I always heard Bynum was a false prophet but now Craig Lewis says it too!

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Just a bit from his blog.

Jezebel's Finest Hour

WARNING: EX Ministries and G. Craige Lewis is against all forms of abuse by men and women. Verbal, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse are of the devil and we stand against it all. The following blog is not an endorsement of any form of abuse towards women, but in fact, an expose of how one form of abuse leads to others. Please read with caution so that you will not feel that we are siding with anyone that abuses women but we are against all forms of it whether it be spiritual, verbal, or physical.

Ok, where do I start.

As if the body of Christ needs more silly drama played out before the world, now things are just getting out of hand. We are seeing the end of all things and the false prophets exposed for who they are and yet the silly women (and men) that follow them are charged up and ready to defend the foolishness of their celebrity heroes! Why are they ready to follow this foolishness wherever it may take them? Because the bible said they would! 2 Timothy 4:3 says, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; In other words, they will heap upon themselves teachers that will give them drama and entertainment so they can forget about their own state and live out their fantasies and dreams through these false prophets and story telling preachers.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about false prophetess Bynum and her circus of a ministry that has so many silly women fooled it is ridiculous. This women has spread her witchcraft all over the body of Christ and has used her Jezebel anointing to conjure up a demonic influence that has put her on every major platform that our so called church has. She has bewildered the effeminate Bishops and manipulated the minds of silly women to put herself up and basically do whatever she wants without being challenged by any of the so called "leaders" of the body of Christ. But I got news for you. Those that lead her don't lead me! Those that are bewildered and under her Jezebel spell don't speak for me. I believe in the bible and I believe in Jesus. I don't submit to Jezebel and I will never allow her witchcraft to put me under. But so many have it makes me sad. Let's look at how this all started and where it is now and you will get a good understanding of why it is now.

Wow, I would'nt be surprise because everything is coming to light. We are now being shone who the false prophets are, and it involves pastors that we thought was righteous with their ways but God is exposing everyone now.....
I believe so too. I was just on lipstickalley and it kind of made me face a hard truth, most of hollywood is corrupted. No morals, nothing.

It is a real eye opener.

I remember this girl saying that in the early 90's she was involved in a seance with Puffy, well almost and that is why he is so famous.

All of this stuff just goes to prove what I've been gathering knowledge about over the years. Hollywood is messed up and the mega churches really aren't focusing on the whole Word of God.

It's so deep I don't know if I can tell it all.
I believe so too. I was just on lipstickalley and it kind of made me face a hard truth, most of hollywood is corrupted. No morals, nothing.

It is a real eye opener.

I remember this girl saying that in the early 90's she was involved in a seance with Puffy, well almost and that is why he is so famous.

All of this stuff just goes to prove what I've been gathering knowledge about over the years. Hollywood is messed up and the mega churches really aren't focusing on the whole Word of God.

It's so deep I don't know if I can tell it all.

I'm sure you would if you could:ohwell:
Angels be very mindful of the word 'deep'. Also be mindful of Craig Lewis. He's not as knowledgeable as he boasts to be.

YES, Juanita has been caught up in many aspects of the world. AND yes, much as changed, but one thing about her has never changed and that is the purpose that God has for her for HIS glory...not Craig Lewis nor any other mouth in profile.

Craig Lewis will eat much of his words for instead of telling the 'truth' about Juanita Bynum, he has instead voiced his anger and venom towards her.

If you want to go deep go deep into 'what saith the Lord, not Lewis! See what God has to say and allow HIM and HIM only to pull back the veil and show you the real truth.

Don't you see what satan is doing? He is strategically getting the Body off of what God is truly doing. If he (satan) can get us focused on the errors of God's vessels, he's won. satan has won the act of distraction so that when God does (and HE WILL) speak a given word, 'we' will not be able to receive it, for we have turned our hearts away from hearing.

Are we to yield and accept the spirit of 'mammon' that has come so sleasily into the Body of Christ? NO! We simply do not participate in it. But when a word is coming forth from one such as Juanita Bynum, we better listen and allow God to sift the chaff from the wheat. To separate the the truth from deceptions. WE NEED EXPOSURE TO BOTH or else we will 'swallow' any and everthing that comes into our ears.

