Hubby's Board Exams-again. Please pray with me.


New Member
Well, here we go again. Hubby is taking his board exams again. Last time he gained so many points, but still missed passing by two points. Psychologically that can do you in worse than totally bombing. Anyway, today and tomorrow he is taking the exams again. Please pray with me for his success. This whole ordeal has been more than trying, but God has a purpose and a plan. Though we have been beaten and discouraged by the enemy, we never lost faith. Parise God for that. The enemy has tried everything to dstroy our faith, but hasn't. Sure we are beaten and bruised and I am 20 lbs heavier :)mad:), but, you know what, God know what HE is doing, so we trust Him. No, it's not easy, but we do it.

So, plase pray with me. Also, rejoice with me because though the board exmas are an obstacle, he has successfully completed his program and will be participating in the graduation tomorrow night. Actually, he comples the end of the month, but he has been successful and not had to re-do any rotations. Praise God for that.

Thank you for praying with me. God bless!
Thank you so much ladies! The exams are over. Prayerfully this will be it. Graduation was last night and hubby has successfully completed his program. Praise the Lord!