How Would You Handle This as a Christian Parent?

Oh my goodness....sis, I would lose it:nono:.

I couldn't look at the whole video...I was disgusted.

This mess is out of control. :nono:

I would definitely take legal action and I'd win. No one has the right to teach this to my child and this was NO accident. These folks know exactly what they are doing. I'd never teach my child this and no one else has the right. My question is why did the teachers just sit there and allow it?

I would not have wasted a New York second putting an utter end to it. Better yet, they would have never crossed the threshold of the school's entrance.
This mess is out of control. :nono:

I would definitely take legal action and I'd win. No one has the right to teach this to my child and this was NO accident. These folks know exactly what they are doing. I'd never teach my child this and no one else has the right. My question is why did the teachers just sit there and allow it?

I would not have wasted a New York second putting an utter end to it. Better yet, they would have never crossed the threshold of the school's entrance.
Exactly! I wouldn't have been so 'shocked' that I wouldn't have stopped it.....ridiculous to say the least!:perplexed
So they 'sit' while a house fire is burning ablaze and not call 911... :nono:
They helped start that fire because they were in agreement with the crap coming to the school to begin with:perplexed. So when they realized that they would be caught in the fire and the flames were licking their heels, then they want to sound the alarm.

Well, today classe, we're going to learn how to base, mainline, roll and suck a pipe....

Let's Learn How to Drug It Day

:look::look::look::look::nono: Kids don't need somebody to teach them how to do foreplay.
They helped start that fire because they were in agreement with the crap coming to the school to begin with:perplexed. So when they realized that they would be caught in the fire and the flames were licking their heels, then they want to sound the alarm.


Thank You! They knew and now they don't want to take responsibility when it should have been taken from the very beginning. Schools are dangerous... public schools. They've become open cess pools of contaminated waters polluting the minds and souls of the innocent children.

OOOOOoooooooooooo Nice & Wavy.... Doesn't the Word of God say that 'teacher' are held most accountable for their actions....

Whoooaaaaaa :nono:
Well, today classe, we're going to learn how to base, mainline, roll and suck a pipe....

Let's Learn How to Drug It Day

:look::look::look::look::nono: Kids don't need somebody to teach them how to do foreplay.

Thank you Aupar... this is so on point. This school needs to be sued for endangering these children and setting them up for danger, by pedophiles.
Thank You! They knew and now they don't want to take responsibility when it should have been taken from the very beginning. Schools are dangerous... public schools. They've become open cess pools of contaminated waters polluting the minds and souls of the innocent children.

OOOOOoooooooooooo @Nice & Wavy.... Doesn't the Word of God say that 'teacher' are held most accountable for their actions....

Whoooaaaaaa :nono:
Yes ma'am...this is why I'm not so quick to 'teach' others the Word or even give my opinion too much unless I am led by the Holy Spirit...I don't want to be held accountable especially if I doing it and its from the flesh and not the Holy Spirit....girl:nono:.
Sick and disgusting. And the homosexual foreplay wasn't the only problem with that whole "diversity day". How dare anyone take such liberties with other people's children, and the run scared by refusing to set up meetings to talk to concerned parent?!. Once a month partner in education days to meet with parents???? That's some mess. If parents have any concern the school administrator needs to be ready to meet. Better yet, don't be so daggone careless and plumb dumb by creating the problem in the first place.

Oooh this type of mess gets me heated!
This right here, a whole lot of this has been going around lately where people allow things to happen that they know is wrong, it's almost like they are stunned or dazed, the prinicpal said that even the teachers were uncomfortable but didn't react until after ...Lord help us...

This mess is out of control. :nono:

I would definitely take legal action and I'd win. No one has the right to teach this to my child and this was NO accident. These folks know exactly what they are doing. I'd never teach my child this and no one else has the right. My question is why did the teachers just sit there and allow it?

I would not have wasted a New York second putting an utter end to it. Better yet, they would have never crossed the threshold of the school's entrance.
Yes ma'am...this is why I'm not so quick to 'teach' others the Word or even give my opinion too much unless I am led by the Holy Spirit...I don't want to be held accountable especially if I doing it and its from the flesh and not the Holy Spirit....girl:nono:.

:amen: Precious Wavy... :amen:

Sick and disgusting. And the homosexual foreplay wasn't the only problem with that whole "diversity day". How dare anyone take such liberties with other people's children, and the run scared by refusing to set up meetings to talk to concerned parent?!. Once a month partner in education days to meet with parents???? That's some mess. If parents have any concern the school administrator needs to be ready to meet. Better yet, don't be so daggone careless and plumb dumb by creating the problem in the first place.

Oooh this type of mess gets me heated!

