I almost had to catch a case...


New Member
I almost cussed this woman in the grocery store out today.

I went with my mom to the grocery store. Now, I washed and rollerset my hair last night, but you know it's all about the protective styles. Since my hair is about an inch from shoulder length, I just clipped it up into a ponytail and hit the road. But, because my hair was freshly washed and set, it was shiny and had a cute little bend to it (Note: I went for health before length when I joined to board so my hair is EXTREMELY healthy looking).

Anyway, my mom and I were at the check-out and this **** with a braided weave of ORANGE horse hair hands me her business card for braids. I was like :rolleyes: then I was like :swearing:! My mom was killing herself laughing. I was like, I should have had a LHCF card so then maybe she wouldn't have to walk around with that orange horse hair attached to her scalp!
Maybe she just saw a black woman and assumed you or somebody you knew would like braids; which may have nothing to do with how your hair looks. She could just be promoting her business..whatever it is..lol. I would be upset if she had handed you a comb :look:

I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. I just wish I could have been there to see you go off on that chick!
You should just laugh and walk it off homegirl cause that was definitely funny....she mighta tried you.....folks don't seem to understand that when you have a profession you advertise best with the way you carry yourself- a dentist with jacked up teeth??? a Ford dealer pullin out in a Chevy??? Not saying it's wrong buuut... not convincing....ha ha ha i'm gonna be laughing at that one for a while. Just keep it growin girl! ;)
Yeah, maybe she just assume that because you were Black would be interested in Braids. But that is funny though, it is always the ones that have the jack up hair that want to work on yours.
I'd assume she was just trying to get business.
I probably wouldn't take anyone with orange hair seriously, but that's another story.
U know whats funny, I dont know how many of u have been to Harlem in the 125th area but the africans over there are usually persistent about asking people if they want their hair braided, but 2 times this week I had to go over there to hit the gym and they damn near chased me down asking me if I wanted my hair braided! Like seriously after I said no to one her friend would ask and keep asking and damn near following me yelling 'Hellooooo Hair braiding Miss?!' As if I didnt see her *ss the first time I said NO!
Anyway, my mom and I were at the check-out and this **** with a braided weave of ORANGE horse hair hands me her business card for braids. I was like :rolleyes: then I was like :swearing:! My mom was killing herself laughing. I was like, I should have had a LHCF card so then maybe she wouldn't have to walk around with that orange horse hair attached to her scalp!

Oh yeah, I've had that happen to me too. As soon as they see you walking around with your OWN hair they always ask you if you wanna get it braided, if it's natural they ask when you're gonna relax and then get it braided:rolleyes: We really need an LHCF card to go along with our 'Are you Niko's cousin' t-shirts (that I still need to order:look:).
Maybe I missed something but because she handed you a card that says she does braids that was a reason to "catch a case"? :perplexed
U know whats funny, I dont know how many of u have been to Harlem in the 125th area but the africans over there are usually persistent about asking people if they want their hair braided, but 2 times this week I had to go over there to hit the gym and they damn near chased me down asking me if I wanted my hair braided! Like seriously after I said no to one her friend would ask and keep asking and damn near following me yelling 'Hellooooo Hair braiding Miss?!' As if I didnt see her *ss the first time I said NO!
I was in the backseat of a car while riding in Harlem, I look over to my left and some lady standing in the aisle of a store is motioning braiding actions and pointing at me. I was like:perplexed
Maybe I missed something but because she handed you a card that says she does braids that was a reason to "catch a case"? :perplexed

Yes! Same thing happened to me. Girl with no edges and some crispy hair slicked into a little ponytail proceeded to follow me around a BAR after handing me her business card. Homegirl was wearing a stripper outfit and even missing a few teeth but I digress.

Anyway after politely declining stating that braids don't look good on me, she just stood there and stared at me as if I were from Pluto slowly shaking her head yes as if to say "have you seen your hair?" Mind you I was wearing a wash and go and was a little self conscious. I think its the way they come at you, not just drumming up clients but you can tell that they don't approve of your (natural) style.

The evening would have been ruined until a fine brother came up to tell me how much HE loved my natural hair. :woot:
I almost cussed this woman in the grocery store out today.

I went with my mom to the grocery store. Now, I washed and rollerset my hair last night, but you know it's all about the protective styles. Since my hair is about an inch from shoulder length, I just clipped it up into a ponytail and hit the road. But, because my hair was freshly washed and set, it was shiny and had a cute little bend to it (Note: I went for health before length when I joined to board so my hair is EXTREMELY healthy looking).

