How Would You Respond?


New Member
I was told by my Hispanic/Caucasian friend, as I was doing my hair before we went out last night, that my hair looked plastic because it was so thick and shiny. :perplexed And I was really confused because I had never heard that before. I definitely want people to say my hair is thick and shiny, but not to the point of thinking it's synthetic. Like she didn't even go for "Oh, is that a human hair wig/weave?" Nope. Just went straight to plastic. Looking back, it was actually kind of funny. :lol:
I wouldn't respond at all. You have to pick and choose your battles. I would simply just say "thanks?" and keep it moving.
Ummm that's a first! I really dk I mean I guess it was a compliment, no? Girl u just rock your thick, shiny hair aka plastiq (in my french accent lol)
Correct them and keep it moving. People just don't know when to keep their comments to themselves. .

Someone told my mom that her hair looked like a weave. Her hair is MBL, relaxed, and THICK AS HELL. The length of her hair is a natural light brown color, but her edges are graying. When she told me I could only SMH.
I definitely want people to say my hair is thick and shiny, but not to the point of thinking it's synthetic.
When I used to roller set my hair, my male friend would tell me that my hair looked like a wig. :look: When I finally asked him to explain what he meant, he said that it looked so shiny and bouncy that he thought it looked fake.

In his mind, he was paying me a compliment.
I would say "Thank You; I take very good care of my hair." I would assume the comment was a weirdly-worded compliment.
It's not your problem if some people have never seen full, thick hair except if it was on a doll or a wig. Don't worry about it.
It's a compliment. People shouldn't get so worked up over thing if they don't sound exactly how you prefer. I, personally, would be happy if someone told me that. It's weirdly worded but it comes from a good place.

Black women often hold their hair too seriously. Now someone cant compliment you because "they should keep their opinions to themselves" but I'm sure we would still want to compliment someone else. Or should no one compliment anyone because of the fear that it might "sound wrong"
AHeadOfCoils I don't think wearing weave or wigs is something to be ashamed of. Obviously - if someone is sneering you know know they are trying to embarrass to but I would compliment someone's weave if i thought it looked nice.
I was told by my Hispanic/Caucasian friend, as I was doing my hair before we went out last night, that my hair looked plastic because it was so thick and shiny. :perplexed And I was really confused because I had never heard that before. I definitely want people to say my hair is thick and shiny, but not to the point of thinking it's synthetic. Like she didn't even go for "Oh, is that a human hair wig/weave?" Nope. Just went straight to plastic. Looking back, it was actually kind of funny. :lol:

don't say a word. Just make this face:

and they'll get the hint
I'd say thanks. She knows it's your hair, right?

I know when I really define my curls I think it looks like a wig or doll hair, but it is what it is. No one would ever say that about some raggedy chewed up hair. Plus thick and shiny are positive things, so I wouldn't be offended.
I was told by my Hispanic/Caucasian friend, as I was doing my hair before we went out last night, that my hair looked plastic because it was so thick and shiny.

response: "IM BARBIE B!TCH! GAZE UPON IT." But Ive gotten some odd compliments before. I give them a "thanks?" with an audible question mark in my voice to let them know they couldve worded that differently. Your friend probably meant it with good intention though. :3
I used to work at Trade Secret and one day I came to work after getting my hair cut and one of the stylist asks me..."why do you have that wig on?"

At first I was like...:perplexed

But when she explained that my hair was so dark and shiny and thick, kinda like a wig I was like...:grin:

It is impossible for everyone to know what you will or will not perceive as a complement and it doesn't sound like she was trying to insult you.
I've been told a few times that my hair looks like kinky weave LOL. I think it's hilarious. Hopefully she said it coming from a good place.
Girl, I had a Nigerian guy tell me yesterday *in my best Nigerian accent* "Eh! But your hair looks BHAAAD!" then asked me if I didn't want to relax it.

At least you got thick and shiny.
In what world is being told you have plastic hair a compliment? Do you think any other race would take that as a compliment? He would have been corrected right there and then
I actually seek that 'plastic' feel:perplexed: For me it's the feel of silky strong smooth strands...plastic is the word I've used to describe it. I strongly feel that it was a compliment.
To me it sounds like a backhanded compliment. You know one of those where they say something positive but have to add something negative. LIke she could have said oh your hair is thick and shiny. I dunno. But because she's your friend maybe she didn't really mean it from a negative place.