Blackpearl1993... I can remember how the schools 'press' the importance of the PTM's (Parent Teacher Meetings), asking the children to remind their parents of how important it is to attend these meetings with the teachers and the principals. Now that they are 'hiding' their illegal agendas, these meetings seem to be extinct.

This right here, a whole lot of this has been going around lately where people allow things to happen that they know is wrong, it's almost like they are stunned or dazed, the prinicpal said that even the teachers were uncomfortable but didn't react until after ...Lord help us...

Thank you "Healthy Hair"'s as if the devil (and this is a satanic spirit ruling the gay agenda, no doubt about it), but it is as if the devil has these people 'hypnotized'... unable to respond until 'after' the wicked seeds have been planted.

However, don't mess with us who have the Holy Spirit, for we will uproot these seeds, for they shall not take root, in Jesus' Name. I'm pouring the Blood of Jesus into the ground to destroy the works of darkness, Bless God.

And I don't care who takes issue with it. I am not tolerating this foolishness. :nono:

Sorry "Healthy Hair"... :grouphug2:
This is completely disgusting and I would be outraged! I am not throwing in the towel but I am preparing for The Lord's soon return.
Now... Ladies ... My Sisters, My Loves :love3:



What would you do? The shock and the repulsion is over, so what would your plan of action be?

Why am I asking?

Because this is more than likely something that each of you in some form or another will have to deal with. Be it your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, little cousins, family friends. Each of us are still and will always be parents, and as Christians, we will have to take a stand and take action against this.

Jesus clearily said, "Occupy til' I Come". If we are to occupy, we have to protect our rights and protect the children of the earth under our care and protect those children who have no one to fight for them.


Tell me.... what would you do?
I'd contact the school and complain, organizing the parent body and having them correct and apologize for it. If the person were found to be negligent, fight to have said person removed.
I'd contact the school and complain, organizing the parent body and having them correct and apologize for it. If the person were found to be negligent, fight to have said person removed.

Excellent Aupar... Excellent! :up:

We need to have a 'game plan', and a set strategy in place. Parents are going to need know how to exercise their rights as they are tax payers just as much as those who are 'pushing and shoving and pinning' their agenda upon innocent children. As parents we DO have rights to protect our children.

No one has the right to speak about sex to my child except me, as their parent. Obviously the schools and other persons cannot be trusted, which deems it imperative that parents have to be aware and involved and ready to fight (legally) to protect their children.

This is what I find greatly disturbing:

People can file suits against prayer in schools, yet when a parent objects to having their child exposed to the gay issue, it's not considered a crime. Forced sex in any manner is indeed a crime. The gay agenda is molesting the minds of innocent children with their agenda in the schools and it's has to come to an end. These are cowards using children as their prey.
Even our catholic school could not force catholic sex education on a child. You always had the option.

Thank you. The Catholic Schools have always respected and have made it a priority to be involved with the parents of their students. I know this first hand. :yep:

My first Mentor when I first began working in our Church's Christian School was "Sister Ursula", a Catholic Nun who taught in one of Maryland's finest private schools (St. Timothy's). Our Church's school was new and we went to the best to learn from their experiences.

Sister Ursula spent hours mentoring me and one of her main words of advise to me was this: "It's not Heaven" . With a shocked response, I responded, :huh:. She laughed and said, you're not teaching 'angels'. :lol:

This is when she shared the importance of parent involvement; inviting them to volunteer and become involved in the schools' activities. That's exactly what I did... my parents became very involved and it was a blessing.
Pray, pray, pray, pray (and I would desperately need to in order to avoid burning the school down)

I would actually contact an attorney. Suing for damages not only causes the district officials to take the matter seriously (it is obvious that no one at the school site or district had truly taken this offense seriously), but going through the courts also sets a precedent for others who may go through this tragedy later. A real shark attorney would be needed.

I would also organize a protest. Schools are greatly affected when money is involved. School board members and administrators take notice quickly when money is involved. I would strive to affect their ADA $ by staging a walk out of all students. I would get a phone tree going and get some flyers made. I would get the most vocal parents to work with me to bring the others along. The goal of the walk out would be to get the school board to remove the administrator who seems to think that a monthly public forum is the right way to address this travesty. In addition, the school site truly isn't safe for students when site staff fails to act in the best interest of children.

Media, media, media. School districts can't stand negative publicity. I would play that card quickly and loudly. That school site and principal would be going live at 5!

In short, in order to fight this, parents have to be willing to keep at it until they get the results they need for their children. Just refuse to stop talking about it, filing grievances, filing law suits, going to the media.

