Long story short - I took my cornrows out, and experienced some prety intense matting in the back of my head (interestingly, not in the front - more on that later). Now that my braids are out - every time I touch my hair several strands are coming out - and longer strands (like 6 inches) at that. Some background - I have had weaves for the past year, but I didnt take care of my hair underneath, so naturally I expected breakage of this proportion. However, with the cornrows I just took out, I did a pretty good job of taking care of my hair - and the breakage seems even worse! As far as the matting in the back vs. the front: I noticed that the braids in the front were MUCH smaller in the front - maybe in washing I was able to dislodge more of the buildup? Anyway, I'm rambling - does anyone know of any products that will stop breakage immediately? I am about to have some kind of breakdown - and it's Christmas Eve.