How can one 'discern' if we don't have a comparison or a differential? If all stays on one level, we will never be 'aware' of all that's out there.

I 'know' spirits. Many of us do. We are surrounded each day with many 'voices' and it takes a 'trained ear' and spirit to discerned between all we hear. Don't ever take the word of any man, word for word as total truth. Take only that of God's and nothing less.

Juanita Bynum is NOT Jezebel. Although she has been influenced and taken on 'worldly' methods, she is still NOT Jezebel. I don't condone many of what I have seen and heard, but I do have sense enough not to feed into it. Receive and rightly divide the word of truth with the leading of the Holy Spirit, but do not write Juanita Bynum off as a false phophet or a Jezebel.

I 'know' the spirit of witchcraft. It's not hard to define nor be aware of; neither is it anything to fear for it is NOT God and neither can it be God; it bears no strength of it's own to come against us. THEREFORE, take heed to what you hear and read about who is/who is not a false prophet.

Read Craig Lewis and you can see that there is a true spirit of witchcraft behind what he has written. This is a man who has a strong ought against women and he makes no secret of it. He has taken the human errors of Juanita Bynum completely out of proportion.

Let God lead you. This man Craig is NOT deep. He's angry and not just with Juanita Bynum but all women.

Question: Is this is a man who states: " he is against abuse of ALL kinds, including that of VERBAL abuse? Yet he verbally abuses Juanita Bynum throughout his message from the very beginning. His prayer at the end, doesn't mend what he said. For from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks....

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G. Craig Lewis is just one of those people who likes to put his mouth on everybody. And that is so annoying.

Have you ever thought about it? He has something to say about EVERYBODY. And all he ever does is talk about people that he has probably never met!

That's kind of how he got famous. If you think about it, he seems like nothing more than an opportunist.
Oh ok, I don't know who Lewis is, so I didn't know that he talks like that about people, but I'm still suspious(sp?) about everyone who claims to do God's work, people that are wolves in sheep's clothing. Benny Hinn comes to mind....
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G. Craig Lewis is just one of those people who likes to put his mouth on everybody. And that is so annoying.

Have you ever thought about it? He has something to say about EVERYBODY. And all he ever does is talk about people that he has probably never met!

That's kind of how he got famous. If you think about it, he seems like nothing more than an opportunist.
Thank you for posting this Ajoyfuljoy... :kiss:

I never heard of this man until this very same blog of his was posted on the Off Topic forum last week. He needs to be careful about his comments regarding Juanita. He took it too far. :nono:
You know, I am going to focus on building up my relationship with God more. Reading the word and so forth. You don't know who to trust that is why Christians really need to rely on the holy spirit. Prayer, fasting, reading the Word, you need that to get through because it is no joke out here.

I mean LSA was a real eye opener. I mean, I don't know if all of it is true but I wouldn't put it past people in Hollywood. It's sad. I think as Christians we need to pray for these people.
You know, I am going to focus on building up my relationship with God more. Reading the word and so forth. You don't know who to trust that is why Christians really need to rely on the holy spirit. Prayer, fasting, reading the Word, you need that to get through because it is no joke out here.

I mean LSA was a real eye opener. I mean, I don't know if all of it is true but I wouldn't put it past people in Hollywood. It's sad. I think as Christians we need to pray for these people.

This is what we are called to do as MINISTERS OF RECONCILIATION (2 Corinthians 5: 17-21)

Thank you, chica for saying this.
You know, I am going to focus on building up my relationship with God more. Reading the word and so forth. You don't know who to trust that is why Christians really need to rely on the holy spirit. Prayer, fasting, reading the Word, you need that to get through because it is no joke out here.

I mean LSA was a real eye opener. I mean, I don't know if all of it is true but I wouldn't put it past people in Hollywood. It's sad. I think as Christians we need to pray for these people.
First, thank you, thank you, thank you. :amen:

I totally agree with you about this. We "DO" need to be more focused on our personal relationship with God. We have to know the Holy Spirit when HE speaks and not man or ourselves.

