I Am Just About Over All These Challenges That I'm In...


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Ladies,

Right now I am in 7 challenges :look::look:

Curly till Xmas 2010
BSL 2010
MBL 2010
Hide Your Hair 2010
WL 2011
HL 2011:lachen: <-----Yeah, I know...
Fall Steaming Challenge 2010

Anywhoo...I'm coming to the realization that I am challenged out:wallbash::wallbash:

I guess at the time as I was joining each challenge, I was really excited, but now the challenges seem to be stressing me out a little bit...I have to decide which ones I am going to stay in and which ones I am going to drop out of. Up to this point, my HHJ has been fun, and I don't want it to start being a burden. Has anyone else felt like this?:look::look:
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Let me see I am in

WL 2011
BSL 2010
MBL 2010
WL 2010
Wig Challenge 2010
HYH 2010
Sulfur Challenge 2010
Long Term PSing - 2011 ---- HYH - 2011

So Girl you are not ALONE, I am here with you, though your far away we both are Challenge JUnkays :) LOL (think MJ you are not alone)
Let me see I am in

WL 2011
BSL 2010
MBL 2010
WL 2010
Wig Challenge 2010
HYH 2010
Sulfur Challenge 2010
Long Term PSing - 2011 ---- HYH - 2011

So Girl you are not ALONE, I am here with you, though your far away we both are Challenge JUnkays :) LOL (think MJ you are not alone)

Aww JJ, thanks!!! I knew I could count on you, lol!!! Yes, I know for a fact that I am staying in my length challenges and Hide Your Hair...It's the rest that I am a little shaky on...

"I am here with you, though you're far away..." LMBO!!!!
Next year I have vowed to only 3 max challenges at one given time:

WL 2011
HYH 2011

One more I haven't figured it out.
I feel this way too. I cant even remember which ones Im in! I have to check the first pg of each challenge to see if I joined it. lol All bad. I think im just going to stick to Fall 2010 Steaming Challenge, MBL 2010,MT/MN challenge, Summer cowash bun challenge, WL 2010. Im also in the WL 2011, and HL 2011 but i think im going to stop posting in those until the 2010 challenges are over. Im just not consistant with posting in all these challenges. But they are all so appealing and have soo many wonderful ladies in them. Its hard to not join. But I really think I need to take it 1 challenge at a time. At most 2 at a time. So I feel you Janet'
i hear ya ladies, but Janet, please don't let these things stress you out.

i am a certified challenge junkie too, so if that's what you ladies call it, i'm honored to be in such good company!

i utilize my challenges to "remind me" of the things i have wanted to keep in my reggie.

do i do everything in every challenge i'm in, perfectly? umm, no.

but when they pop up on my subcriptions list, it's like a "healthy reminder" that i need to get on the object of that challenge, even if i don't always post on it.

that way i don't feel stressed......i have yet to be thrown out of a challenge because i didn't post regularly or follow the "rules" perfectly.

you ladies are a loving, understanding bunch!
I get easily overwhelmed :lol: The only challenges that I have joined and will probably finish successfully are the "length" challenges (BSL by Dec 2010....well now Im in the MBL Dec 2010 challenge since i reached BSL a few months ago). As far as products, Deep conditioning weekly, HYH....I cant :nono: I'm lazy and will easily fall off :lol:
I'm in a couple of challenges also and I try to remember but I know I can't complete all of them. I guess I just like joining challenges.
MMI I forgot I am in the Steam Challenge too :)

:D that is a recent join so I get a pass for that one, I definitely will trim the line next year :)
MMI I forgot I am in the Steam Challenge too :)

:D that is a recent join so I get a pass for that one, I definitely will trim the line next year :)

Yes, I just had to go back and edit because I was missing one challenge! I'm actually in 7 :wallbash:
7 challenges? not bad! :-)!

hey, one thing we can say (another lady told me this) "we sure get our six fiddy worth"!

I'm in a thousand as well but look at the bright side: Only two of those challenges are active (meaning you have to do something to be in the challenge) and those two are basically the same. Curly til Christmas and Hide your hair have the same ideas behind them. And the length challenges...well ya just wait til the end of the year. Keep hiding your hair and hopefully it leads to wonderful retention for the length challenges:yep:
I'm missing "MBL 2011" from the list in my siggy.

I must admit, this is why I have never started a challenge on the hair board....there is no accountability (I have only ever seen ONE challenge where people got tossed out) and I haaatttteeee when people are all enthusiastic when they sign up, then not even a week after the start of the challenge they are jumping ship! Knowing me, I'd probably take it personally....LOL
I'm missing "MBL 2011" from the list in my siggy.

I must admit, this is why I have never started a challenge on the hair board....there is no accountability (I have only ever seen ONE challenge where people got tossed out) and I haaatttteeee when people are all enthusiastic when they sign up, then not even a week after the start of the challenge they are jumping ship! Knowing me, I'd probably take it personally....LOL

The funny thing is, I will probably (hopefully) succesfully complete all but one of the challenges, so I don't consider myself a challenge bandwagonner...but, I do realize that sometimes because I am so hype in the beginning, I don't necessarily take into consideration all of the constraints that challenge might place on me- for the months of the challenge. 7 Challenges is a lot to be in at one time- that's my fault for putting myself in all those challenges in the first place. I'll know better next year, though! Darn it, I'm already in two for next year...Oh well!
I'm "challenged out", but not for the same reasons you are.
I join challenges, don't remember I'm in them and never go back. I vow to stop joining them because now I know I won't post progress reports or updates.
I'm still a newbie but that's why I never joined any challenges. I always felt like somehow it would make it harder to listen to my hair and be able to give it what it needs when it needs without getting stressed. I think challenges are just a way to encourage people to try new things/healthy practices that really worked for 1 person and see if it works for them, and you can do that without a challenge :)
Janet girl you know us CJs aka Challenge Junkies got your back. We'll be there in darn near every challenge too so don't feel bad b/c trust from this CJ...you are not alone. I'm in 9 challenges girl and I know I will fall flat on my face on a few of them, but hey at least I aim high :lachen:
Next year I have vowed to only 3 max challenges at one given time:

WL 2011
HYH 2011

One more I haven't figured it out.

Same for me. I was in a whole bunch and when I had to drop out of some because I BC'ed, I found it much easier. My only ones next year will be HYH, MBL 2012, and Jheri Juice.
Well, you'd probably hate me. :yep:

I've joined so many challenges, and a few DAYS later I don't even remember them. :lachen: I NEVER followed through on challenges, but I meant to though.:look:

My hair grows anyway, challenge , or no challenge.

I'm missing "MBL 2011" from the list in my siggy.

I must admit, this is why I have never started a challenge on the hair board....there is no accountability (I have only ever seen ONE challenge where people got tossed out) and I haaatttteeee when people are all enthusiastic when they sign up, then not even a week after the start of the challenge they are jumping ship! Knowing me, I'd probably take it personally....LOL
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I am a Juicer, Hide your hair, no trimming until(I can't find the thread though. it's not on the challenges sticky). Use one buy one MAKE UP EDITION

I only join challenges that I'm already working on. so it's not a burden or really even a challenge, more like a support group
I can't do it next year 3 and that is IT! max max max.

I also like to join challenges I am already working on so I don't have to struggle. LOL

HYH will be my wig, chanllenge in my head
WL 2011 will cover MBL if I am not there by the end of this year
I don't know what the 3rd would be right now, I might just leave it at those 2 to not be overwhelmed :)

I know there is going to be a limit to my madness of shopping :D
LOL, I'm a serial challenge joiner too. I got:

APL 2010
BSL 2010
BSL 2011
MBL 2012
WL 2012
Rollersetting 2010
One Inch Per Month 2010
Fall Steaming 2010
DDDC 2010
Get Your Hands Out Your Head 2010

Not to mention all the short term challenges that are finished now, like the Winter Baggy Challenge, Winter Bun Challenge, etc.

It's a ton of them, but I like being in them. I almost never post or even remember to check in :look: but I like to lurk and see everyone else's progress.
And like some other other ladies have said, the key is just to do challenges that you know you're already doing. So like rollersetting, bunning, DCing...those aren't challenges, that's just my weekly reggie. :lol:
And if you know you can't do it, then just don't join. That's why I didn't join bootcamp...that ish is too hard. :nono:
Well you can see my challenges in my siggy. The most terrible part about it is i've been hair lazy for the last year or two and joining all these challenge and never updating/participating. I WILL NOT do this to myself next year. The only challenge i will probably participate in is my the WL challenge.
i just realized i'm in two challenges that might seem like they are in conflict with each other:

the Hide Your Hair Challenge and
the Rollersetting Challenge

so just to clarify, i have YET to do a rollerset that actually looks nice enough for me NOT to WANT to end up hiding my hair! LOL!
sad, but true.......

maybe i'm so zealous about my Delightfully Delicious Deep Conditioner Challenge that my hair is very weighed down, but i'm not complaining and i'm not cutting back on the dc's either.

rollersetting (which i don't do much of anyways) on those days functions moreso to straighten out my hair than to actually give me big bouncy curls. (i am DEVOUT about my NO HEAT Challenge!)
Well, I just dropped out of one challenge and I feel pretty confident about reaching my other goals. Lol, this hair thing is something serious, lol!
I've actually lost count of all the challenges I've joined now (I really should have saved all the links somewhere :ohwell:). Anyway, I have been having loads of disappointments in my hair journey so far, so I'm thinking it'll be better just to try to relax and do my own thing, and not set timed goals, just let the hair do what it do :)
^^ It better not have been HYH! You can't leave us!

No, it was the Curly till Xmas Challenge. I did a length check and then immediately put it up into a french roll (with hair sticks)...but I know that I am going to use another straightening pass for a wedding that I'm in next month (they only allowed for one pass). I'm still in everything else, including HYH, lol!