Anyway, my mom and I were at the check-out and this **** with a braided weave of ORANGE horse hair hands me her business card for braids. I was like :rolleyes: then I was like :swearing:! My mom was killing herself laughing. I was like, I should have had a LHCF card so then maybe she wouldn't have to walk around with that orange horse hair attached to her scalp!

:lachen:SP - Don't be offended by the Ignorant!!!!:lachen::lachen:

Smooches! you always make me Laugh.
Yes! Same thing happened to me. Girl with no edges and some crispy hair slicked into a little ponytail proceeded to follow me around a BAR after handing me her business card. Homegirl was wearing a stripper outfit and even missing a few teeth but I digress.

Anyway after politely declining stating that braids don't look good on me, she just stood there and stared at me as if I were from Pluto slowly shaking her head yes as if to say "have you seen your hair?" Mind you I was wearing a wash and go and was a little self conscious. I think its the way they come at you, not just drumming up clients but you can tell that they don't approve of your (natural) style.

The evening would have been ruined until a fine brother came up to tell me how much HE loved my natural hair. :woot:

:lachen:OMG! Crispy!
I don't blame her at all. In this economy everyone is trying to make a dollar. Don't hate the player, hate the game, lol
I don't think she was trying to offend. Someone gave me their braid card the day after I had fresh, still too-tight braids done. :look:
She was just tryin to get business. It didn't mean anything. I get those cards all the time, and I have pretty hair.
uhhh im with ya girl i hate them too its not the fact that they give you the card its the fact that there so dang on rude.. when they give it to you just throw it on the ground and walk away..sometimes you just got to hurt other peoples feeling back for them to get the point that they were really the rude ones first
Ooh girl I was expecting something worse from your title. At least she didn't dig her hands in your hair without asking or verbally diss your hair. Its all good. Toss her card in the trash and keep it moving. I wouldn't let someone with busted hair touch mine either.
Maybe I missed something but because she handed you a card that says she does braids that was a reason to "catch a case"? :perplexed

I'm saying. I thought somebody grabbed her ponytail or something. I would've just thrown that card out and called it a day.
U know whats funny, I dont know how many of u have been to Harlem in the 125th area but the africans over there are usually persistent about asking people if they want their hair braided, but 2 times this week I had to go over there to hit the gym and they damn near chased me down asking me if I wanted my hair braided! Like seriously after I said no to one her friend would ask and keep asking and damn near following me yelling 'Hellooooo Hair braiding Miss?!' As if I didnt see her *ss the first time I said NO!

Yes. Last summer I had a twa and I used to go to Watkins on 125 alot and they would chase me down too. Poor black with no hair. She must surely need some braids! They always like "Ready mees? Ready mees?" This one lady asked me bout 3 times within less than 5 mins and I just gave her a nasty look by the 3rd time. I had a mean mug the rest of the way for the others. I understand the hussle but it can be annoying sometimes. Another one with her hairline starting about 2 or 3 inches away from it's point of origin with the rest of hair a HAM asked my if I needed braids and all I could do is laugh. Shoot I already had edge issues and I was gonna let her put her hands in my hair? So I could look like her?:nono:
We really need an LHCF card...
[SmartyPants said:
I was like, I should have had a LHCF card...

I think this is a really good idea. LHCF is a wealth of information. It would be nice to be able to hand out cards to promote it. :yep:

Naturallycurly.com did this (gave members cards for free to promote the site) and I handed them out left and right.

I think this is a really good idea. LHCF is a wealth of information. It would be nice to be able to hand out cards to promote it. :yep:

Naturallycurly.com did this (gave members cards for free to promote the site) and I handed them out left and right.


That is so cool. It would be really great, time to contact the mods:grin:
So who do you hand the cards out to? Women with jacked up hair? All black women? :look:
We see how people get offended by people promoting a hair braiding business, who knows how others will react when given a card about a hair site.
i understand completely. One day i was rocking my puff and this lady did the same thing. i'm thinking to myself, what are you trying to say?! idk. i get offended too.
uhhh im with ya girl i hate them too its not the fact that they give you the card its the fact that there so dang on rude.. when they give it to you just throw it on the ground and walk away..sometimes you just got to hurt other peoples feeling back for them to get the point that they were really the rude ones first

Seriously, you throw it on the ground? Who is going to pick that up? Are you in the habit of throwing your trash on the ground?