I Am In Trouble and Need Prayer!!--LONG


New Member
I recently let a member of my family talk me into doing something financially and am now suffering a possible huge financial hit. That person is my sister who convinced me that doing this "deal" would put me on the road to being financially sound on my own. She worked on me by using the fact that my husband and I had had problems 2 years ago that could have ended in divorce and that I needed to protect myself in case things went haywire again. I guess I was very vulnerable and did not listen to the Holy Spirit who kept telling me to STOP! But as i have done before i didn't listen. Now I am in a hole so deep I can't see my way out and I eventually told my husband because we have never kept things from each other and I finally told him. He has been very supportive but cannot believe I let her talk me into something like this again. I have been a nervous, anxious wreck one, because of all the lying and secrecy and two because of the situation I put myself in. This is not the first time my sister has convinced me to do something financially risky and stupid. She says all these good things up front and then when things go wrong she avoids you by not returning calls and just literally ignoring you as if she has nothing to do with any of it. Since this the 3rd time i've let this happen I certainly cannot blame her. I am praying that I keep my feelings from taking over and getting insanely angry with her and never speaking to her again but I know that is not the thing to do.
I just need prayer that God gives me the wisdom to know His voice and to listen when He speaks. I can honestly say that I am completely at a loss as to what to do and there is no one but God that I have to lean on. Which may even be the whole point of this hard lesson.

Thank you to anyone who can take the time to read this and pray for me and the outcome of this situation.
I sorry to hear your going through this. It sound like your sister has a track record by your post. Feed her with a long handled spoon and get on your knees. I'm glad your husband is understanding. My prayers will be with you. :yep:
Show her love. It is the greatest commandment. Be prudent. Let your intuition not your emotions guide you. Pray for your sister that she will obtain wisdom herself. I will pray for you to love her inspite of herself.
and am now suffering a possible huge financial hit.

Prayer is a must,of course.

Perhaps immdiate further action can be taken
to forestall any damage ...
if as you say.. only ..possible..right now as if it might not come to pass ..yet

Is there any financial or Christian financial adviser..even the ones that are big..like Dave Ramsey etc that you can email for advice
Maybe call their offices to ask for Christian finance counseling or troubleshooting

PM-ing you for something else that might help
Yes it's under prayer
Yes God already knew about it before it happened
Yes ..God can make good out of the not-so good
Yes you WILL recover and learn from this
Yes God can restore
Yes it is a God of second third tenth one hundreth chances
Yes God makes the probable out of the impossible
Yes you can still be gentle with yourself and graeful for your husband
Yes you will communicate effectively with your sister.. the bible teaches us to tell the truth in love

It may not be a s bad as you think or irrrevocable
keep faith
I just want to thank you ladies for your sound advice. The Word does say to seek wise counsel. And you ladies are wise in the Lord. The verdict is in, I need to pray to keep this bitterness and anger out of my heart. You all said it!! God does hear prayer and He does put people in our paths for a reason. I really believe the Holy Spirit directed you all. I cannot thank you all enough so i'll just say the Lord bless and keep each one of you. I'm thankful and my heart is full even though i'm a little low right now.

As a side, I wouldn't tell your sister about your woes anymore, financial or otherwise because it seems she stores them up and pulls them out when she needs them. If you need a shoulder to cry on, go to an older woman at church who has been there and can actually help you with your perspective.