I am NEVER detangling in the shower AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Small vent...

Tonight I decided to be a genius so I co-washed and then detangled in the shower. I got this bright idea knowing that detangling in the shower does not work well for me because shower detangling combs do not get the sheds out properly. Sigh...

After I was done, my hair (while still in the shower) felt like straw. :wallbash: Then I get out the shower and I still have to detangle. After some S-curl and Wave Nauveau (sp?) it feels better but there are ALOT of tangles in the center of my hair. :wallbash:

Moral of the Story: Go with what you KNOW works. Do nothing else fancy. Simple is better...need I say more?

Vent closed.
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I so agree with you. What works well for others might not have the same effect on you.
this worked fine for me while relaxed and a few months into my transition. Why not do whatever it is you normally detangle in the shower? I most recently detangled with my modified denman in the shower and it went smoothly.
this worked fine for me while relaxed and a few months into my transition. Why not do whatever it is you normally detangle in the shower? I most recently detangled with my modified denman in the shower and it went smoothly.

No I dont. I always detangle out the shower with leave-in and my detangling comb. So no more shower detangling business
Ive had to learn this the hard way. I had such great progress a few years ago, then I started coming here and reading what others were doing and tried to change up my regimen. BAD IDEA..... Messed my whole progess up.

Now I only do what works for *me*. (detangling in the shower actually does work for me if i co-wash several times a week)... ANB, keep doing what you do, cause obviously it's working, i mean look at your hair! Go with what you know!
was it the shower comb or just running water + detangling? I always found it easier for the force of the water stream to help me along.
This worked for me while I was transitioning, but it definitely doesn't now that I am fully natural. Not sure why. And I find a lot of broken hairs using that method now. So I never do that anymore.
My last two wash days, I detangled and plaited my hair, then washed and DC, all while in plaits. I am losing much less hair this way. For some reason, I have more patience detangling dry than wet standing in th shower.

At, this point in my transition, I'm trying to maximize my progress so that I can trim the last 3 inches of relaxed hair.

So, OP, I definately can relate. I think a lot of progress is lost in the detangling phase on wash days, little by little over time.
I no longer shower detangle with my hair drenched in conditioner.

I find that this technique never really detangles my hair. I just finger detangle gently in the shower now.
was it the shower comb or just running water + detangling? I always found it easier for the force of the water stream to help me along.

I had conditioner in my hair, against force of water with shower comb...I been in this business about 4 years now lol the detangling in the shower does not like me. It used to be ok when i was SL and APL but beyond that length its nothing but disaster.
ITA. If it aint browke dont fix it :) similar thing happened to be when I decided to wash without detangling properly :( tangles galore...Mane n Tail really helps
I stopped detangling in the shower a looong time ago because it takes me so long to do it. I am far more gentler when I detangle out of the shower. I just sit down in front of a mirror (and Korean drama:look:) with my cheapie conditioner, spray bottle, and wide tooth comb. Then I wash and condition in the shower.
When I was relaxed all that shower detangling was not the business!!! As a natural, I try to avoid doing it because I like to get in and out. Like everyone above me said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
My hair does not like to be detangled while soaking wet (shower), along with conditioner. I tried this once in the shower and lost so much hair! I was losing hair even after detangling. It was as if my hair was just sliding out of my scalp! It was so scary because if I kept on combing my hair, I'm sure it would have continued to come out. Lesson learned, this is not for my hair.
I stopped detangling in the shower a looong time ago because it takes me so long to do it. I am far more gentler when I detangle out of the shower. I just sit down in front of a mirror (and Korean drama:look:) with my cheapie conditioner, spray bottle, and wide tooth comb. Then I wash and condition in the shower.
are you me?
i dry finger comb while watching kdramas, its the only way i can get all the shed hair out and can snip knots or splits
Small vent...

Tonight I decided to be a genius so I co-washed and then detangled in the shower. I got this bright idea knowing that detangling in the shower does not work well for me because shower detangling combs do not get the sheds out properly. Sigh...

After I was done, my hair (while still in the shower) felt like straw. :wallbash: Then I get out the shower and I still have to detangle. After some S-curl and Wave Nauveau (sp?) it feels better but there are ALOT of tangles in the center of my hair. :wallbash:

Moral of the Story: Go with what you KNOW works. Do nothing else fancy. Simple is better...need I say more?

Vent closed.

Just because you detangled your hair in the shower didn't mean you had to use a shower detangling comb. Why didn't you use the comb you normally use to detangle your hair while you were in the shower?

Well, we know what works for some doesn't work for everyone.

Just because you detangled your hair in the shower didn't mean you had to use a shower detangling comb. Why didn't you use the comb you normally use to detangle your hair while you were in the shower?

Well, we know what works for some doesn't work for everyone.

Thats true. But I think its combo of the comb and for whatever reason my hair felt like straight straw after. It was scary.
Mane n Tail really helps
ITA it has helped avoid cutting knots of relaxed hair

I stopped detangling in the shower a looong time ago because it takes me so long to do it. I am far more gentler when I detangle out of the shower. I just sit down in front of a mirror (and Korean drama:look:) with my cheapie conditioner, spray bottle, and wide tooth comb. Then I wash and condition in the shower.

This is me except I use a good movie, some oil and seamless comb I think the water made me want to move faster too.

whenever i detangle in the shower i shed a whole lot more than dry detangling
:yep: That day from hell I had breakage and doing it just created more knots-hate the jilbere. Just too much manipulation for me. I felt like it was raining hair, and I was not used to my hair breaking outside of the occasional random strand, not cool at all.

My hair does not like to be detangled while soaking wet (shower), along with conditioner. I tried this once in the shower and lost so much hair! I was losing hair even after detangling. It was as if my hair was just sliding out of my scalp! It was so scary because if I kept on combing my hair, I'm sure it would have continued to come out. Lesson learned, this is not for my hair.
That experience really made me remember to stick with what works. I still have flashbacks of that hours long deknotting.I don't know why I even tried it, because I had never detangled in the shower before relaxed or natural:spinning: