I am so blessed but I am in so much pain!


Well-Known Member
Women of God, I have been so blessed but I am in so much pain. Please pray for me I have soo much anger that I need to be healed of. I truly feel like some kind of monster I never been this type of person, I feel like I 'm regressing others are noticing .I feel like I can't hear from the Lord as to what my next step is ,in a very important situation. I have been asking God to lead a guide me. But I don't know if it is my mind thinking or the Lord speaking. Sometimes I don't feel spiritually mature enough to even hear but how does one get through trials in life when they are new in the walk and it seems like the tools they have are just not enough and asking for them just doesn't seem to be bearing any answers. I keep going through the motions of feeling strong and gaining some clarity and second guessing it breaking down crying. I feel like I am not weak person that I will never be able to serve God the way I need to becuase I am confused. I am afraid of leaning on my own understanding and making the wrong decision again. I am irrational, hormonal ,tired and weary and a perfect prey for the enemy. I feel unhealthy and I cannot be in this state for much longer. Please pray for me!!!!!!
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*praying for you*

I have never been pg, but I imagine that that probably has a lot to do with your emotions. Hang in there, sweetie.

I'm praying that God gives you clarity in every area of life. When I feel I can't "hear" clearly from the Lord, that's when I rest in His blessed quietness. I "hear" better when I'm not doing a lot of thinking and talking.:)

You also, have to keep in mind that you're pregnant, so those hormonal changes may have an affect on your clarity as well.;)
klb120475 said:
I'm praying that God gives you clarity in every area of life. When I feel I can't "hear" clearly from the Lord, that's when I rest in His blessed quietness. I "hear" better when I'm not doing a lot of thinking and talking.:)

You also, have to keep in mind that you're pregnant, so those hormonal changes may have an affect on your clarity as well.;)

I love your response, it helped me as well. OP, I hope things get better. I am feeling similar to you so I know how frustrating it must be. I will pray for you and me.
You are in my prayers. Ask God to tell Satan to back off. Next, stop second guessing. Make a decision. Check it with the scriptures. Ask if this is something God would truly like you to handle in this way. Stop doubting. Have faith and stand firm. Satan wants you to doubt. That’s his way in. Shut down the street, close the door. When you really do not know what to do. Pray and leave it in God’s hands. Let the Lord know that you know He’s guiding you but you still don’t know what to do and if he would take over. Once you do this, stay out of it and watch God work.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I love your response, it helped me as well. OP, I hope things get better. I am feeling similar to you so I know how frustrating it must be. I will pray for you and me.

Glad I could help...;)
Recently, I was going thru something similar to what you are right now. I'm feeling alot better and stronger lately although I know I'm not where I need to be or want to be. Listen to the other posters. Be still. Be quiet. Listen. God WILL speak. God WILL come through. Just know that. You WILL feel better than you do right now. BTW I also am new in my walk. HTH.
You're not weak. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you nor are you too new in your walk to hear from Him. My concern is that you are angry and if you need to be healed of anger then you probably need to be healed of unforgiveness too. Unfogiveness can rear its ugly head in so many ways in our lives i.e. anger, sickness, etc. Sometimes its hard to hear from God because we're so focused on the muck inside of us that we can't focus totally on Him.

I am praying for healing and deliverance for you. I want you in tip top shape mentaly, physically and spiritually for that sweet baby girl. Stay on your kness and in the word. He WILL bring you through this. Come back and share you testimony with us. :)
Withe the heart we believe and with the mouth we confess. You beloved are a child of God, a child of righteousness, you have been redeemed from the curse of law. In the name of Jesus, Father Lord I release anything negative that you are harboring in your mind, may your words be pleasing in God's sight.

Read Psalms 91, He is your refuge and your fortress. Start praising Him, let Him take control.