i airdried my hair today and i dunon what to do with it


New Member
hey ...

i finally tried airdrying my hair today.. my last relaxer was on january 4 so i didnt have too much new growth but u can see some..Anyways... i put some leave it and some oil on my hair afterwards and now im scared to comb it.... i dunno.. im scared it will break.. should i put something on my hair again before i comb it and also... what type of comb and brush should i use
hey ...

i finally tried airdrying my hair today.. my last relaxer was on january 4 so i didnt have too much new growth but u can see some..Anyways... i put some leave it and some oil on my hair afterwards and now im scared to comb it.... i dunno.. im scared it will break.. should i put something on my hair again before i comb it and also... what type of comb and brush should i use

Wow, do I know that feeling. What's helped me, krissy, is tying my hair down with a scarf and airdrying that way. I roll the ends up on about 4 magnetic rollers, and the ends dry straight, and my hair lays down smoothly. I had to airdry today, and had people here while the hair was wet, so I didn't get a chance to tie it down. Here's what I did: applied leave-in, and sealed with coconut oil. Then I (hair was already detangled) brushed only the hair on my head, not the ends, with my Denman brush, making sure the hair was smoothed down, and put it in a pony tail. Then, I used the shower comb to make sure the ponytail was totally detangled, and put bands on the ponytail's length (about 4 or 5) to keep the hair smooth. By the time they were all gone (about 4 hours), I could manipulate my hair a little more, so I took the bands off, applied my EO blend, sealed with some more oil, braided the length and tucked it under. Not pretty, but my hair is as smooth as if I had rollerset it. Good luck, hun! If you are feeling hesitant to manipulate it, just spray it with some water mixed with leave-in, and smooth it down, put a scarf on and it'll feel nice for you.
what do you mean... i usually rollerset and wrap.. i cant do that now?

It's exactly like drasgirl and Moroni said. You can do whatever you usually do to your hair. Whether you've airdried or used a blow-dryer.
Some prefer one more than the other.
what do you mean... i usually rollerset and wrap.. i cant do that now?

Well, airdrying is a totally different thing than rollersetting and wrapping. You just can't get the same effect from airdrying alone. If you want the same sleek bounciness, you are going to have to flat-iron most likely.

But, that is just me. My hair is texlaxed. Some may be able to airdry and go, but not me! I would have to flatiron and maybe bump it under with some carusos in the morning to get the same effect as a roller wrap.

Why did you choose to airdry? I think rollersetting and wrapping is a much better idea. I would do that myself it I knew how to do it.
Well, airdrying is a totally different thing than rollersetting and wrapping. You just can't get the same effect from airdrying alone. If you want the same sleek bounciness, you are going to have to flat-iron most likely.

But, that is just me. My hair is texlaxed. Some may be able to airdry and go, but not me! I would have to flatiron and maybe bump it under with some carusos in the morning to get the same effect as a roller wrap.

Why did you choose to airdry? I think rollersetting and wrapping is a much better idea. I would do that myself it I knew how to do it.

yea thats wat i was saying that i cant do the same as i do before cause rollersetting is totally different but.........anyways.. i just airdried to try it out u know experimenting.. i just brushed it and its fine.. i guess now if i want the flat look i would have to flat iron...
what do you mean... i usually rollerset and wrap.. i cant do that now?

Of course you can I was saying that whatever you do when you blow dry you can do it when you air dry, you don't have to change the way you style your hair just because you air dry.
Air drying for me is a whole other monster in and of itself. I normally rollerset, but when I was airdrying I could never get my hair to lay as flat as it does now without flat ironing. However during that time I was very texlaxed so, that may have played a roll. Normally, when I air dry I just bun and try not to manipulate much until the next wash.