I am scared of my bone comb!!!!


Active Member
Ok, after Leslie_C's rave the other day, I decided to buy a couple of bone combs from Color Design Systems. They just came. I ordered #320 on this page (on bottom): http://www.colordesignsystems.com/nubone.htm
Because that is the style I usually use for detangling. In between the teeth it looks like a mini-guillotine! They are hand-fashioned, so it looks very sharp between the teeth. I expected it to be more blunt or flat between the teeth like my other combs. Does anyone else have this comb? Please tell me that it is not going to give me a quick haircut! I am going to try it out later, but I wanted to see first if others have and like this one (and still have their hair!). It looks scary! TIA
Sorry, I don't have 320 but I have 300 and it's just fine. Yes, you can see the hand carvings but it is smooth and does not snag.
Phew! Thanks Hairlove!
I have the 320 & have no problems with it. I was a little larger & heavier than I expected & the teeth are weird-looking at first, but it's just fine. Let me know what you think.
Thanks Lynxdiva. I am still in my french twist, but when I take my hair down to moisturize tonight, I am going to give this baby a whirl. You guys have given me courage!
I will report back.
Mikki - it is seamless. Meaning that it won't snag your hair like some regular combs. If you look at your regular plastic combs - in the between the teeth, you can see the seams. Those can snag your hair.
Bone combs are hand-crafted and seamless, which means that hair is not snagged on these combs and torn as with some regular machine-crafted combs. This comb has no seams and is smooth everywhere. You can also see that it is hand-crafted because it has imperfections. You can see the carving marks, etc. I am looking forward to trying it. As far as other important uses, I don't know--just a smooth comb-out with no comb-aided breakage.
I can't believe I forgot to put in the post that to me, the teeth were sharp at first. Takes some getting use to, it feels like brush stimulation. But I will say that it does not pull on the hair, even though the teeth feel so sharp. Strange, you know?
I tried it last night. So far, so good. It looks scary, it really does, but it doesn't bite!
I will try it for detangling on my first wash after my touch-up. How it performs then will determine for me if this sucker is a keeper!
LOL ubavka, u are silly

Im in love with my bone combs...I would cut someone if they took them....lol. j/k. But I have the 300, and its great.

I loved it on dry hair, and when I detangled my hair when wet(twice so far)....OMG!!! That used to be a nono for me because I would lose anywhere from a cottonball to a golfball size of hair. With this comb, I lost less than a pea size amount, EVEN when I rollerset with the fine tooth one (230).

Anyone concerned with the amount of hair loss through combing should most definitely invest in at least one bone comb. they have a set of the 3 most popular for $15.
As you know Leslie, you already convinced me
, so I am going to stick with it and see where it takes me. I am convinced that my plastic Conair cheapie comb is responsible for some of the breaking I see, which isn't a lot. I hope that it will be even less with this comb!
Can you only get these combs online.. I wanted to see one in person.. I'm gonna have to put it on my list of things to get...hopefully I can get one in a few months.. I'm transitioning and losing lots of hair combing my hair out after I wash it.. this sounds exactly like what I need..
Leslie_C said:
LOL ubavka, u are silly

Im in love with my bone combs...I would cut someone if they took them....lol. j/k. But I have the 300, and its great.

I loved it on dry hair, and when I detangled my hair when wet(twice so far)....OMG!!! That used to be a nono for me because I would lose anywhere from a cottonball to a golfball size of hair. With this comb, I lost less than a pea size amount, EVEN when I rollerset with the fine tooth one (230).

Anyone concerned with the amount of hair loss through combing should most definitely invest in at least one bone comb. they have a set of the 3 most popular for $15.

[/ QUOTE ]

Leslie, I'm looking through the site but I can't find a set of combs. I only see combs listed individually.
How did you find yours?
I'm convinced. For the whole week i've been getting massive pullouts, and I thought it was my hair shedding. It's depressing because i'm taking good care of it. I'm going to order mine from colordesignssystems.com I'm a little confushed about the models. I need a wide tooth and a rat-tail guess i'll figure it out.
the combs are made of resin, I was trying to post a link with the low down on bone combs but the site is down right now. try going to www.hairsense.com and there is a link on "what is bone combs and why are they so great" or something like that!
I just ordered the set, thank you so much for posting it! I've had a bone comb on my want list for a while
I've been wanting a bone comb for a while. I have a couple big detangling combs, but I have seen, on more than one occassion, hair snagged on seams

Can someone who has the 300 give me an estimate of how long it is? I'm trying to picture the size...
I'm also eyeing the 210. Does anyone have that one?
The black bone 3 pack will be my next hair purchase.
I bought a fake one at Sally's (didn't realize it was fake). I need to save every strand of hair that I can.
I got my combs yesterday.I notice a reduction in hairs but I need more time to give a final review.

[/ QUOTE ]

We must have ordered at the same time. I received my comb (#300) yesterday. I detangled on dry hair first and only 1 strand came out. I washed & conditioned with the NTM line and applied the serum and I combed through with ease. This comb is awesome for tangles, both wet and dry.

I'm going to order the set in the next few weeks.
I think I will order one of these combs...I have been using an metal afro pick as a substitute for detangling till I can get one. It's sounds wierd but the teeth are metal and seamless and spaced far enough apart...I can get through my new growth with it....but I still want to try the "real thing"
Crysdon said:
I got my combs yesterday.I notice a reduction in hairs but I need more time to give a final review.

[/ QUOTE ]

We must have ordered at the same time. I received my comb (#300) yesterday. I detangled on dry hair first and only 1 strand came out. I washed & conditioned with the NTM line and applied the serum and I combed through with ease. This comb is awesome for tangles, both wet and dry.

I'm going to order the set in the next few weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]I think we ordered on the same day too. I ordered the set of 3. You're right about the tangles. I washed my hair lastnight/this morning and I got through the tangles w/o a problem. loving the comb so far:).