Question: What or Who is LSA? Thanks for sharing.
Oh ok, I don't know who Lewis is, so I didn't know that he talks like that about people, but I'm still suspious(sp?) about everyone who claims to do God's work, people that are wolves in sheep's clothing. Benny Hinn comes to mind....
Yes, we definitely need to be 'aware'. God tells us to 'try the Spirits, to see if they be of God.

We have to keep in mind, that these men and women are STILL human vessels and still subject to the 'Flesh' and the cares of this world.

Think about this. While they still preach and teach faith, they still have the cares of maintaiing both ministry and their personal lives and family. It's a high calling and responsibility. Yet the pressures and coping skills of those, will lead them into drastic measures and it's easy for them to become prone to the cares of this world and be tempted and influenced and taken in by the spirit of mammon (love of money).

Many are not wolves, per say, but are definitely caught up in going outside of the faith they teach and yielding to the world's methods of survival.

I'm not saying that there are not 'wolves' out among us; for there are wolves and there are many, as well as witches and false prophets. But for the most part, we are dealing with many, many ministers who are under too much pressure to stay above ground and they lean upon 'Flesh' and not upon Faith. Hence we see so much of the gimmicks, and pressures to obtain offerings beyond what God has called his people to give.

So be aware, prayerfully aware and be lead of the Holy Spirit, not man.
First, thank you, thank you, thank you. :amen:

I totally agree with you about this. We "DO" need to be more focused on our personal relationship with God. We have to know the Holy Spirit when HE speaks and not man or ourselves.

Question: What or Who is LSA? Thanks for sharing.

Lip Stick Alley. Very secular forum but it did shed alot on Hollywood life and what people will do for fame, money, etc is so sad.
Lip Stick Alley. Very secular forum but it did shed alot on Hollywood life and what people will do for fame, money, etc is so sad.
Thanks angel. :grouphug: Hollywood has always been that way. It's just sadder that it's come into the Church where it doesn't belong. There are so many compromises which should not be. :nono:

All the more reason for us to set in with Jesus and knowing His word inside/out and believing His word without a doubt, or compromise.

Blessings to you Chica, thanks again for sharing...:giveheart:
Just a bit from his blog.

Jezebel's Finest Hour

WARNING: EX Ministries and G. Craige Lewis is against all forms of abuse by men and women. Verbal, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse are of the devil and we stand against it all. The following blog is not an endorsement of any form of abuse towards women, but in fact, an expose of how one form of abuse leads to others. Please read with caution so that you will not feel that we are siding with anyone that abuses women but we are against all forms of it whether it be spiritual, verbal, or physical.

Ok, where do I start.

As if the body of Christ needs more silly drama played out before the world, now things are just getting out of hand. We are seeing the end of all things and the false prophets exposed for who they are and yet the silly women (and men) that follow them are charged up and ready to defend the foolishness of their celebrity heroes! Why are they ready to follow this foolishness wherever it may take them? Because the bible said they would! 2 Timothy 4:3 says, For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; In other words, they will heap upon themselves teachers that will give them drama and entertainment so they can forget about their own state and live out their fantasies and dreams through these false prophets and story telling preachers.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about false prophetess Bynum and her circus of a ministry that has so many silly women fooled it is ridiculous. This women has spread her witchcraft all over the body of Christ and has used her Jezebel anointing to conjure up a demonic influence that has put her on every major platform that our so called church has. She has bewildered the effeminate Bishops and manipulated the minds of silly women to put herself up and basically do whatever she wants without being challenged by any of the so called "leaders" of the body of Christ. But I got news for you. Those that lead her don't lead me! Those that are bewildered and under her Jezebel spell don't speak for me. I believe in the bible and I believe in Jesus. I don't submit to Jezebel and I will never allow her witchcraft to put me under. But so many have it makes me sad. Let's look at how this all started and where it is now and you will get a good understanding of why it is now.


This is what stuck out to me. How many times is it necessary to call someone silly, if at all? He definitely appears to be angry at someone be it women, men , or himself. I take no heed to the words of an angry man.
This is what stuck out to me. How many times is it necessary to call someone silly, if at all? He definitely appears to be angry at someone be it women, men , or himself. I take no heed to the words of an angry man.

