How would you take this?


Well-Known Member
A good friend of mine broke up with her man last year because he cheated. This month, she decided to give him a second chance after months of him begging for her back.

In a covversation last week, she asked "why did you cheat on me?"

He simply said, "because you didn't go down on me enough".:perplexed :spinning:

I asked her what did she say...she said she didn't know what to say but the thing is she's' staying w/ him and even planning to marry him :nono:.

Is it me or does this sound crazy? How would you have reacted???
My words:

"Wait, what? Bye, negro!"

My thoughts:

"Dang, I was stupid to take his behind back. Well, I won't play the fool a third time. Next!"
A good friend of mine broke up with her man last year because he cheated. This month, she decided to give him a second chance after months of him begging for her back.

In a covversation last week, she asked "why did you cheat on me?"

He simply said, "because you didn't go down on me enough".:perplexed :spinning:

I asked her what did she say...she said she didn't know what to say but the thing is she's' staying w/ him and even planning to marry him :nono:.

Is it me or does this sound crazy? How would you have reacted???

Seriously! That's the reason.. for real.. Dude is funny as hell!
I can't even believe your friend would even give him convo for that excuse.. and the thought of her even giving him a second chance based off of that excuse..:nono:!

She better make sure her neck and jaws are strong if she's gonna keep him! :lachen:


I would tell his arse 2 go date superhead...n 2nd guess that opportunity...

I dont think she should take him back...and if she marries him she may end up being one of those wives who sit around acting surprised by her no good husband's actions...
Seriously! That's the reason.. for real.. Dude is funny as hell!
I can't even believe your friend would even give him convo for that excuse.. and the thought of her even giving him a second chance based off of that excuse..:nono:!

She better make sure her neck and jaws are strong if she's gonna keep him! :lachen:


He used to mentally abuse her by making her feel little...but now he's in therapy and he's being "honest" about everything.

So yes, it's the real reason. He said it was just that simple :perplexed.

To me, he's doing the same kind of mental control by telling her this.:nono:
He used to mentally abuse her by making her feel little...but now he's in therapy and he's being "honest" about everything.

So yes, it's the real reason. He said it was just that simple :perplexed.

To me, he's doing the same kind of mental control by telling her this.:nono:

Couldn't agree more.
Is he serious? More importantly, is she serious? It sounds as though they both need to work on themselves as individuals first...
He cheated because he's a selfish bastid!
I wouldn't let him put that trip on me.

why didn't he just communicate that to her before he stepped out on her?
A good friend of mine broke up with her man last year because he cheated. This month, she decided to give him a second chance after months of him begging for her back.

In a covversation last week, she asked "why did you cheat on me?"

He simply said, "because you didn't go down on me enough".:perplexed :spinning:

I asked her what did she say...she said she didn't know what to say but the thing is she's' staying w/ him and even planning to marry him :nono:.

Is it me or does this sound crazy? How would you have reacted???
This is crazy. :perplexed I don't condone cheating so I think her SO should have left her if he was that dissatisfied. Marrying this dude would be her choice, but she can't say he didn't warn her...

ETA: To answer your original question, taking him back would have never crossed my mind.
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lemme git dis straight.... *squeezes pack of newports and got one left*

*sighs* dayum.... imma save it for later.

they broke up, he begs her to come back, she asks why you break up wif me in da first place and dis bama comes back and says cuz u ain't suck my dyck enough like i wanted u too, and so she agreed, now they back t'getha and she even plans on marryin in. now, he in therapy and they told him to be honest.

da hell kinda phuckery is dis hea??? can yall say she stuck on stoopit n broke da hell down on dumb? so i take it now, she suckin his dyck (afta he done stuck it in sumfin else :nono:) and all is well.

she has low self esteem and low everything else. and at da end of da day, all he wants is his broke throwback dyck sucked...i'm done. NOT da fact dat he cheated. see, and women wonda why these men out hea do whateva they wanna do ...its because of women like her. Both of the idiots need therapy, and prolly some health exams, and maybe a few shots of penicillin...

*runs to da sto to get some mo newports and put my pic-4 numbas in*
Hahahahah Jersery girl I am sending you a pack of newports now


lemme git dis straight.... *squeezes pack of newports and got one left*

*sighs* dayum.... imma save it for later.

they broke up, he begs her to come back, she asks why you break up wif me in da first place and dis bama comes back and says cuz u ain't suck my dyck enough like i wanted u too, and so she agreed, now they back t'getha and she even plans on marryin in. now, he in therapy and they told him to be honest.

da hell kinda phuckery is dis hea??? can yall say she stuck on stoopit n broke da hell down on dumb? so i take it now, she suckin his dyck (afta he done stuck it in sumfin else :nono:) and all is well.

she has low self esteem and low everything else. and at da end of da day, all he wants is his broke throwback dyck sucked...i'm done. NOT da fact dat he cheated. see, and women wonda why these men out hea do whateva they wanna do ...its because of women like her. Both of the idiots need therapy, and prolly some health exams, and maybe a few shots of penicillin...

*runs to da sto to get some mo newports and put my pic-4 numbas in*
The next time it will be because she didn't fry his chicken right.
Then it will be because she didn't wash the dishes in a timely manner.
If she accepts this, he will have a never ending supply of bs excuses to disrespect her.

lemme git dis straight.... *squeezes pack of newports and got one left*

*sighs* dayum.... imma save it for later.

they broke up, he begs her to come back, she asks why you break up wif me in da first place and dis bama comes back and says cuz u ain't suck my dyck enough like i wanted u too, and so she agreed, now they back t'getha and she even plans on marryin in. now, he in therapy and they told him to be honest.

da hell kinda phuckery is dis hea??? can yall say she stuck on stoopit n broke da hell down on dumb? so i take it now, she suckin his dyck (afta he done stuck it in sumfin else :nono:) and all is well.

she has low self esteem and low everything else. and at da end of da day, all he wants is his broke throwback dyck sucked...i'm done. NOT da fact dat he cheated. see, and women wonda why these men out hea do whateva they wanna do ...its because of women like her. Both of the idiots need therapy, and prolly some health exams, and maybe a few shots of penicillin...

*runs to da sto to get some mo newports and put my pic-4 numbas in*

You know, she's one of my closest friends and yeah she suffers from low self esteem and he plays on that.:nono: If I told y'all even half of the stuff he used to say to her lawd.....:perplexed

She went 6 months staying away from him and I was SO sure she would never get back w/ him but she was giving every guy she met a chance..literally and NOTHING worked out. :ohwell: So I think thats why she took him back. She just hit 30 and is scared she'll be alone. I just KNOW that this is a HUGE mistake. She told me not to judge her but I DID tell her I think she's making a major mistake and she's too good for him. After that I make no more comments, I just listen to her tell me things and try not to judge but wow, its so hard to see her doing this to herself. :nono:

I have to add..I did tell her to seek therapy on her own for herself.
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I mean...why ask tha ? if ya not ready for tha truth...I'm trying to figure out how is this controlling?

Alot of the posts I read say men are so simple...Even looking through the married are why not accept that his cheating was that simple...

Was it right? Hell to tha naw...but I say since shes grown and feel as if this is the best that she can get (even the BFF confirms the oddest way) I say she is taking the info he provided like a champ and making it do what it*t she said to hell to being single...if that means she gotta suck every night...shes on it