Hunble Introduction


New Member
Hi all, my name is Shu and I'm a 20 year old college student in Fairfax VA (Community college...yes...I know >.<) striving to be a Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering major. I've lurked on this message board since August of this year and due to your wonderful ladies insight, I've been able to bring hair that only broke and remained brittle back to life.

I currently work in a BSS in Maryland, so needless to say, I get to talk hair all day. And you'd be amazed at some of the beliefs some women hold about their hair. But this site has helped me help them as well.

I don't know my hair type as of yet, but I'm thinking I'm 3B/3C and I''ve been transistioning since September of this year.

You women are an inspiration to me and since I know I'm rambling on and on and on (my boyfriend says I have this problem, lol) I'll stop now. Thanks for this opportunity and mayhaps we can learn off of each other in the future. /images/graemlins/cheers.gif
Hey, welcome to the board. You work in a BSS? /images/graemlins/shocked.gifOhmigod, I think I would be broke if I worked there. I'd be like a kid in a candy store. /images/graemlins/lick.gif
Welcome! I wish I worked in a BSS so I could talk hair all day /images/graemlins/smile.gif A pleasure to meet you! /images/graemlins/wave.gif
Thanks for the welcome guys! LOL @ Lorraine, I know exactly what you mean. I found this board when I first started working there and believe me EVERY Saturday I was coming home with armloads of stuff. I had to cut down on that since I work with my SO and he was starting to think I was obsessed. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

ANKY- It IS a lot of fun and I get to try new products before they get put on shelves. Unfortunately this is one of those BSS that carries a lot of junk products. But I'm looking to change that soon.

MSPORTUGAL- Thanks for the congrats and your hair is fantasmal!

DREEMSSOLD- Darn you you lucky wench. I used to live in GA 3 years ago. Just be's not even cold down there is it?
Don't just kid with that. I was actually thinking of suggesting that to the owners. That way we could carry better products and have a continuous customer base. So you never know, I might be posting LHCF Member discounts in a few weeks.
Hey Queenie, nice flu enducing weather we're having! ^_^ Thanks for the welcome. I don't know how neighborly we'll be though since I'm a Yankees fan. Just to let you k guys won't get it next year. /images/graemlins/crystalball.gif
/images/graemlins/lachen70.gif @ gloomgeisha...hey, hey, hey, don't be mad at me! I just moved here! No, it's not very cold at all, yet /images/graemlins/grin.gif. I love DC, though, so I wouldn't have any complaints there either /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Please DO NOT tell us which bss you work will regret it /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif
/images/graemlins/wave.gif Welcome

And don't think badly about Community College- by the end of my time in engineering school most of the people left were smart enough to have started off in CommCO first (saves money and time in the long run)- I wish I had known about that option my loans would be a lot less now /images/graemlins/laugh.gif . Good luck with your transition!
Hey Gloom, the weather man said we're getting warm weather this weekend (the high 50's)! I'm not so sure about the Yankees now that the Sox have ended the curse. You guys better watch out! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif