I added a few new photos to my fotki


Well-Known Member
Well it will be 2 years in October since I joined LHCF. My short term goals are to obtain full BSL by Oct. and MBL by Dec. 2008.:look: This journey has been a long ride. I can see all of the benefits that LHCF has provided. My hair is thicker, healthier, and it is growing longer than I ever imagined. I will admit even after looking at beautiful heads of hair like Isis, SweetCashew, DSylla, RedHotlala, and so many others, I was still not convinced that BSL and beyond was something I could achieve. Patience has proven me wrong. I am not at BSL yet but I am very close. Thanks for all the advice ladies.:love2:


pw in profile

ETA: I don't have any length shots because I am waiting until October to take photo of the back of my head.
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Is your regimen in your Fotki? Thanks for sharing. Your hair looks great...:yep:

I added the info to my fotki as well.

I have a simple regimen.
I wash once a week using this method.
Apply mixture of 2 tbs Alma powder and 2 cups water to my dry hair. I hang my head in the tub and pour the mixture over my hair and let it drip into a container/bucket. Then I replace my bucket with the container that had the mixture and pour the liquid that dripped from my hair over my hair again. I repeat this process until most of the liquid has been absorded by my hair. I then place a cap over my head. I leave the cap on for about 30 minutes.

Then I rinse my hair until there is no trace of the Amla powder in my hair. I then apply a moisturizing conditioner( I use a variety of different conditioners). I once again place a new cap over my head. I wear the cap on my head with or without heat for at least an hour.
Then I rinse and apply my leavin. At this point I either air dry or rollerset. If I want to flat iron, which I rarely do, I will let my hair air dry for about an hour, then I blowdry on the lowest setting then flat iron for the best results. Sometimes I let my hair completely air dry then I flat iron.

I am lazy when it comes to my hair so I only moisturize once a day in the morning or before bed. I apply my moisturizer and then spray my hair with water just to dampen it a little and then I seal with grapeseed oil.

I have tried growth aid internally and externally and they never work for me. Maybe I don't take them long enough to see results. But I haven't done anytime extra as far as growth aids since 2007.