I am losing hope...I don't know what to do...


Well-Known Member

I have been in and out of crying spells because of my hair for about 3 weeks now. I don't know why I didn't post this sooner. I am honestly at my wits end. No matter what I do...my hair is prone to problems. I currently relaxed about 2 weeks ago, only to discover a circular patch of hair was gone. The patch is about the size of a quarter to a half dollar. Fortunately, there is hair growing back on this patch...it was probably due to the fact that I stretched too long. I have never stretched this long before (last perm was in Oct). I usually wear wigs as a protective style.....more because I am ashamed about the way my hair looks and I have been wigging it for about a year. I really feel unattractive and my self-esteem is really hurting because of this. I am also on Accutane 20mg (once daily), which has several side effects that I have discussed with derm who has assured me that she has never witnessed signs of hair loss/alopecia in her patients at the strength I am on. She has only witnessed hair loss at strengths above 40mg. Now, to top things off....my temples seem to disappearing before my eyes. My temples are literally balding. I don't know if this is because I am wearing my wig too often or because I am not wearing my wig cap properly. All, I know is I can't even opt for any other protective style at the moment because my hair line is depleting.

Due to the fact, I am taking accutane...which is extremely drying to the body. I try to wash my hair everyday if not every other day plus condition to replenish lost moisture. My main product line is basically keracare. I am considering natural remedies such as henna---I need to get some indigo.

ladies, if you have any ideas as to what I should be doing or things to remedy this situation please let me know.

Thank for your time in advance!
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I'm certainly no expert, but if you are having a problem w/dryness as a result of the accutane, then maybe you should wash LESS and not more? I don't know about you but I have extremely dry hair and it takes atleast 2 days for it to get back to normal after a wash- despite conditioning and moisturizing!

Also, henna may worsen the dryness as well. It makes the strands stronger but is still somewhat drying. I would advise you do it- but when your hair is in better condition to start.

I think I just overstretched a bit myself...I'm all matted and breaking at the edges, so I feel your pain :(
Hi Virgo_chinwe,
First of all, I'm SO sorry that you're having these troubles. I know how horrible it feels to lose patches of hair... DONT LOSE HOPE! I have lost sections of hair - to the "shiny bald" - during extremely stressful times in my life. The crazy part is, the more you stress about it, sometimes the worse the situation can get. So TRY not to stress over it too much.

It's great that the patches are filling in already. This makes it seem like your situation may be a "temporary" one, not something chronic that may continue on.

I've used several external treatments to regrow thinning areas, Surge 14 (with a few drops of Peppermint Oil), and MN/Jojoba oil (including scalp massage). Internally, B-Complex vitamins are considered "anti-stress" for the total body - and are supportive of hair health.

Could you describe your cycle of haircare (i.e. frequency of washing, conditioning, scalp massage, how your hair is handled under the wig, etc) while you're wearing the wigs protectively? Maybe your hair/scalp could benefit from a "breather" from being continually covered?
Thanks for your kind words ladies...

I actually found an old surge bottle and started surging again. Lately my washing/conditioning habits have been pretty sporadic. It seems like I wash my hair (keracare hydrating shampoo) every time I get in the shower and follow it up with a keracare humecto. I have always been using ORS mayo and aphogee which has helped cease major breakage. I usually drench my hair in moisture----leave in conditioner/keracare jobaba oil moisturizer and carrot creme b/c I am always out and about. I am a full time student and I have 2 jobs so I have no time to look raggedy so I tend to wear my wig the majority of the day. I heard that there is a special way that you should put your wig cap...but I am not sure exactly how. I usually just make sure my entire head is covered. So I moisturize twice daily ( am & pm) w/ the products listed above.
It sounds like you're caring well for your hair.

The shedding in the temples and in the crown... I think a scalp matter.

You said you're a full time student with 2 jobs. When I was having the SAME symptoms, I was in the SAME situation =). Crazy. So STRESS may really be something to consider. What really helped me reverse the situation was adding a vitamin supplement that had B-complex (the vitamins that make your urine "chartreuse") [ I just noticed your vitamin supplements - Looks like you've got the B-complex covered =) ]

I believe that MN has been prescribed to others (or just used by others - do a search for Miconazole Nitrate) with scalp issues for its anti-fungal properties, causing positive effects for both scalp health and hair growth.

