I am So Angry!!! Trying to let it go...


Well-Known Member

So, I have 3 assignments for one of my classes.

I did poorly on the first one, which was a huge blow to me because I spent an insane amount of time on it. I also had my T.A. and professor read it before I turned it in. They only pointed out a few errors - mostly some sentences were too long.
I get it back, and my grade was so bad! What made me LIVID was the fact that neither the Prof nor T.A. let me know that I needed to basically rewrite my entire paper.
Luckily this was only 10% of my grade.

The second paper was 25% of my grade, I worked harder on it almost to the point of tears. This time, I scored in the top percentile of my class so it was worth it.

So come paper 3, I am determined to maintain the grade, both for scholarship purposes at to mitigate the effect of paper 1 on my grade. This paper is 65% of my grade. So, I decided I would make sure my research was 100% on point before I wrote it. I went through my research with my T.A. and I asked him so many questions over so many days that he got fed up with me pretty much. Then I went to my Prof and she seconded the T.A. that my research was on point.

So, we had to turn in, a week ago, a preliminary draft, worth points. Tell me why, the prof is now telling me my research is irrelevant??? I spoke to my T.A. and his jaw dropped. Another one of her T.A.s was like, 'yes, she told me yesterday she changed her mind on what's relevant.'

Now I am so mad. I spent my entire fall break and 2 weeks of school on research alone, and then spent one week writing my draft. Only to have to start from scratch. Not to mention I have to prepare for finals. Also, that the draft was for a grade.

I am so upset, and I can't do anything because it is my word against hers. I am trying not to hold ill-will towards her but I am soooooooo UPSET!

some verses and tips to let it go, as I will have to work with her for a long time....