
Well-Known Member
Yes, in just 4 short monthes I made it (at the end of August it was just above my hair pit). It is all due to using little heat because the last monthes I have been all confused about that I should do to it. It was underprocessed and looking ruff by the time I went home but was healthy. I got my relaxer and my mom was shocked
She was like OMG I can't believe that your hair grew so much!!(shoot me either) I had no idea that my hair grew this fast. She has stopped using the blow dryer too and she said she hopes her hair can grow like that. Now, this is coming from a women who has never gave a crap about her hair ( but her hair is at a nice length).I think she thought black people could not grow long hair even though she never said it. She even told me she was impressed and she is not easily impressed. I think I gave her some hope.
Now, we both are going to be looking too good!! My sister's graduation is in May and by then my hair will be too long
My grandma and sisters are going to drop over dead
when they see my hair! I can't wait.
Congratulations Brittany!!!
So happy for you .
Wow, that is ALOT of growth girl
You have me actually starting to believe i can reach my goal to be bra-length by March
Thanks for the update --jainygirl
Thanks ladies!! I wish could have seen my face
. I must have looked like a clown.

26inchhair - I would keep my hair up, not use any heat and try not to comb it too often. I don't have any special product. A lot of what many of the ladies do does not work for me so I have been trying many things. I also wash my hair 3 time a week. I recently started using At One with Nature Botanical Silk Texture. You can get it at any BSS I think and it is cheap too. I told my mom to get a nature product and when I went home she was using this stuff. It looked like my mom had a whole new head of hair. It was soft and so shiny that I could not keep my hands off her hair. What she does is washes her hair, then air dries it in braids with the At One and when she wakes up she blow dries the parts that are still wet and greases her scalp and her hair looks beautiful!!! I just did the same and after I blow dry it in the morning I will up date you all.

I have some pictures that I will upload tomorrow. They are of my hair before I got the relaxer.

Thanks again ladies! I love this place. When no one believes you all do. All my success is because of you all.
wow!!!! good 4 you girl.....we r getting what where we wanna be......this is great!!!!i am really happy for this forum...
wow!!!! good 4 you girl.....we r getting what where we wanna be......this is great!!!!i am really happy for this forum...
Congrats gurl, I am so happy, shoo I can't wait till I reach that length, you guys are gonna see some madness from me, Ima GO CRAZY!@!!!!!
Congrats! Must feel darn good to reach bra strap. Mine runs when it sees my hair, therefore, I don't believe I'll ever get there...*laughing*
yippie! congrats! I had wanted to reach bra strap by Dec but I think after I get my touch up at the end of Dec I will be about 3 or less inches behind. no biggie concidering I did trim twice. I can't wait till its my turn!! don't keep us waiting, give us some pics!!