So sorry that I can't offer much advice about the wig cap. I will say that if it isn't allowing your scalp to breathe, it probably isn't helping things.

Your hair and scalp are washed frequently, what about the wig cap and wig?? They may be taking away from your good hair care routine, holding bacteria on your scalp...
Gee, I'm sorry you're having so much trouble! I know how it feels to be taking care of your hair and it takes on a mind of it's own. Keep in mind I'm defiantely not an expert, but to me it sounds like you have a combination of alopecia
(stressing much?) and dry/ damaged hair.
I think you should get off the Accutane, if it's drying your system from the inside out that'll surely cause you hair to be dry and brittle... How's your diet? If you feel you aren't getting the proper nutrition you might want to try a good multi vitamin which I'm sure other ladies could reccommend a good brand. Also I've heard lots of good things about flaxseed oil, it basically helps replenish natural oils in the skin and hair and works quicker than vitamins, you take a tablespoon a day. Spectrum is supposedly a good, non rancid tasting brand, I'm thinking of trying it soon. That covers the internal part.
Since your hair sounds like it's pretty dry, I'd try and lay off the Surge also since it can make the dryness worse, or at least only use the Surge where you really need it perhaps. Also how is your hair reacting to the Keracare shampoos? I know alot of ladies like it, but some people's hair is pretty sensitive to sulphates ( you know, ammonium lauryl sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate?). You might want to purchase one free of harsher sulphates, like Breakthru, NTM, or Creme of Nature.
Lets see, that sounds like good basics. To sum it up: Nourish and hydrate your body from the inside ( good diet or multi vitamin, lots of water, flaxseed oil perhaps if you continue to take Accutane), watch your moisture/ protein balance (use Surge only where needed maybe mix it with a little oil, use a gentler shampoo and alternate with your Keracare). SOrry for being so wordy, I always am! HTHS!
metalkitty said:
Gee, I'm sorry you're having so much trouble! I know how it feels to be taking care of your hair and it takes on a mind of it's own. Keep in mind I'm defiantely not an expert, but to me it sounds like you have a combination of alopecia
(stressing much?) and dry/ damaged hair.
I think you should get off the Accutane, if it's drying your system from the inside out that'll surely cause you hair to be dry and brittle... How's your diet? If you feel you aren't getting the proper nutrition you might want to try a good multi vitamin which I'm sure other ladies could reccommend a good brand. Also I've heard lots of good things about flaxseed oil, it basically helps replenish natural oils in the skin and hair and works quicker than vitamins, you take a tablespoon a day. Spectrum is supposedly a good, non rancid tasting brand, I'm thinking of trying it soon. That covers the internal part.
Since your hair sounds like it's pretty dry, I'd try and lay off the Surge also since it can make the dryness worse, or at least only use the Surge where you really need it perhaps. Also how is your hair reacting to the Keracare shampoos? I know alot of ladies like it, but some people's hair is pretty sensitive to sulphates ( you know, ammonium lauryl sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate?). You might want to purchase one free of harsher sulphates, like Breakthru, NTM, or Creme of Nature.
Lets see, that sounds like good basics. To sum it up: Nourish and hydrate your body from the inside ( good diet or multi vitamin, lots of water, flaxseed oil perhaps if you continue to take Accutane), watch your moisture/ protein balance (use Surge only where needed maybe mix it with a little oil, use a gentler shampoo and alternate with your Keracare). SOrry for being so wordy, I always am! HTHS!

And I might add that if you are going to continue to wig it, try and find another wig cap or head covering that does not cause any friction on your temples and nape. There are several items on the market and they have been talked about here on LHCF. I wish I could find the link right now (I bookmarked it on my other laptop and when I find it, I will PM you).
To be honest.........my diet sucks to say the very least. Keeping up with my vitamins has become almost non-existent, so I definitely will pick that up again. So I will definitely be hitting up the healthy track again, starting today! As well as the gym to get good circulation flowing thru the body. My derm prescribed derma-smoothe fs oil---used to treat psoriasis when I told her my crown had problems growing at the rate of my other hair strands. But I have not started to use it yet. She is not aware of the newest issue of my temples.

