I am sick to my stomach


Well-Known Member
So I have nothing to complain about - but I am so nervous about the future I am sick to my stomach.

My husband and I are going through a lot of changes and God has been good to us. We've been praying for health and work. We've have been frustrated for a long time but now it is coming through and I am so nervous and scared its making me sick.

The ladies on the hair board has been wonderful in suggesting supplements etc and my husband and I are doing much better health wise - praise God.

We are moving back closer to his parents and job searching and on Friday I got a message that the company that I was praying to get a job at wants me to come in for an interview.

It happened so fast. I sat down for an hour on Thursday night and had a heart to heart with God and on Friday morning I got the message.

My husband is applying for a job at a company that I think he has a good shot at getting. His good friend works there and is going to recommend him. It is all coming together.

So here I am a nervous and scared but I just wanted to share.

God hears our prayers, sometimes not in the time we would like (I am the most impatient person in the world) but He hears us. I know it will still be an uphill battle but with Him we will be victorious
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You most certainly are victorious! It's always awesome to see the hand of God. Try to enjoy it. Philippians 4:6 says be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. So I would even encourage you to ask Him to settle your spirit and give you peace during this transition. Blessings!
You most certainly are victorious! It's always awesome to see the hand of God. Try to enjoy it. Philippians 4:6 says be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. So I would even encourage you to ask Him to settle your spirit and give you peace during this transition. Blessings!

Thank you. I am indeed victorious. I have prayed on it and I am settled. I trust God will not lead me astray no matter what happens.

Thanks again!