Amen, sister.
This is what stuck out to me. How many times is it necessary to call someone silly, if at all? He definitely appears to be angry at someone be it women, men , or himself. I take no heed to the words of an angry man.

Actually Paul said it: 2 Timothy Chapter 3, so I guess we should take no heed to Paul's words either by that same logic. Of course I'm just being silly :grin: when I say that, but was just referencing what was obvious to me why he was specifically using that term. The situation does seem to line up with that scripture. His opinion is not popular (obviously), but this is not the first time I've heard about the spirit or Jezzebel...I'm not quick to jump to conclusions anymore or simply write someone off because the person they speak out about is someone popular, but rather with an open mind and open heart, actually test the spirits and see if they be of God...
Actually Paul said it: 2 Timothy Chapter 3, so I guess we should take no heed to Paul's words either by that same logic. Of course I'm just being silly :grin: when I say that, but was just referencing what was obvious to me why he was specifically using that term. The situation does seem to line up with that scripture. His opinion is not popular (obviously), but this is not the first time I've heard about the spirit or Jezzebel...I'm not quick to jump to conclusions anymore or simply write someone off because the person they speak out about is someone popular, but rather with an open mind and open heart, actually test the spirits and see if they be of God...
True, it is a 'term' from the Bible ('silly women'). But Craig Lewis is not speaking with a Bibical heart. He is attacking from all angles. He also contradicts himself regarding his non-acceptance of abuse of any kind. Then he proceeds to verbally attack Juanita Bynum without mercy.

It's one thing to share concerns about a person, but he blatantly attacked her with all that hell allowed.

He called 'Juanita' out in such a manner so undeserving. And do you know how I know it was satan behind him? Easy. His entire message was filled with accusations and filled with venom. That wasn't God. :nono: It was satan all the way...the accuser of the brethren.

Take Care Lady K... :love2: Kiss the babies (yes, I know they're growing strong :yep:) and give our love to your precious husband whom I truly respect. I do. :kiss:
Actually Paul said it: 2 Timothy Chapter 3, so I guess we should take no heed to Paul's words either by that same logic. Of course I'm just being silly :grin: when I say that, but was just referencing what was obvious to me why he was specifically using that term.
The situation does seem to line up with that scripture.

It looks like he possibly could have been referencing 2 Timothy 3:6 but at the end of the day, I still think it was overkill. Some things just don't gel with my spirit. And his delivery didn't.

His opinion is not popular (obviously), but this is not the first time I've heard about the spirit or Jezzebel...

Yep, the Jezebel spirit exists and is residing in a lot more of us then we know.

I'm not quick to jump to conclusions anymore or simply write someone off because the person they speak out about is someone popular, but rather with an open mind and open heart, actually test the spirits and see if they be of God...

For me, it's more about her being a sister in Christ than her being popular. Had he been speaking about Pastor Tamara who has service on the corner of 125th and Adam Clayton Powell, I would have said the same thing. I follow THE MAN, not the man. Although...No More Sheets was EXCELLENT! :yep: Oh yeah, and what would I do without Morning Glory...:grin:
For me, it's more about her being a sister in Christ than her being popular.

Had he been speaking about Pastor Tamara who has service on the corner of 125th and Adam Clayton Powell, I would have said the same thing. I follow THE MAN, not the man. Although...No More Sheets was EXCELLENT! :yep:

Oh yeah, and what would I do without Morning Glory...:grin:
You're so right about this above, it is indeed more about her being a sister. Beautifully shared. :giveheart:

Oh yes! and "Peace" and don't forget 'Shake Us Again'.... Her ministry still carry God's annointing, Mocha, it truly does.

Here's the thing, God will flow through a 'yielded' vessel. No one can take that away from Juanita. She is indeed a 'yielded vessel' unto the Lord. Imperfect ... but of course. We all are. Yet, still yielded and she is and she always will be.

Getting beat up doesn't constitute a riot against her. :nono: I'll say it again...Craig Lewis is wrong!

