I am getting frustrated..I need support!

I've been a member on this forum going on 3 years and my hair is the exact same length it was when I started:wallbash:. I know the first two years was really hit and miss I was trying a lot of different products, transitioning for nine months at a time just to end up relaxing my hair:drunk:. I get so discouraged because I see everyone progress pics and the lovely progress others make just to look at my hair at the exact same length. I need some advice for the last two months I've been using Aphogee products, I have actually been following Ateeya's regimen on youtube as follows...shampoo with aphogee shampoo for damaged hair followed by the two minute reconstructor. Then before I sit under the dryer I apply Aphogee Green Tea Keratin Reconstuctorizer, Aphogee Leave In, Chi Silk Infusion, and Kera care wrapping lotion. I blow dry my hair after sitting under the dryer for about 20 minutes. I noticed that my hair breaks excessively during this process especially when I flatiron. I was wondering if I was suffering from protein overload with all the Aphogee products. Even before I started using Aphogee my hair always breaks I've tried moisture and protein with thEsame results. Can someone please give me some advice, because at this point I'm ready to give up and get a weave:perplexed. BTW I'm 4b relaxed, I currently relax with Organics Root Stimulator relaxer.
Well it sounds like you're using a lot of protein...

I think you might need to try to clarify and then do an intensive moisture DC because honestly, I think you're experiencing breakage from the amount of protein that you're using, and from what you said, you're not using too much moisture.

Add that to the effects of the drying shampoo and I think your hair is needing moisture.

A lot of the time, to see progress you have to stay consistent to your regimen... a regimen that WORKS for you. The biggest advice I can give is to keep searching for the right reggie... putting a weave over it won't fix it, hun....

:bighug: HTH!
I've been a member on this forum going on 3 years and my hair is the exact same length it was when I started:wallbash:. I know the first two years was really hit and miss I was trying a lot of different products, transitioning for nine months at a time just to end up relaxing my hair:drunk:. I get so discouraged because I see everyone progress pics and the lovely progress others make just to look at my hair at the exact same length. I need some advice for the last two months I've been using Aphogee products, I have actually been following Ateeya's regimen on youtube as follows...shampoo with aphogee shampoo for damaged hair followed by the two minute reconstructor. Then before I sit under the dryer I apply Aphogee Green Tea Keratin Reconstuctorizer, Aphogee Leave In, Chi Silk Infusion, and Kera care wrapping lotion. I blow dry my hair after sitting under the dryer for about 20 minutes. I noticed that my hair breaks excessively during this process especially when I flatiron. I was wondering if I was suffering from protein overload with all the Aphogee products. Even before I started using Aphogee my hair always breaks I've tried moisture and protein with thEsame results. Can someone please give me some advice, because at this point I'm ready to give up and get a weave:perplexed. BTW I'm 4b relaxed, I currently relax with Organics Root Stimulator relaxer.

Don't give up. I use most of the products you mentioned from Aphogee. The poo the tea spray and i also use the chi silk infusion...even the same relaxer and it works well for me.

However i don't use Aphogee 2 step every 6 weeks that product is too strong for my taste lol.

I don't think you have a protein overload unless you are not deep conditioning (didn't hear you mention this) but maybe the blowdry and flat iron is too much for your hair? can you try doing rollers and wrapping your hair for a while?
It sounds like you are suing too much protein and not enough moisture, try some deep conditioning treatments under ther dryer. How many times do you blowdry and flatiron? Excessive heat can hinder growth as well. Have you tried rollersetting? Rollersets keep you from using so much heat. I'm sure other ladies will chime in. Don't give up. You will reach your goals.
I say too much protein and way too much heat. Try giving your hair a break from heat for awhile. Try protective styling with a wig or extensions.:yep:

