How's Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil Shampoo? And should I go to Walmart for a touch-up?


New Member
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Hello all, [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I just signed up today (been a lurker for months it seems) and have a few quick questions. I went to Sally's and bought the generic brand of Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. If you've used it, how has it been on your hair? I've just gotten rid of my dandruff (the AVC/water mix- except I used Aloe Vera Juice in place of the water- it was quite a surprise. Worked wonders and rid my hair of dandruff within 3 or 4 weeks) and would like to keep it away. From what I understand Tea Tree Oil is good for that. Haven't found any locally yet so I was looking for the next best thing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Also, has anyone dared to venture into a Walmart Salon for a relaxer? I've only had my hair relaxed by a stylist once in my life, and she did a horrible job. My mother relaxed my hair growing up and I've been relaxing my hair since about fifteen (I'm twenty-five now). I need a bit of a trim, but I'm afraid to go there simply because whenever I go in to get a wash and "trim" I always come out with a bob (mind you, I've never got my hair done at Walmart before, but JCPenny, local black salons etc.). When I went in asking about shampoo/conditioner for damaged hair she asked if she could touch my hair. I gave her a shedded strand and she tested the elasticity, declared " You need a trim, but your hair isn't damaged", and recommended some pretty cheap products (design line by Regis Olive Oil shampoo and conditioner). She said she uses Mizani for her touch-ups, but I'm still nervous.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]I can count on ONE hand how many times I've been in a salon. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Should I go to another Salon, or does where I get a touch-up not matter?[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Thanks for any and all help,[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Skatergurljubulee[/FONT]
Re: How's Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil Shampoo? And should I go to Walmart for a touch-

I would not get a touchup or a trim at a salon unless I have had a basic service done there first (like a wash and set). Doing a basic service first allows you to see how relaxers and cuts and done in person. Just my two cents.
Re: How's Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Oil Shampoo? And should I go to Walmart for a touch-

I enjoy the paul mitchell shampoo. Very tingly but it isn't that different from a lot of tea tree shampoo's on the market. Most are more of the deep cleansing type. You can also buy some plain tea tree oil and mix it with some oil and apply it to your scalp the night before or 15 minutes before washing for a pre poo treatment.

As far as the stylist goes, I personally have had great success in the places where I thought I wouldn't. From what you posted about what she said, she doesn't seem half bad. I would ask her how much does she cut when she trims since a trim to many stylist is a cut to me. Don't be afraid to ask her more questions and pick her brain.

BTW.....Welcome to the board