I'll say my own 'Amen' to that... :amen: :amen: :amen:
You're so right about this above, it is indeed more about her being a sister. Beautifully shared. :giveheart:

Oh yes! and "Peace" and don't forget 'Shake Us Again'.... Her ministry still carry God's annointing, Mocha, it truly does.

Here's the thing, God will flow through a 'yielded' vessel. No one can take that away from Juanita. She is indeed a 'yielded vessel' unto the Lord. Imperfect ... but of course. We all are. Yet, still yielded and she is and she always will be.

Getting beat up doesn't constitute a riot against her. :nono: I'll say it again...Craig Lewis is wrong!

I'll say my own 'Amen' to that... :amen: :amen: :amen:

:yep: I was speaking of the entire cd when I said "Morning Glory." Talking about annointed. WHEW!!!! Just a few chords and I feel God's presence immediately and I can't stop weeping. :yep: Our Father definitely used her on that one.

Yeah, unfortunately, it almost sounds like he's leading a witch hunt.
:yep: I was speaking of the entire cd when I said "Morning Glory." Talking about annointed. WHEW!!!! Just a few chords and I feel God's presence immediately and I can't stop weeping. :yep: Our Father definitely used her on that one.

Yeah, unfortunately, it almost sounds like he's leading a witch hunt.

I have gotta get that cd!!!
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see anywhere where he called her out of her name, cursed, or lied. He's simply giving an alternative perspective on a situation. If you read the entire blog without taking it personal (I mean none of us even really 'know this woman yet we're defending her like she's our momma:look:) and pretend for a second that she's not a popular and charismatic black female preacher than many are 'fans' of, and you will see, especially with the way the events are unfolding, that there does appear to be some truth to what he's saying. I mean, read his blog entry, and then LOOK at what's happening. Unfortunately it appears he was right as far as what would happen next:nono:
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see anywhere where he called her out of her name, cursed, or lied. He's simply giving an alternative perspective on a situation. If you read the entire blog without taking it personal (I mean none of us even really 'know this woman yet we're defending her like she's our momma:look:) and pretend for a second that she's not a popular and charismatic black female preacher than many are 'fans' of, and you will see, especially with the way the events are unfolding, that there does appear to be some truth to what he's saying. I mean, read his blog entry, and then LOOK at what's happening. Unfortunately it appears he was right as far as what would happen next:nono:

:look: I'm done with this topic.
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see anywhere where he called her out of her name, cursed, or lied. He's simply giving an alternative perspective on a situation.

If you read the entire blog without taking it personal (I mean none of us even really 'know this woman yet we're defending her like she's our momma:look:) and pretend for a second that she's not a popular and charismatic black female preacher than many are 'fans' of, and you will see, especially with the way the events are unfolding, that there does appear to be some truth to what he's saying.

I mean, read his blog entry, and then LOOK at what's happening. Unfortunately it appears he was right as far as what would happen next:nono:
"K". if this man were speaking this harshly about you, I wouldn't hesitate to just in and defend you as well. It's not about being a 'fan' for the only person I regard as such is Jesus Christ, my true Hero. But it's about someone that I care about and see as my 'Sister in Christ'...not my momma.

You and I have disagreed on much and I'm sure we will continue, but it has not changed my heart about you as woman who loves God. And so I feel towards Juanita Bynum.

This man is on a witch hunt but he will be proven wrong regarding much of what he has grand slammed against Juanita Bynum. Juanita is still a woman of God. Whatever she done in error, God will deal with her, but He is also going to use her continuously, for she is still yet, His appointed and annointed. Did not King David go off track...he murdered, he lied, he connived, plotted and executed an innocent life to cover his sin of adultery. Yet God still used him.

What grieves me is the 'sudden' attack that the Body of Christ is putting against Juanita, and 'agreeing' with the 'accuser' satan, himself, via men and women who are yielded to such.

I agree that God is doing much to 'shake' and uncover much to awaken the Church, but satan has his hand in this as well; for he is using division among Christians with yet another sensitive occurence.

