Human braid hair recs?


I make 30 look good!
I'm getting tree braids on 09/20 and I need recs on good human hair to use. Im looking for something that's not going to shed a ton and tangle like crazy. Straight or curly is fine. Thanks!
Depends on how much money you want to spend. I use human hair for braid singles and have had good success with Beverly Johnson Wet N Wavy from the BSS which wasn't so expensive, as well as Water Wave which costs about an arm and a leg. I have never had the hair shed or tangle but I braid to the ends so maybe that helps prevent tangling. Also I don't "stagger" the hair but fold it in half so it's held pretty well so that there's no chance of shedding.
Thanks! If I do the tree braids the hair will be out. I was thinking about Beverly Johnson as a brand so thanks for the rec!
I don't remember the hair I used and I really don't want to discourage you, but I tried tree braids before and....while they looked great, they became really tangled. They were an absolute pain to take out and I suffered some breakage. It was a bit of a set back, especially since I had the braids put in to facilitate growth! Just be careful with your hair regimen while having them in. Good luck to you!!!