I am expecting great things!!



By next year, I expect to be beyond brastrap length. I have incorporated a hair care regimen that requires minimum maintenance, especially for this winter season. I am reducing my amount of combing my hair to once a week and washing to twice a week. My main styles this winter will be two strand twists dry or wet, clipped up in clawclamp, with the ends tucked under. I will pre-poo my hair, then WET it (not shampoo or CON wash) my hair after unraveling the two strands (left in for about 4 days). I will then place the hair in a twisty bun and use the same technique as described above for my bun. On Fridays, I will then shampoo or CON wash my hair ,comb, then start this process all over again. What are you ladies expecting and how do you plan on acheiving your goal(s)?

ETA: While my hair is in this protective style, it will be loaded with my homemade tea and WGO for moisture. I am also eating and drinking better!
It sounds like you will be getting what you are expecting!

I just ordered some henna and I'm waiting for that. I will try to henna 2x per month. Cowash 2x per week while in plaits, moisturize like crazy and bun until the next wash. Very simple but still looking for serious results/growth.

Best of luck to you!!!!!!
I love your twist. They look really nice clipped up. I think you will achieve your goal easy. I will try working with rollersets and clipping the hair up to protect my ends.
I am in a wedding in May 2007, and would like to have 2 more inches by then (about 8 inches of hair).

I am still working on a plan (and I posted about it) **bumped for suggestions**

Henna every 6 - 8 weeks for protein/moisture balance
Shampoo more frequently - 2x per week (??? product)
Pre poo w/ oil 1x per week
Deep condition 1x per week w/ oil and conditioner
Use a good moisturizer and seal ends nightly
Continue to work out 3x per week for overall health (and hair :) )
I will wear box braids, cornrows, or flat twists from time to time (my twist look busted after washing them).

I expect great things :) ......
Jadacrys said:
I am in a wedding in May 2007, and would like to have 2 more inches by then (about 8 inches of hair).

I am still working on a plan (and I posted about it) **bumped for suggestions**

Henna every 6 - 8 weeks for protein/moisture balance
Shampoo more frequently - 2x per week (??? product)
Pre poo w/ oil 1x per week
Deep condition 1x per week w/ oil and conditioner
Use a good moisturizer and seal ends nightly
Continue to work out 3x per week for overall health (and hair :) )
I will wear box braids, cornrows, or flat twists from time to time (my twist look busted after washing them).

I expect great things :) ......

Hey! My twists look busted a day after! :lol: This is another reason why I am pinning them up. Do you do your own box braids?
Yes :) Forever to put them in, and forever to take them out, but OH so convenient when you are on the go :)

For some reason, I seem to be able to wash those and they look ok. I also try to do medium sized (not too small, and not too big so they won't last) so I won't break off my hair trying to take them aloose.

The pinning sounds like an awesome idea. I am going to try that!! I will have to use several pins, cause my hair won't go back in one yet.

I am looking out for the great things to come to pass with your beautiful hair. I'm cheering you on....
Bubln-my protective style mimic yours- I also am going to wearing twists in a bun/knot or twisted into a clip.

I will prepoo w/condish and oil
Poo w/Elucence MB or clarifying
Deep condition w/Elucence or DPR mixed w/honey or olive oil
Twist w/some heavy butter
Spritz my hair daily w/water and conditioner
At night I will baggy my ends w/spritz, cream, and oil sealant.
Also, I will apply jojoba mixed w/rosemary and lavendar eo to my scalp evey other day.
I will wash 1x per week

I expect to be APL by the end of 2007
I will be continuing to wash and rollset twice weekly, all oil my hair daily, deep condition twice a week, this has been working for me.
I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing for the most part. I might cut down to washing only twice a week because I air dry and I hate going out with wet hair so much.

I'll keep my hair up in buns and French twists, with either hair pins or big claw clips to secure them. I'm trying to make myself use slightly less butter on my hair because I know I am weighing it down to much (I am VERY heavy handed) and my hair looks stringy. I washed my hair last night with Alterna's Hemp Hydrate shampoo and conditioner and then used a small amount of Humectress as a leave in (about half of what I usually use) and a small amount of avocado butter to seal it. My hair is so full, yet silky, this morning! I have to remember less is more!

