
Well-Known Member
OK, so my hair is growing and of course that is exactly what i want.

However its growing bigger and BIGGer and BIGGER. Its not growing downwards at all.

Also the front is still too short to go into a ponytail - i don't know why as its not breaking - this restricts me so much as i have always been a 'fling it into a ponytail' kind of girl (when i had relaxed hair).

I can't wear a phony pony because of this, no matter how much i tie the front down. I now realise that this because my hair has volume and no amount of gel is going to hold it down.

Blowdrying makes no difference - this gives me a seriously large fluffy, droopy fro - I AM ALL HAIR when i blow it out.

Slicking it down when its wet is also a no-no for me cus i have some serious corkscrew curls so the shrinkage is just crazy.

I seem to be permanetly in natural twists. I want a change.

Does anyone have any ideas cus maybe i'm just doing something wrong when it comes to styling ie applying gel/blowdrying incorrectly.

Oh - my local hairdresser mentioned that when I BC i should have had the back cut shorter than the front to help the uneven growth. Well its too late for that now.
Type 4 hair grows out, I think it would have to be really long before the weight of it makes it go down. It just comes with the territory.

Also, it's not that your hair is growing uneven, it's probably that it's all the same length all over your head. But say your hair is 6 inches long all over, a piece thats 6 inches in the crown of your head is clearly not going to hang down as long as a piece in the nape of your head. If your hair is the same length all over, it will naturally grow in layers.

My hair is the same way. When I gel it back the pieces in the front only reach to maybe the crown of my head. If I don't get it slicked back good, sometimes I have to put a click clack or a bobby pin just above my bun or pony to keep those pieces down. It always wants to do that on the right side when I pull my hair back for some reason. I'm wearing a pony now and I have that lone bobby pin up there LOL HTH...
:grin:Hi girl!!

Have you tried massaging your hair daily in the parts where it seems to grow slower, this has helped me tremendously along with the oils that I use. You should try to blow-dry in sections starting at the back and use a good leave-in conditioner, like nexus humectress, I do that with my hair but I rarely where my natural hair out due to the humidity and the lack of good hair products in the UK.:perplexed

What about braids or maybe having the hair canerowed upwards and then applying an instant weave? or maybe just getting a weave to allow the front section to catch up with the rest? just a thought...:ohwell:

Good luck:grin:

Check out my hair blog:
When I was natural, this happened to me as well. Though I did get some length, I noticed that my hair actually grew outward rather than downward faster. The only way for you to tell whether or not you are getting length is to get your hair pressed. I had a wedding to attend and had my hair pressed. I learned that I had attained a great amount of length...a little past APL. Though I did get about an 1 1/2 cut off, I was happy to learn that my hair CAN grow lengthwise.

Now relaxed, I'm noticing that my hair is thickening up FIRST rather than growing much downward. I find it fascinating because I know that I'm getting a lot of NG in a short period of time, yet when I relax, I notice that I'm not gaining that much length at all.

I'm looking to invest in a good digital camera. That way I can monitor progress better. Pics tell the real story...:grin:

Hang in there. You hair IS growing! :yep:
My hair used to only seem to be growing out too. you get to a point where it starts to hang, but you have to be patient.

Maybe you should not use the gel. I used to be all about it, but now I just use it from wash and gos and not to slick my hair back. I used a more moisturizing pomade. Adn then I tie it down. I also use a boar's bristle brush to slick it back, and a little water and pomade, and I immediately tie it down, and take it off when I'm leaving for work(usually tied for about 45minutes to and hour.)
The more your hair grows the easier it'll be. Just give it time and here's a little snuggle to make you feel better:grouphug:(I really like this one:look:)
I'm looking to invest in a good digital camera. That way I can monitor progress better. Pics tell the real story...:grin:

Hang in there. You hair IS growing! :yep:

This is so true. If I didn't have pics to look at I'd swear my hair didn't grow. Even when I get it flatironed. :look: It just never looks longer to me.