As far as dryness..my hair doesn't feel dry...it feels really soft, but I guess b/c the rest of my body is needing extra moisture do the accutane---I try to prevent extreme dryness in my hair. How do you know when your hair is too dry? Because my comb doesn't have alot of hairs in it...like it used. ..

thanks in advane!
virgo_chinwe said:
Thanks for your kind words ladies...

I actually found an old surge bottle and started surging again. Lately my washing/conditioning habits have been pretty sporadic. It seems like I wash my hair (keracare hydrating shampoo) every time I get in the shower and follow it up with a keracare humecto. I have always been using ORS mayo and aphogee which has helped cease major breakage. I usually drench my hair in moisture----leave in conditioner/keracare jobaba oil moisturizer and carrot creme b/c I am always out and about. I am a full time student and I have 2 jobs so I have no time to look raggedy so I tend to wear my wig the majority of the day. I heard that there is a special way that you should put your wig cap...but I am not sure exactly how. I usually just make sure my entire head is covered. So I moisturize twice daily ( am & pm) w/ the products listed above.

I understand if you need to wash your hair every other day, but you do not need to shampoo it that often. Even though its a "hydrating" shampoo, does not mean that it is not stripping your hair and scalp with frequent usage and making them dry therefore causing breakage. Try conditioner washes instead (Suave Naturals Milk n Honey Conditioner is a good cheapie). As long as your hair remains strong and supple but not "mushy," you can continue to condition as often as you like with the humecto. I personally find Nexxus PhytoOrganics Humectin or Nexxus Humectress to be more thick moisturizing and than Humecto.

Also, make sure to (loosely) tie your hair with a silk scarf at night or maybe a silk bonnet and/or silk pillow cases. Make sure that your wig is not too tight and that your hair is not wet when you put it on (washing everyday??) And of course make sure the wig is not rubbing or causing stress on your hairline. HTH
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I had to pop in here and offer you some encouragement. Over the past 8 months I suffered with major shedding and its finally over. I understand the frustration and the sadness that goes along with severe hair problems. If you noticed the hairloss after you started on the Accutane I would suggest that you stop taking it. Doctors do not know everything. Just because your doc hasn't seen hairloss in people taking less than 40 mg's or whatever, it doesn't mean that its not happening to you.

Lots of ladies have had phenomenal skin results from using Nature's Cure. If you go to the makeup/skin forum, you can read about the results from Patient1 and some other ladies.

Other than that, I would suggest that you use Castor oil on the entire parameter of your hairline, wear a satin cap over your hair while your wigging it. Try to find a way to meditate and relax since you seem to lead a pretty hectic life. I drink carrot oil with flaxseed oil in it and I use henna a couple of times a month and my hair and skin are benefitting from the things I'm doing.

God bless. You will get past this! Hang in there!
I'm so sorry to hear that:sad: . Acutane is some strong stuff. I was on Acutane over 10 years ago. My hair was shedding, I had cracked lips, blurred vision etc., so I stopped taking it! I figured I would find something else to deal with the acne. Unfortunately, I don't recall the strength. My current Dr. also mentioned that taking Acutane at lower doses wouldn't cause the same symptons, but I can' t confirm my dosage from over 10 years ago. Because of my bad experience with the medicine, I don't believe her. I just wanted to let you know that I had hair loss with Acutane. Your Dr. can't rule out Acutane just because She/He hasn't had any patients to report hair loss at that dosage... Hang in there girl...
I'm sorry to hear about this too. I agree with everything the ladies have said.
I also am not sure that the Keracare detangling hydrating shampoo can be used everyday. This, as someone said earlier, could cause dryness. I use it the most twice a week.

I too had thinning edges at the beginning of last year and I'm sooo thankful that I found this board. What really helped me was keeping this area moist always and sealing with an oil.