I plan to decide on a flat iron this month and actually flat iron my hair within the next two months. I'll get a trim then and find out how long my hair has actually grown.
I'm so fickle when it comes to setting a regimen....so we'll see how long this lasts.

For now I'm washing once weekly with Queen Helene unscented garlic shampoo and deep conditioning with Motions after shampoo at home conditioner. Use MTG or sulfur 8 or Glover's Mane or combo on scalp. Roller set on wash day. Soft bonnet dryer for about 30 mins, airdry the rest of the way. Wear the roller set down for as many days as the curls stay at neck length. Once they begin to droop and come into contact with clothing I'll pin hair into a curly updo.

Moisturize when necessary with NTM silk touch leave in and oil ends with Surge Lotion Motion #9.

If I'm being lazy...nix the roller set...a bun it is!!! If bunning, then I'll spray it daily with my moisture concoction with scurl no drip and water as the base ingredients.

No trims...only seek and destroy split ends myself.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
By next year, I expect to be beyond brastrap length. I have incorporated a hair care regimen that requires minimum maintenance, especially for this winter season. I am reducing my amount of combing my hair to once a week and washing to twice a week. My main styles this winter will be two strand twists dry or wet, clipped up in clawclamp, with the ends tucked under. I will pre-poo my hair, then WET it (not shampoo or CON wash) my hair after unraveling the two strands (left in for about 4 days). I will then place the hair in a twisty bun and use the same technique as described above for my bun. On Fridays, I will then shampoo or CON wash my hair ,comb, then start this process all over again. What are you ladies expecting and how do you plan on acheiving your goal(s)?

ETA: While my hair is in this protective style, it will be loaded with my homemade tea and WGO for moisture. I am also eating and drinking better!

Your hair is so beautiful!!!! Right now my biggest concern is making my hair stronger and finding the right products. I am 2 1/2 mos post and I am finding it harder and harder to manage my hair. Luckily I work nights at the hospital so I wear my hair up all the time. I thought that was going to be hard but I think it has done wonders for my hair and help me to retain length. Hopefully by this time next year I will be creeping towards bra strap. As for you good luck and you will make it there in no time:D
I just had my mom trim my hair and I've been thinking about doing some things differently in order to achieve my goals of having armpit length hair (stretched) soon...

I'll be moisturizing 1-2 times a day.
I'll be washing and conditioning and detangling my hair only once every 1-2 weeks.
I'll be wearing my hair in its unstretched state most of the time.
No dry combing...even though it's not difficult for me to dry comb and I like combing out my dry hair, I'm going to avoid doing it for a long while.
At night, put my hair into two Minnie Mouse puffs.
That's it. I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. :)
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Bublnbrnsuga said:
By next year, I expect to be beyond brastrap length. I have incorporated a hair care regimen that requires minimum maintenance, especially for this winter season. I am reducing my amount of combing my hair to once a week and washing to twice a week. My main styles this winter will be two strand twists dry or wet, clipped up in clawclamp, with the ends tucked under. I will pre-poo my hair, then WET it (not shampoo or CON wash) my hair after unraveling the two strands (left in for about 4 days). I will then place the hair in a twisty bun and use the same technique as described above for my bun. On Fridays, I will then shampoo or CON wash my hair ,comb, then start this process all over again. What are you ladies expecting and how do you plan on acheiving your goal(s)?

ETA: While my hair is in this protective style, it will be loaded with my homemade tea and WGO for moisture. I am also eating and drinking better!

I will continue to baggy my hair every night, co wash once a week until ng start coming in then I will up it to 2x a week, deep condition once a week..I will continue this until I accomplish my ultimate goal which is midback.:)
I'm expecting a lot from my hair too for 2007. Right now I'm wearing braids; after I take them out (1 week from now), I will put twisties in my hair (w/ extentions) and wear them for all of November and December (I'm on the hide your hair until xmas challenge).

During December and January I will be:
washing 2x a week (1 day co-wash, 1 day shampoo)
deep conditioning 1x a week (when I shampoo)
wearing rollersets and my lacefront.

At the end of January and so forth, I will be wearing weaves. Keeping them in for about 2 months, washing 1x a week or every other week, deep conditioning, and keeping my hair hidden pretty much. I will be relaxing every 12-16 weeks.
Hey, your hair is so beautiful. It's amazing that I have been stalking your album for almost three years :shocked: I wouldn't be surprised if you make BSL really soon :clap: