I accidentally cut my hair


New Member
Why is it when you are wearing braids and you decide to cut, no matter how careful you are, you end up cutting a few inches too short.

This is what happened to me, but just one patch of hair luckily. i have been growing my hair for 2 years and i measure every inch. its so hard when i cut it and mess it like this. i have done it before.

this is very costly when you think of all the growth aids and vitamins. If i were to spread the cost over 2 years, i would say each strand is worth more than 1000 dollars in pjism. im just so frustrated i didnt measure correctly. maybe i am too much into hair. i almost think that when i reach my desired goal that something will happen just because i am too into my hair. look how i am acting over a couple of inches. but still:mad:
I'm sorry this happened to you Zailless. Don't worry too much ...it will grow back. I know...easier said than done.
Im so sorry to hear that. Ive been in braids (micros) for over a year and everytime I take them out I cut where I KNOW my hair isnt and I comb through the glue so I dont cut my hair. My family and friends think Im crazy that I do that and that I wont allow them to help cause Im afraid they will cut too far up and wont be a gentle combing them out as i would be. It takes me hours upon hours but I think its worth it.:lol:

If you dont mind me asking, what was your lenght before you started wearing braids and what is your current length? TIA
when I put my box braids in my hair, I braid it a inch below where my hair stops. I leave the rest lose so when it's time to take them out I know where not to cut. If you do this you will never accidentally cut your hair again.
ys I used to do that all the time when I had micros. I didn't care back then because I figured I would just rebraid. Now, I think if I had braids (which I secret envy since I found out my favorite braider was back in the salon again), I would probably use jovan787's method.
shynessqueen said:
when I put my box braids in my hair, I braid it a inch below where my hair stops. I leave the rest lose so when it's time to take them out I know where not to cut. If you do this you will never accidentally cut your hair again.
i donot cut at all i just dont let them braid all the way down:)
I think i will pay the salon to take them out next time, because they make an effort to cut way below the hair. i try to estimate where the hair is and cut and then when i take the hair out, i see the blunt edges. i have natural hair that i have never cut since this is all my new growth since my bc.
We have all done this. I always braid a good 2” after my hair length and the rest loose. When I cut I cut just above the loose hair.
Zailless DO NOT PAY for someone to take it out. :( I find hair dresser are so rough when removing braids and they will tell u that they rnt cutting your hair esp. if the braids are the same colour as your hair. :perplexed
Be patient and do it yourself.
Good luck
baby42 said:
i donot cut at all i just dont let them braid all the way down:)

I'm sorry this happened to you Zailless.
Thanks to Sareca and to another lady here, I'm my own braider for C&G, so I'm very very very careful when I braid it ( I braid 2 or 3 inches after my hair length ) and remove them almost without cutting it!