I've been a member on this forum going on 3 years and my hair is the exact same length it was when I started:wallbash:. I know the first two years was really hit and miss I was trying a lot of different products, transitioning for nine months at a time just to end up relaxing my hair:drunk:. I get so discouraged because I see everyone progress pics and the lovely progress others make just to look at my hair at the exact same length. I need some advice for the last two months I've been using Aphogee products, I have actually been following Ateeya's regimen on youtube as follows...shampoo with aphogee shampoo for damaged hair followed by the two minute reconstructor. Then before I sit under the dryer I apply Aphogee Green Tea Keratin Reconstuctorizer, Aphogee Leave In, Chi Silk Infusion, and Kera care wrapping lotion. I blow dry my hair after sitting under the dryer for about 20 minutes. I noticed that my hair breaks excessively during this process especially when I flatiron. I was wondering if I was suffering from protein overload with all the Aphogee products. Even before I started using Aphogee my hair always breaks I've tried moisture and protein with thEsame results. Can someone please give me some advice, because at this point I'm ready to give up and get a weave:perplexed. BTW I'm 4b relaxed, I currently relax with Organics Root Stimulator relaxer.
Yes don't weave it up it wont solve the issue....Moisturizing and deep conditioning is extremely important for type 4 hair because it tends to be dry and break..

Deep condition with a conditioner without protein for an hour at least once a week...HHG:grin:]
*In my best law enforcement voice* Ma'am, STEP AWAY FROM THE APHOGEE!

This may be your issue. Aphogee ain't for everybody. When I first started my hair journey, I discovered Ateeya on You Tube and ran out and bought a lot of Aphogee products thinking it would have my hair healthy, thick, and bodylicious like hers and....well, um, no. It was a near disaster for me. I've learned that my hair needs to lightly sip from the protein fountain but drink heartily and heavily from the moisture fountain. IMHO Aphogee products are intended for a particular purpose: to halt extreme breakage quickly. They are not meant to be used as regular maintenance products. They contain very strong proteins.

And laying off practices like regular blowdrying and flatironing have really improved the condition and thickness of my hair.

I'm not the most experienced or have the longest hair on this board by a longshot, but these were my true experiences and I hope this helps.
How often are you trimming? Have you seen any improvement in 3 years (thickness, strength, evenness)?
Yes don't weave it up it wont solve the issue....Moisturizing and deep conditioning is extremely important for type 4 hair because it tends to be dry and break..

Deep condition with a conditioner without protein for an hour at least once a week...HHG:grin:]

Giseller78, your recommendations are obviously working for you girl, YOUR HAIR IS BANGING! Nice!!!
Yes. I would also add that you should change the way you comb your hair. I found that certain types of combs gave me more breakage than others. I don't use a wide tooth comb with "long" thin teeth. I find that it gathers too much hair then it stretches it causing breakage mid strand.

I too am 4a relaxed and my hair can be very fragile, even with a good protein/moisture balance. I also do not use a brush, and at times its better to airdry and forgo flatironing all together.

DC treatments (1 hour with hot rung towel under dryer - steam treatment) with Alter Ego Garlic treatment will stop the breakage. Make sure to seal with a moisturizing leave in like Giovanni or Nexxus and seal with a light oil.
I've been a member on this forum going on 3 years and my hair is the exact same length it was when I started:wallbash:. I know the first two years was really hit and miss I was trying a lot of different products, transitioning for nine months at a time just to end up relaxing my hair:drunk:. I get so discouraged because I see everyone progress pics and the lovely progress others make just to look at my hair at the exact same length. I need some advice for the last two months I've been using Aphogee products, I have actually been following Ateeya's regimen on youtube as follows...shampoo with aphogee shampoo for damaged hair followed by the two minute reconstructor. Then before I sit under the dryer I apply Aphogee Green Tea Keratin Reconstuctorizer, Aphogee Leave In, Chi Silk Infusion, and Kera care wrapping lotion. I blow dry my hair after sitting under the dryer for about 20 minutes. I noticed that my hair breaks excessively during this process especially when I flatiron. I was wondering if I was suffering from protein overload with all the Aphogee products. Even before I started using Aphogee my hair always breaks I've tried moisture and protein with thEsame results. Can someone please give me some advice, because at this point I'm ready to give up and get a weave:perplexed. BTW I'm 4b relaxed, I currently relax with Organics Root Stimulator relaxer.

ORS is a terrific relaxer, but I take issue with your regimen. Aphogee products contain a lot of protein, and the shampoos some harsh detergents. I don't think that Aphogee is meant to be used over a long period of time; only use them if you have severe damage or dryness. I would reconsider using the Aphogee, instead opting for a shampoo without sulfates. You may need to find a good moisture-protein balance. In my opinion, Ateeyaa uses too much heat and while it may work well for her, it doesn't work well for others. If you have fine hair like me, using heat and products with harsh detergents and proteins will surely make your hair worse. Find products that will work well with your hair. Cream of Nature shampoos contain no sulfates, and there are many shampoos out there that don't. I like Beauty Without Cruelty products and the WEN products. I like Silk Elements Mega Moisturizing Deep Conditioners and Silicon Mix deep conditioner. There are other great ones around also. Cut out the heat as much as you can. Hang in there! :bighug:
^^^^Clarify: the OLD Creme of Nature shampoos contain no sulfates. The new ones do :nono:. Tragic.

I agree that too much protein is probably your problem. You need to find shampoos without sulfates, a good deep conditioner, and maybe reduce the amount of protein you use on a regular basis. I would also try rollersetting and wrapping, and reducing the use of heat to one day a week at the most.

Also, you didn't indicate what style you're wearing your hair in, and whether you're keeping the ends moisturized and off your shirts. That's also something you want to take into consideration. Good luck!
I'm 4b/z relaxed and i found that everytime i used Apoghee, my hair would start to break...it was too strong for my hair. I find that a simple egg treatment every 4-6 weeks is enough. Also, the dryer and flat iron is a killer for our hair...type 4 is already dry and the makes it worse. I used to flat iron my hair all the time and it stayed about the length you see in my June pic. Once i stopped using direct heat my hair has really retained it's length. Air drying and protective styling will take you a long way.
^^^^Clarify: the OLD Creme of Nature shampoos contain no sulfates. The new ones do :nono:. Tragic.

Oh, my!! :cry: That breaks my heart. I found the classic CON with green label, yellow top in a local BSS in Jersey City and stocked up. Didn't know that the new versions contained sulfates. Looks like I won't be buying them.
Is your hair dry? There is one essential thing missing from the regimen you posted, a deep moisturizing DC. I recommend silicon mix or mizani moisturfuse. People also sing the praises of the alter ego garlic deep conditioner though I have never tried it.
As for shampoo, elasta qp creme conditioning shampoo is cheap and has no sulfates. elasta qp shampoo for realxed hair has one sulfate(sodium myreth) it's a great shampoo and it's pH balanced. Ateeya's regimen seems to be a regimen for heat and it doesn't seem conducive to the healthiest hair. Can you airdry, do bantu knots, braidouts, twistouts or roller set instead??
Do you have any oils in your regimen? Do you do a pre-shampoo treatment. I would recommend trying out some coconut oil too.
The extensive stretching with the heat regimen probably caused you a lot of breakage.
I also wanted to say that progress is not just length. Does your hair look and feel better??
Do you have a picture of when you first started? I'm sure you've made progress even if it's not length progress :yep:

When it comes to following Ateeya's regimen.....Honestly, if you want to grow your hair long, I would suggest following the regimen of someone who has actually retained length over time:look:

Ateeya has consistently been shoulder length and routinely makes statements like "I know I'm not supposed to be doing this to my hair but oh well".....so that kinda tells you all you need to know, she has been known to tie her head with a cotton scarf and overprocess her hair by relaxing too frequently just for a look, disregarding the health even though she knows its bad for her hair. Her channel isn't based on healthy hair care, its based on various wigs and how she blends them to make them look realistic and polished pretty much what the majority of black women out there are doing. Having short hair and relying on wigs for length.

I'm really happy that Gissellr78 had so much success using a regiman high in protien she obviously has had a successful journey I've seen her amazing progress in her fotki but she's a type 3c and you're a type 4b thats an important thing to take into consideration.

I think you need to find people that have your same hair type and strand thickness and read various regimens to get a feel for how you want to proceed.

