How'd they do that ??


New Member
Have you noticed how some people's hair gets soo much fuller once it gets longer ? When their hair is shoulder length it doesn't look full but when it gets really long (almost bra-strap and beyond), they have hair enough for 2 or maybe 3 heads ??

How'd they do that ??!?! Is something happening aside from the length ? Maybe more hair follicles are producing ??! I would really love to know how this works. I've never had more hair than I have now so long hair is a complete mystery.

My sis is the same way. When her hair was long, it was full and voluminous. Now that it's shorter, it looks, well, sparse.

Anyone else notice that ? Or am I spending too much time looking at hair ? :lol:
I NOTICED! It is true and I'm really hoping that the same thing happens to me once my hair grows to brastrap! *crossing my fingers*
Oh good so maybe I'm not going insane! :grin: I think I'll get a blow dry or flat iron at the end of June and see if my hair is doing the same thing!! I can only hope!!

my hair used to be very thin but lately, its starting to get really full and thick from the roots. I guess its the vitamins im taking and also taking better care of my hair.