
Magical Mythical Princess

As most of the ladies who know me on here know, I love Hairveda products and have been using them as my staples for years. I was a former product junkie that still loved to try new stuff, but always come back to Hairveda because my hair thrives on the products and just loves them!

Anyways, BJ the owner contacted me a few months ago and asked if I would mind being a feature to share my story of how her prods and protective styling helped me recover my hair from a setback. I was thrilled! I have written her many letters over the years and shared my pictures with her to show her my progress. I am so happy that she asked me to be part of a more formal testimonial for her site.

As I type this thread I am sitting here with a head full of their Strinillah deep conditioner. Lol!

Anyways, check out the feature and let me know what you think. ;)
CONGRATS! They mentioned you on twitter! I'm happy for you!

*off to be nosey in your link*

ETA: fantastic! Have you used the Whipped Creme ends? Do you use the oils too or just the Busy Izzy? Your hair looks so sleek and pretty! Beautiful :)
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havilland that is a great story and because of you I want to try the leave in and moisturizer. I haven't looked into their products in a while but I remember everyone loving the Sitranilla conditioner. Only thing I saw was a small typo "20013 Transition ". Ask them to fix that and its flawless perfection!!

Congrats again and I'm off to stalk their product line!
That's awesome, congratulations, I'm very happy for. Hairveda are on my to try list, I've read some great reviews about the products. I hope you got some freebies lol.
You're famous! :yay:

Great job, chica. Your hair is fab. I wish they allowed comments so we could blow you up :lol:
CONGRATS! They mentioned you on twitter! I'm happy for you!

*off to be nosey in your link*

ETA: fantastic! Have you used the Whipped Creme ends? Do you use the oils too or just the Busy Izzy? Your hair looks so sleek and pretty! Beautiful :)

I have used the oils and the whipped cream. I liked the cocasta oil alot, but I mix my own almond and olive oil with hot six oil and add peppermint and other essentials. I like my own mix better. I have all her oils in stock though in my cabinet and use them when I run low or want a change. The Cocasta is my fav oil of theirs. I use it for hot oil treatments sometime, but I don't do hot oil treatments that much anymore, so though it isn't something i use on a regular, I could recommend it. It's a heavy oil so if your hair isn't fine like mine you could use it as a sealant.

I didn't like the whipped clouds. I used up the bottle I bought on my son. It just sat on my hair. I never figured out a way to use it and make it work for me. I attribute that to my hair being so fine. There are plenty of ladies who love that stuff though, so I dont think its a bad product. Just not great for me. Once I'm fully natural I may revisit it.

Yes I Love hairveda, too. I've only use the DC, Meti Satvi, Whipped creme Ends, HydraSilica Tea Mist, Whipped green tea butter and Cocosta oil. All have had success in my hair. My fave is the spray mist, though.

Congrats again. Your hair is beautiful, BTW.
i remember wantin to try them a few years ago..but they were always always sold out of products :/ so i passed, lol. Congrats, your hair is so pretty!!.

Yes I Love hairveda, too. I've only use the DC, Meti Satvi, Whipped creme Ends, HydraSilica Tea Mist, Whipped green tea butter and Cocosta oil. All have had success in my hair. My fave is the spray mist, though.

Congrats again. Your hair is beautiful, BTW.

How do u use the meti satvi tea? I was thinking of trying it to replace my aphogee two step treatment.
i remember wantin to try them a few years ago..but they were always always sold out of products :/ so i passed, lol. Congrats, your hair is so pretty!!.

Omg. Are u kidding me? YOU are one of my hair idols! Thank u so much for the compliment. :)
Great story. Congratulations to you, and get us a lhcf discount lol. I recently ordered the sitrinillah so now you know it's gonna bump the line as soon as it gets here lol. I have always drooled over your hair from the transitioning without the BC thread.
Thats great OP!!

Is this the same line that caused a stir because the formulation was changed or something like that? I wanna try regardless.