Castor oil is great because it is thick, almost like a gel and doesn't dry out easily. Its a brilliant edge-grower. I am a testament to this.

I know its a lot, but giving yourself a break from wigs etc., will also help your hair. Too much of one hairstyle isn't good - no matter how protective it is, I have found.:nono:
I'm sorry that you are having these hair issues. You have gotten some great advice so far. I really think that washing with shampoo everyday sounds too harsh for your hair. Try to shampoo once a week if needed and conditioner wash the rest of the time. Also remember to add a good protein treatment into your regimine when your hair feels too "mushy" which means you're overmoisturized. How are you handling your hair when its wet? depending what you do after you wash, you may also be causing too much manipulation to your hair everyday. Do you rollerset, airdry in a pony?
I am sorry you are going through so much.

My advice would be to consider going natural ( if I were in your situation I would go natural).

Sounds like you may be suffering from alopecia and hairloss which may get even worse from the accutane. I don't think the relaxing is helping either. Personally I think relaxing on top of balding issues make it worse.

Try cutting the relaxer out for a while. Baby your hair, oil those edges (with a nice oil but nothing like MTG, I would stay away from the really chemically stuff) with a nice herbal oil such as an indian oil or something, deep condition atleast once a week and see how it goes. Also, I would cut down the washing to about twice a week.
I'm really sorry that you are going through this...the other ladies haev given some really good advice but I'll add one more thing. Make sure that whenever you wet your hair you're using lukewarm water. I take really hot showers and I was washing/wetting my hair with the same temperature water and I experienced heavy breakage from it. It seems so obvious now, but a friend suggested that I try using cooler water and within a month my hair was in much better condition. Also, you said you're going to restart your vitamin regimen and start excercising so make sure you are keeping your body well hydrated. It will help with absorption of the vitamins and also help your body flush out any toxins! Good luck!!!
virgo_chinwe said:

I have been in and out of crying spells because of my hair for about 3 weeks now. I don't know why I didn't post this sooner. I am honestly at my wits end. No matter what I do...my hair is prone to problems. I currently relaxed about 2 weeks ago, only to discover a circular patch of hair was gone. The patch is about the size of a quarter to a half dollar. Fortunately, there is hair growing back on this patch...it was probably due to the fact that I stretched too long. I have never stretched this long before (last perm was in Oct). I usually wear wigs as a protective style.....more because I am ashamed about the way my hair looks and I have been wigging it for about a year. I really feel unattractive and my self-esteem is really hurting because of this. I am also on Accutane 20mg (once daily), which has several side effects that I have discussed with derm who has assured me that she has never witnessed signs of hair loss/alopecia in her patients at the strength I am on. She has only witnessed hair loss at strengths above 40mg. Now, to top things off....my temples seem to disappearing before my eyes. My temples are literally balding. I don't know if this is because I am wearing my wig too often or because I am not wearing my wig cap properly. All, I know is I can't even opt for any other protective style at the moment because my hair line is depleting.

Due to the fact, I am taking accutane...which is extremely drying to the body. I try to wash my hair everyday if not every other day plus condition to replenish lost moisture. My main product line is basically keracare. I am considering natural remedies such as henna---I need to get some indigo.

ladies, if you have any ideas as to what I should be doing or things to remedy this situation please let me know.

Thank for your time in advance!

Hi Virgo,

I was on accutane years ago, and can attest first how drying it is..skin, lips, eyes, etc..

My best advise is to stop washing with shampoo - just wet your hair or wash with condition only. I suspect at this point in your treatment your scalp is not making any extra oils - so your hair could not be that oily/dirty for a daily shampooing.

How long will you be on the accutane? Maybe you should stop all chemical treatments - the relaxers, henna, or rinse- all could casue a drying reaction until you finish your treatments.

Just my two cents..

Good luck;)
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I am sooo sorry to hear this. But, there is hope.

