I added more pics


Well-Known Member
Im happy to say that I have made progress this year. I just dont know what Im going to do with my ends. I want a blunt cut because thanks to Southern Girl, I see how beauuuutiful, thick and lush a cut like that makes your hair. But Im not sure how much I'd have to trim just to get it. Im thinking maybe I should start off with a nice little trim for the new year and take it from there. Any thoughts? Comments?
WHOOOOA :woot: How does it feel to be waist length??? GORGEOUS!!! I am in shock :shocked: Why have you been hiding that beautiful hair?:confused:

I honestly don't see a need for a trim!
Your hair looks AWESOME HLD!!!! You appear to be waist length in one of the pics...are you? If so CONGRATS!!!
Wow! Your hair has really been benefiting from the bun challenge! You have a lot of shrinkage too after you took down your braid. I love your buns. Do you wear a braided bun or do you still twist at the base and wrap it around into a bun?

Also, I don't think a trim would hurt. It would make your ends thicker.

Great progress! Beautiful hair!
Thanks FoxyBronx, Kaddy and Poohbear:D . Im not waist length yet. I just think my longest point might be about 3 inches or so past brastrap. The back of course is longer than the front. The nape is catching up as well. But it's just not that even all around look I admire on many here.

Poobear, I do either or. Lately Ive been in a braided bun. I'd just spray the length of the braid with my spritz, rub a little oil about 3 inches from the end of the braid and roll it back up every day. This avoids even the finger combing I used to do. I realized that everything I have been doing for the past two years has really helped me to preserve even the thinner parts of my hair and kept my demarcation lines strong where ever they may be thanks to Keraphix and the like. And I totally agree with you about how trimming would make the ends look. *Off to search for Southern girl's trim method thread*
Grow on girl!!! :love: Your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!! :) If you feel your hair needs a trim, then go on and do so! Follow your heart. :cool:
Your hair is looking lovely :) You have been holding out on the hair growth pics, huh? lol I'll let you get DUSTING. And that's it! Don't get too scissor happy.
Wow :shocked:

What a wonderful end of the year update!! Honeylemondrop, I simply adore your hair, and you have always been an inspiration to me :kiss: How nice of you to mention my hair, which PALES in comparison to yours.

It is simply stunning. Funny, I've been checking your album waiting for the updates! Your album has to be the most anticipated of the year.

I don't know if you'll decide to do the blunt cut, but if you do, I'm sure it will look beautiful. Think about it though first, because I wouldn't want you to lose too much length!! I think you should just wait until your next relaxer and see if you still want to cut. That'll give you 3 months or so to enjoy your length!! If you still feel that way then, go for it. If you feel you need a trim (which I don't think so personally) just do a dusting.

Congrats girlie! I'm soo proud of you :weird:

Your Biggest Fan,
SouthernGirl :)
Hey hair buddy!! :wave:

Your hair is looking gorgeous, and you have gone waaaay past me length-wise! :mad: (j/k!!) Congrats on all that lovely length!! :clap: :weird:

I think that we have very similar hair textures and my hair is the same way - it gets thin at the ends of my braids, too!! I hate that... Hopefully someday I'll get it to the point where my hair is thick all the way to the ends... not sure if that's even possible with my hair texture, but only time will tell!!

Lookin' GREAT, girl!!! :)

And BTW, I don't think you should trim a lot... just a good dusting should do the trick, IMO!!! :up:
Your hair is absolutely beautiful. :up: I'm with the other ladies. Where/why have you been hiding all that gorgeous hair? :eek: :D
wow honey i've been waiting for this. looks like waist length to me
do you wear your hair down alot if so i say go for the blunt cut
if not keep on growing!!!!
YAY :grin: ! I check your album ALL the time for updates and had even thought of posting to ask for more, but I hate to add pressure :grin: . Gorgeous hair, HLD :clap:!!
LOL at Saddity1:lol:. I feel you girl. A dusting would lessen the chances of me catching a heart attack.

Southern girl, as always you are too kind. But sweetie, I cannot for the life of me let you compare that beautiful hair of yours to mine. Your hair is thick and lush from root to tip...My ultimate goal:love:. And please dont give me no perfectly good excuses to put this thing off for another 3 months, cause I will surely wait:lol:.

Hey Lindy :wave: Thanks for the compliments. I agree, we definitely have some similarities in our hair. Girl WE WILL BOTH get to the point where our ends will thicken up. We just gotta do what we gotta do to make it happen:) .

:lol: Dreemsold, Ive been very anxious to post pics as well, but I was doing it the old fashion way, taking pics from a regular camera and developing them at the store, etc. and it can take months sometimes for me to use up a roll of film. But, I got a new digital camera for Christmas, so I will be able to take pics when ever I want and post them. Thanks for your compliment.

Msportugal, I dont wear my hair down, Ive been in a bun challenge for over a year now. August 2005 will make two years. I just recently included braids and braided buns into the regimen though. But I think I see your point, you're probably saying, as long as it's up, why worry about right now? I will definitely consider all of your opinions because I value them more than anything anyone else has to say who is not apart of this board.

Thanks all of you. Ya'll are truly the best. ((((((HUGS))))))
Wow! Your growth since April is amazing! Now that's the kind of growth I want. Hopefully by the end of summer I can be at least at bsl.
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WOW, I love your hair. It's so thick and that color is beautiful. I have a thing for thickness as if you couldnt tell, :lol: . I can definitely see you reaching brastrap length by then. Wishing you all the best.
Your hair is beautiful girl! I'm so proud of your progress :) If you just MUST cut it :naughty: , your plan sounds good, LOL. Just dust it a little here and there, and eventually you'll get your blunt cut without to drastic of a change. But your hair is beautiful either way. Keep up the good work Honey!
Thanks songbyrd. I must say from what I can see in your avatar, it looks like you are doing a pretty good job with your hair as well, it's gorgeous.