Hydrolyzed Collagen (Puritan Pride)


New Member
I just started using this product. Does anyone else use this product? It for the hair, skin and nails. What results have you gotten from it, skin, nails, and hairwise?
I am thinking of buying some can you let me know how it works and if you like it? I read it was for thinning hair and healthy hair but you got to take so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if i'm correct collagen won't help you hair. it is a protein found in your skin. for you hair you need to look for keratin.
Collagen is a protein that makes up about 30% of our body. It is part of our tendons, joints, muscles, bones, hair, and skin. As we age, our body's production of collagen slows down. On the outside we may see our skin start to wrinkle or lose its youthful radiance. On the inside, we experience this as the weakening of our skeletal structure due to the breakdown of connective tissue and muscle.

Hydrolyzed means "dissolved in water". Hydrolyzed collagen is easily digested and readily usable by the body. Reportedly, it strengthens lean muscle tissue and stimulates the burning of fat. When we go to sleep at night, the first 45 to 90 minutes of sleep are a period of repair and rejuvenation in the body. The amino acids in the collagen help to fuel and feed this process, and they also stimulate the release of human growth hormone. Growth hormone helps to improve body composition by metabolizing fat and enhancing muscle. Collagen supports the integrity of the joints, skin and connective tissue and is also good for those suffering from arthritis or similar conditions.