. Flaxseed and vit E from the inside out to combat dryness
. try another med other than accutane
. keep your hair moisterized ( ends, moist w/ something like NTM, seal w/ oil.)
. use growth stimulants for scalp but only something that will not dry it out like MTG or wild grwoth oil or ORS products...pay special attn to balding areas...THEN use a massager to stimulate after application
. exercise to increase stimulation
. eat vitamins and protein...i've read PLENTY of girls who's had growth spurts from eating right, esp protein...do vits to that help hair...B, iron, silica, etc
. pray
. protech hair while wearing wig...be careful, wearing t hem can keep oxygen from the scalp and stunt growth

best wishes !
virgo_chinwe said:
Thanks for your kind words ladies...

I actually found an old surge bottle and started surging again. Lately my washing/conditioning habits have been pretty sporadic. It seems like I wash my hair (keracare hydrating shampoo) every time I get in the shower and follow it up with a keracare humecto. I have always been using ORS mayo and aphogee which has helped cease major breakage. I usually drench my hair in moisture----leave in conditioner/keracare jobaba oil moisturizer and carrot creme b/c I am always out and about. I am a full time student and I have 2 jobs so I have no time to look raggedy so I tend to wear my wig the majority of the day. I heard that there is a special way that you should put your wig cap...but I am not sure exactly how. I usually just make sure my entire head is covered. So I moisturize twice daily ( am & pm) w/ the products listed above.

i know i'm adding a lot of extra advise but i'm trying to help you as much as i can..

- before wash, PREPOO with the cond based on what your hair needs...
.......if it's moister, I'd do humecto
.......if moist and protein, hair mayo with egg - rinse - humecto
.......if it' protein only, motions cpr

THEN shampoo (add some EVOO oil to it for extra moisture) dont be harsh to the ends

THEN condition based on what hair needed, but I would do 2 cond's for moisture...if a protein is needed, I'd sandwich it between the moister ...
then I'd let tons of carrot oil be my leave end, from root to tip, use an oil to seal (and provide slip), comb it down and let it airdry...this way, the carrot oil will stimulate growth, moisterize, AND it strengthens also (THE magic pill for me), AND not setting it on rollers will minimize extra handling/breakage....I sure hope this helps...also, take 3 tsp of flaxseed to combat the internal dryness accutane is doing...
no, i haven't had a baby in the last two years.

In regards to the accutane......I don't want to seem in denial but I haven't even finished a full month of treatment yet, so I don't want to put entire blame on the acctuane as of yet because there are so many other factors (diet, lack of essential vits, over-stretching) that could have contributed as well---its really hard to just pin point one.
You need to go natural. Natural Shampoo's and conditioners. Avoid Mineral oils as much as possible. Get away from Sodium Laurel Sulfates that are present in most commercial shampoos. Nubian Heritage makes an excellent shea butter shampoo. Aubrey GPB is an excellent conditioner. An excellent brand is aubrey Organics. Get you some coconut oil, wheat germ oil, jojoba and melt some shea over the double boiler. Mix and allow to cool. Add Rosemary oil, clary sage and sage( careful with sage it can be toxic in high amounts to this mixture. I agree you have to get more EFA's in your diet. One with Omega 3's and Omega 6. Go to whole foods. Try Udo's oill, this is a good one in case you allergic to fish. You are washing too much, Did you self relax? Is the spot totally bald or just fuzzy?The wig is a problem at the hairline. I wore one for a little over a year and it thinned and broke of my temples considerably. You have to be extra mindful that it's not to tight and where it hits you on your forehead. With a wig cap it's to be expected if you are not careful Which relaxer are you using? Maybe you need to lay off relaxing for a while. You are wearing a wig so give that hair a good rest. You mix up what I said before. Add it to your hair after conditioning and
you can almost squeeze the mixture out and braid it up. Go to bed and let it dry. You will know when you are using enough when you take your braids down after a couple of days and it's still soft moist (not wet) like. Do not leave your hair loose under the wig. Not even in a pony tail. If it's too short to braid, briad anyway as best you can. It will soon grow enough to braid decently.You will grow your hair back quickly and healthfuly. Good Luck baby girll. I have been there. I am currently about Bra Strap length. PM me if you need more info. I would be happy to help.