I Am 2 Years Post Today!! (Pictures)


Well-Known Member

2 years ago today I made the decision to transition to natural and I am almost there! I never predicted that my transition would last this long, however, I have come to find out that I have more patience than I thought. Here are some photos of the current state of my hair:

Damp No Product:



Straightened @ my BFA Graduation Dinner:


Bantu Knot-Out:

:band2::band: Hooray for me!!!!!!!
Good job, Nerd. :dance7:

I was starting to get :sad: seeing all the big-chop threads :lol:

We are nearly at the same place in our transitions - I'm 2 years, 3 months post, presently.

When do you plan on ending your transition?
Beautiful hair! Girl, when you gonna let those curls SHINE on their own? lol! I transitioned for about 12 weeks! lol! My sister is approaching 1 year transitioning next month. You ladies have so much patience and endurance!
You have some SERIOUS patience! :lachen:

I'm trying to grow out some heat damage, and it's only been two months and I'm eye-balling my scissors! Wow! Great progress! I'm going to come back to this page when I feel like cutting.
Nerd., your new growth is pretty. Your ends... :look: ...er :crazy: scary. :lol: Good thing though about holding onto relaxed ends, is your new growth is kinda protected--as long as you don't wait till the relaxed ends break off on their own--coz that leads to raggedy ends. As long as you do the BC using a sharp pair of scissors, you should be left with long, strong strands of healthy natural hair.
I'm in awe. I tried for ten months. Got tired of the two textures and texlaxed.

Your hair is beautiful. Congrats!!!!

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
Wow, you have done a great job! It has been a hard year of transitioning. I can only hope that I can make it as long as you.
Oh hey, thanks for all the kind words everyone!
I honestly have no idea when I will BC. I feel like at this point I'm just stalling.

Don't get me wrong, I am more than ready to grab my scissors and start snipping away. However, I know that I'll have to go to a professional to get it evened up afterward and THAT is what I'm nervous about.

My nape is already natural. It's the top and crown that have a lot of relaxed ends left. Yes, the relaxed ends are pretty scary. They've pretty much surrendered and broken off along the way, despite my attempts to save them.

It always seems like the 2 years mark is when long transitioners start to consider calling it quits :lol: After today, it will definitely be on my mind...

sipp100 Congratulations on your long transition as well! It looks like your doing a great job. And I wish my other fellow transitioners a successful journey! Hang in there
2 years? Good for you! I lasted 17 months and got tired of hiding the super thin ends.

Don't be scared to BC, it will be ok :yep:
Congratulations! Looking forward to being where you are, currently 16 months post. Love your hair curly and straight.