even by this time next month.
Meganw, I'm going to have to do a search for this Surge product. I've seen the threads, but never really read through them. Is this something I can get from a local beauty supply?
I ordered mine from walgreens.com. The luckier ladies found it at their local Walgreens stores. I put the Surge in an applicator bottle (with the pointy tip) and mixed it with aloe vera and profective products to thicken it a bit.

If this stuff works, I know what stocking stuffers my mom and sisters and aunts are gonna get from me this year.
i have the same problem...i just keep the longer side trimmed to match the shorter side. Lately ive been spraying a homemade rosemary growth spritz i got from another site in that area to help speed up the growth on that side.

What does your homemade concoction consist of? I'm really interested because I have a brand new bottle of rosemary essential oil at home and would love a new way to use it.

I'm in the same boat because the hair on the right side of my head grows thicker and faster too.
I just try to treat the left side of my head more gently since it's weaker and I just even the length out as necessary.
I have a couple of rosemary eo concoctions; no measuremnts though. All spritzes are in an 8oz bottle and a better portion of the bottle is filled w/ boiled water.
Bottle #1:
8-10 drops rosemary eo
generous sqeeze of castor oil

Bottle #2
8-10drops rosemary eo
about 1/4 c Surge

Bottle #3
8-10 rosemary eo
African Daily Doctor Leave-In

I don't use them all at the same time. It just depends on which one I pick up. I think I'm winning w/ all of them. My new growth is soft(so far; last perm Feb 2003) and not too much breakage.
Tammy said:

What does your homemade concoction consist of? I'm really interested because I have a brand new bottle of rosemary essential oil at home and would love a new way to use it.


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hi the mixture i use

1-2 cups of water
4 tablespoons of fresh rosemary

boil the mixture in a pot and after its done. let it steep for 2-3 hrs. afterwards drain the mixture and pour it in a spray bottle. It must stay refrigerated so it doesn't go bad. its good for about a week in the fridge. They said you can add a few drops of sage oil or vitamin E oil to act as a preservative. since i have vit e oil around the house i add a few drops of that to the mix. i usually spray my scalp, especially slow growing areas daily.

Sometimes as a variation i may add peppermint tea leaves to the mix while boiling. gives a nice fragrance, plus peppermint also stimulates the scalp.

I dont use the rosemary essential oil because i prefer not to use oils on my scalp. But if you like to use scalp oils rosemary essential oil should work just as good as the liquid spritz since rosemary is great for growth no matter what form. good luck!