Craig Lewis is not being used of God, but he will indeed be dealt with by God. For he is spewing venom, poison and mayhem into an already tragic situation. Juanita is being mis-judged in character. Granted she may be caught up in some worldly schemes, but God is going to shake it out of her and man others whom He loves too much to let go of.

"K", if it were you, I'd defend you too...Yes indeed I would. No matter what was said or who said it. :giveheart:
"K". if this man were speaking this harshly about you, I wouldn't hesitate to just in and defend you as well. It's not about being a 'fan' for the only person I regard as such is Jesus Christ, my true Hero. But it's about someone that I care about and see as my 'Sister in Christ'...not my momma.

You and I have disagreed on much and I'm sure we will continue, but it has not changed my heart about you as woman who loves God. And so I feel towards Juanita Bynum.

This man is on a witch hunt but he will be proven wrong regarding much of what he has grand slammed against Juanita Bynum. Juanita is still a woman of God. Whatever she done in error, God will deal with her, but He is also going to use her continuously, for she is still yet, His appointed and annointed. Did not King David go off track...he murdered, he lied, he connived, plotted and executed an innocent life to cover his sin of adultery. Yet God still used him.

What grieves me is the 'sudden' attack that the Body of Christ is putting against Juanita, and 'agreeing' with the 'accuser' satan, himself, via men and women who are yielded to such.

I agree that God is doing much to 'shake' and uncover much to awaken the Church, but satan has his hand in this as well; for he is using division among Christians with yet another sensitive occurence.

Craig Lewis is not being used of God, but he will indeed be dealt with by God. For he is spewing venom, poison and mayhem into an already tragic situation. Juanita is being mis-judged in character. Granted she may be caught up in some worldly schemes, but God is going to shake it out of her and man others whom He loves too much to let go of.

"K", if it were you, I'd defend you too...Yes indeed I would. No matter what was said or who said it. :giveheart:

You're one groovy lady Ms Shimmie.:yep: Actually I may need that defense soon lol as I've been accused of falsifying my weight loss results by fellow brothers and sisters no less:nono:. If I said I lost 35lbs in 3 weeks, sure I'd understand the skeptisim, but over 7 months (well 8 at this point, I plataeued for a second lol) is hardly an "unbelieveable claim". That's an average of 1lb a week. Slow healthy weight loss. I had some large spurts in between yes, but still it's not some outlandish claim!

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I do appreciate your kind words. You made an excellent point on King David. I will think on that.:yep:
Oh ok, I don't know who Lewis is, so I didn't know that he talks like that about people, but I'm still suspious(sp?) about everyone who claims to do God's work, people that are wolves in sheep's clothing. Benny Hinn comes to mind....


I have my reservations about following "folks"; aferall they are all human and capable of all types of "antics".

Follow the intent of the word and your heart, be careful and mindful of messengers....and .... your heart!
You're one groovy lady Ms Shimmie.:yep: Actually I may need that defense soon lol as I've been accused of falsifying my weight loss results by fellow brothers and sisters no less:nono:. If I said I lost 35lbs in 3 weeks, sure I'd understand the skeptisim, but over 7 months (well 8 at this point, I plataeued for a second lol) is hardly an "unbelieveable claim". That's an average of 1lb a week. Slow healthy weight loss. I had some large spurts in between yes, but still it's not some outlandish claim!

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I do appreciate your kind words. You made an excellent point on King David. I will think on that.:yep:
I believe you "K" :yep: and congratulations on your successful weight loss. :woot:

I know your husband is rejoicing right along with you. :love2: He and God are all that matters and your babies.

Let those who oppose do just that...oppose, while you enjoy the blessings of a brand new wardrobe and a healthier life.

As for the tangent...no apologies necessary. You simply shared your views as we all have. This is a very sensitive situation and many feelings are being expressed. You know me well enough to know where my heart is in this.

Love and blessings, "K"... :giveheart:
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I have my reservations about following "folks"; aferall they are all human and capable of all types of "antics".

Follow the intent of the word and your heart, be careful and mindful of messengers....and .... your heart!

:Rose: Exactly. Follow your own heart, G-d "speaks" to you there. If it aint right, then go with your feeling. Ask G-d about certain people and he will show you right away.
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