I am a "Bad Girl"


New Member
I want to thank you all for the help you have given me. I can actually see that my hard work is paying off. I decided not to wear my hair in a bun, so I flat ironed it out and went to go see my sister. Now keep in mind, my hair is only shoulder length. She says to me, ummm ______ is that all your hair?:ohwell: I was like yep, she said oh, are you sure you dont have a few tracks back there? NOPE ! I told her to feel it. She said wow it looks nice, just like a nappy weave:look: I was like okay.... But she was like not in a bad way, its just really textured:D . Alright, that is what I want to hear.

So thank you all.

P.S. Oh yeah, let me tell on myself and ask a question too.

I washed, conditioned, applied leave ins and chi silk infusion....then I got out the BLOW DRYER....and FLAT IRON:lol:

But my hair felt amazing, so my question is...Is it okay to blowdry and flat iron once a week with a good heat protectant (and yes I did go overboard, but I don't mind the coated hair feeling):cool:
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loreal99 said:
But my hair felt amazing, so my question is...Is it okay to blowdry and flat iron once a week with a good heat protectant (and yes I did go overboard, but I don't mind the coated hair feeling):cool:

As long as your settings are not too high and you're using heat protectant (which you are), I don't see a problem.

ETA: I'm guessing you're natural, so maybe once every couple weeks or something might be good at first.
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loreal99 said:
Hi Dionne,

I've been around, I have seen your fotki...your hair looks great.

I am fully relaxed.
Thanks girl. Im still waiting to see your pics, don't think I forgot :spank:
loreal99 said:
Dionne now see I thought you forgot:look: .

As soon as I find a decent (aka cheap) digi camera, then I will.

Okay, im sure your hair is gorgeous...can't wait to see it. You know how excited/anxious we get about pictures around here.
loreal99 said:
I want to thank you all for the help you have given me. I can actually see that my hard work is paying off. I decided not to wear my hair in a bun, so I flat ironed it out and went to go see my sister. Now keep in mind, my hair is only shoulder length. She says to me, ummm Loreal is that all your hair?:ohwell: I was like yep, she said oh, are you sure you dont have a few tracks back there? NOPE ! I told her to feel it. She said wow it looks nice, just like a nappy weave:look: I was like okay.... But she was like not in a bad way, its just really textured:D . Alright, that is what I want to hear.

So thank you all.

P.S. Oh yeah, let me tell on myself and ask a question too.

I washed, conditioned, applied leave ins and chi silk infusion....then I got out the BLOW DRYER....and FLAT IRON:lol:

But my hair felt amazing, so my question is...Is it okay to blowdry and flat iron once a week with a good heat protectant (and yes I did go overboard, but I don't mind the coated hair feeling):cool:

Sounds like your doing great with your hair regimen! Congrats on that and I can't wait to see your pics! I personally don't think it's a good idea to use so much heat weekly. It will damage your hair eventually, especially the BLOWFRYER I mean Blowdryer. If you want to have a sleek straight style then I suggest that you rollerset your hair, that will give you the sleek style that you desire with indirect heat rather than direct heat that you get from blowdrying. If you feel that your hair isn't as straight as you want after rollersettting, then you can go over it with a flat iron...I just don't recommend blowdrying then flat ironing, that's very damaging. If you look at all the FOTM with BSL to WL hair you'll notice that a large majority of them rollerset their hair to get that straight look. Good luck!
Okay, no more blow drying....:nono: I dont know how to roller set. My hair doing skills are the pits. I just perfected my bun and that was on accident.:lol: I guess I will go back to what I have been doing...

Loreal, you don't have to completely eliminate blow drying, just cut down on it. Maybe do it twice a month or so until you master rollersetting.