First of all I think you should switch to sulfate free shampoo's the Aphogee Poo has harsh detergents that will strip your strands and make them that much more vulnerable to damage. The one I use is Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Shampoo and Conditioner.

You mentioned you always wash and follow it with the Aphogee 2-minute I dont think you should be using the Aphogee 2 minute THAT often....you need to incorporate more moisture into your regimen.

Dont get caught up in thinking you need to use every product from a particular line you can use various products and still be left with a beautiful result.

You said you've been a member going on three years but have you been consistent and read through the relaxer support threads? The stretchers support threads? etc? Maybe you need to give yourself a crash course and immerse yourself in the information available to you here for like a weekend so you can really get your footing and see how to proceed.

My last suggestion would be not to get caught up in boosting your growth but make your focus retaining the growth you do get, make a simple regimen for your self stick to it and enjoy watching your hair grow long and strong:yep:

I wish you all the best!:hug2:
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Thanks everyone for all your help and support I really appreciate. Some of you mentioned rollersetting or wrapping my hair rather blowdrying and flatironing. I remember back in the day when I used to go to the salon, my hair flourished with wraps. Nowadays you cant find a stylist who does that...does anyone here still use this method with drying your hair?
BTW I agree with everyone I think my hair is in protein overload, my hair feels really hard and tough and it pops off my head without even stretching whenver I touch it. I'm going to clarify and switch my shampoo and conditioning products, any other suggestions for sulfate free shampoos will be helpful
Too much protein, not enough moisture. You should get a really good moisturizing deep conditioner, something creamy and thick that blast radioactive moisture beams into your hair when you open the tub, and then deep condition with it.

That regimen has a lot of protein you at least need some moisture. Silicon mix, Silk elements moisturizing treatment and Nexxus humectress are good and common moisturizing deep condition. Remember your growing out your hair for you, so you should find a regimen that works for YOU.
I just used Kenra Platinum for color-treated hair (fine/thin) and it really worked well. It is sulfate free. And my hair felt so soft after using it.

How often were you using the blow dryer and heat?
When it comes to following Ateeya's regimen.....Honestly, if you want to grow your hair long, I would suggest following the regimen of someone who has actually retained length over time:look:

Ateeya has consistently been shoulder length and routinely makes statements like "I know I'm not supposed to be doing this to my hair but oh well".....so that kinda tells you all you need to know, she has been known to tie her head with a cotton scarf and overprocess her hair by relaxing too frequently just for a look, disregarding the health even though she knows its bad for her hair. Her channel isn't based on healthy hair care, its based on various wigs and how she blends them to make them look realistic and polished pretty much what the majority of black women out there are doing. Having short hair and relying on wigs for length.

I'm really happy that Gissellr78 had so much success using a regiman high in protien she obviously has had a successful journey I've seen her amazing progress in her fotki but she's a type 3c and you're a type 4b thats an important thing to take into consideration.

I think you need to find people that have your same hair type and strand thickness and read various regimens to get a feel for how you want to proceed.

First of all I think you should switch to sulfate free shampoo's the Aphogee Poo has harsh detergents that will strip your strands and make them that much more vulnerable to damage. The one I use is Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Shampoo and Conditioner.

You mentioned you always wash and follow it with the Aphogee 2-minute I dont think you should be using the Aphogee 2 minute THAT often....you need to incorporate more moisture into your regimen.

Dont get caught up in thinking you need to use every product from a particular line you can use various products and still be left with a beautiful result.

You said you've been a member going on three years but have you been consistent and read through the relaxer support threads? The stretchers support threads? etc? Maybe you need to give yourself a crash course and immerse yourself in the information available to you here for like a weekend so you can really get your footing and see how to proceed.

My last suggestion would be not to get caught up in boosting your growth but make your focus retaining the growth you do get, make a simple regimen for your self stick to it and enjoy watching your hair grow long and strong:yep:

I wish you all the best!:hug2:

Great advice blackmasterpiece...

Ateyaa is super cute but a lot people get caught up with her regi and it doesn't work for everyone. I use Aphogee but i tend to switch it up and give my hair what i feel it needs and is not always protein. I try to balance it out.

A sulfate free poo is a great suggestion since the other poo's can be drying for 4B hair. I am pretty sure my hair is 4a. Some of my family members are 3C and my hair is kinkier but i could be wrong since i have been relaxed since 15.
I currently blowdry and flat iron my hair once a week:nono:...I know thats not the best thing. But I struggle between wanting healthy hair and and rocking a cute hairstyle
Great advice blackmasterpiece...

Ateyaa is super cute but a lot people get caught up with her regi and it doesn't work for everyone. I use Aphogee but i tend to switch it up and give my hair what i feel it needs and is not always protein. I try to balance it out.

A sulfate free poo is a great suggestion since the other poo's can be drying for 4B hair. I am pretty sure my hair is 4a. Some of my family members are 3C and my hair is kinkier but i could be wrong since i have been relaxed since 15.

Yea I said that based on the pic you posted with your new growth asking what your type is:yep: girl, you have your own Hair Type and its called GORGEOUS!:gorgeous:

I think Ateeya is adorable too she really knows her stuff with wigs but when it comes to healthy hair care.....notsomuch. She's sittin up there using a metal curling iron on her own real hair just to make it blend with her wig:blush: and she does this on the REGULAR!:nono:

Totally agree with you on switching up the products depending on what your hair needs:yep:
I am a relaxed 4a/b head. I use the Aphogee 2 minute weekly as well, but I also do a moisturizing DC afterwards weekly. I don't use the shampoo, conditioner, or anything else from the line. I suggest a better shampoo(I use Keracare products) something moisturizing, and a good moisturizing dc(Keracare Humecto, Matrix Biolage, Silk Elements, etc...process that dc under the hooded dryer every week to help your hair drink up the moisture. I also didn't notice that you mentioned anything about moisturizing your hair during the week, I use Jane Carter Solution Leave in or Keracare Creme Hairdress...there are many others that will provide moisture to your hair...then you need to seal that moisture in. I love coconut oil, castor oil, or olive oil. If you stay true to your moisture game your hair will let you know when to incorporate the protein. HTH!
Yea I said that based on the pic you posted with your new growth asking what your type is:yep: girl, you have your own Hair Type and its called GORGEOUS!:gorgeous:

I think Ateeya is adorable too she really knows her stuff with wigs but when it comes to healthy hair care.....notsomuch. She's sittin up there using a metal curling iron on her own real hair just to make it blend with her wig:blush: and she does this on the REGULAR!:nono:

Totally agree with you on switching up the products depending on what your hair needs:yep:

I notice i only watch the videos when she is doing her real hair lol. She uses a lot of heat!
I currently blowdry and flat iron my hair once a week:nono:...I know thats not the best thing. But I struggle between wanting healthy hair and and rocking a cute hairstyle
Well thats definitely too much:ohwell: what kind of blowdryer and flat iron do you have?

Do you stretch your relaxers?

You should look into rollersetting inbetween and doing air-dry styles:yep:

I am new to this forum and have been growing since beginning of September where I started about an inch past shoulder. I am not an expert, but it sounds like too much manipulation and heat. I am so impressed by hair knowlege on this board, you will get it growing and retain it. Just believe it. Sorry your having trouble.
I notice i only watch the videos when she is doing her real hair lol. She uses a lot of heat!
She sure does! Lawd knows I love my presses but I've watched her videos like this:blush: watching her use heat.... She does ALOT of passes on super high heat....she's *clearly* more about style then she is health.
Aphogee products worked on my hair for about two weeks and then it was like NO MORE! Where is the moisture? I thought my hair was going to literally break off in my hands when I used the Aphogee 2 step (the one that makes your hair hard). One thing that immediately stopped my breakage was using Olive Oil as a prepoo. Overall, I realized that what my hair needed more than anything was moisture, easy on the protein.

And yes, forget the blow dryer and flat iron! I don't know the last time I used my blow dryer and I only flat iron my roots as necessary. The rollerwrap helps smooth the ends.