When I was still working as a school administrator, we had a parent in our district who was an atheist. He started the foolish fight to get the words "in God we trust" removed from our money and to get schools to stop reciting the pledge of allegiance because of the words "one nation under God". He refused to stop talking about it and he hired an attorney. Along the way he got other parents to join his cause. I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS MAN'S ACTIONS OR MOTIVES, but my point is that he refused to stop and he was working for an evil cause. We who strive to be justice keepers in the gate, need to be just a relentless.
Pray, pray, pray, pray (and I would desperately need to in order to avoid burning the school down)

I would actually contact an attorney. Suing for damages not only causes the district officials to take the matter seriously (it is obvious that no one at the school site or district had truly taken this offense seriously), but going through the courts also sets a precedent for others who may go through this tragedy later. A real shark attorney would be needed.

I would also organize a protest. Schools are greatly affected when money is involved. School board members and administrators take notice quickly when money is involved. I would strive to affect their ADA $ by staging a walk out of all students. I would get a phone tree going and get some flyers made. I would get the most vocal parents to work with me to bring the others along. The goal of the walk out would be to get the school board to remove the administrator who seems to think that a monthly public forum is the right way to address this travesty. In addition, the school site truly isn't safe for students when site staff fails to act in the best interest of children.

Media, media, media. School districts can't stand negative publicity. I would play that card quickly and loudly. That school site and principal would be going live at 5!

In short, in order to fight this, parents have to be willing to keep at it until they get the results they need for their children. Just refuse to stop talking about it, filing grievances, filing law suits, going to the media.

When I was still working as a school administrator, we had a parent in our district who was an atheist. He started the foolish fight to get the words "in God we trust" removed from our money and to get schools to stop reciting the pledge of allegiance because of the words "one nation under God". He refused to stop talking about it and he hired an attorney. Along the way he got other parents to join his cause. I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS MAN'S ACTIONS OR MOTIVES, but my point is that he refused to stop and he was working for an evil cause. We who strive to be justice keepers in the gate, need to be just a relentless.

Blackpearl1993 ... :love3:


They have to know that we have just as much power and rights to protect our children. This society has become to complacent.

The one thing that I hear over and over from a few of my co-workers is this lazy, comment: "It don't bother me" or "It's not affecting my life".

I don't understand how they can be so 'unaffected'. I just don't... :nono: To me it sounds stupid and just plain lazy.

Perhaps I'm just a born crusader, however I'm not one to sit still and be quiet. My baby sister came to me for help with a 'legal' issue she was having. I remember asking her, why are you asking me about this, Sweetie? Her answer: "Because you get things done".

Well the truth of the matter is that I won't quiet down until I get what I want. Jesus told the parable of the woman who kept going to the 'unjust judge', pleading her case. Finally the judge relented and gave her what she asked for. In that, Jesus shared, to keep on asking, keep on knocking, keep on praying, and you will receive the promise.

God made us an admonition and a promise in Isaiah 54:13...

Your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.

God has commanded us to teach our children of the Lord, therefore anyone or anything, any group with an unjust cause, is in the way and must be removed, in the Name of Jesus.
Blackpearl1993 ... :love3:


They have to know that we have just as much power and rights to protect our children. This society has become to complacent.

The one thing that I hear over and over from a few of my co-workers is this lazy, comment: "It don't bother me" or "It's not affecting my life".

I don't understand how they can be so 'unaffected'. I just don't... :nono: To me it sounds stupid and just plain lazy.

Perhaps I'm just a born crusader, however I'm not one to sit still and be quiet. My baby sister came to me for help with a 'legal' issue she was having. I remember asking her, why are you asking me about this, Sweetie? Her answer: "Because you get things done".

Well the truth of the matter is that I won't quiet down until I get what I want. Jesus told the parable of the woman who kept going to the 'unjust judge', pleading her case. Finally the judge relented and gave her what she asked for. In that, Jesus shared, to keep on asking, keep on knocking, keep on praying, and you will receive the promise.

God made us an admonition and a promise in Isaiah 54:13...

Your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.

God has commanded us to teach our children of the Lord, therefore anyone or anything, any group with an unjust cause, is in the way and must be removed, in the Name of Jesus.

Yes, Shimmie...a complacent attitude IS stupid and lazy! Children are EVERYONE'S future. How they are taught, reared, and treated affects every single person on the planet. Just look at the majority of our prison population, those who are gang members, battle drug addictions, and those who work in the porn industry. Most have had very troubled childhoods and were abused. This affects us all. When children are indoctrinated with filth, mistreated, thrown away, and slaughtered every one of us should care and fight on their behalf. The child shouldn't have to be your own to roll up your sleeves and fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves. I fully believe that we will all answer to God for the choice to be complacent when it comes to these issues.

You know all my life people have said I was too passionate, loud, stubborn, and way too talkative. People criticize me for being comfortable with being different :lachen: Maybe, just maybe, those characteristics were the battle gear Heavenly Father gave me so I can go to war. :yep:
Yes, Shimmie...a complacent attitude IS stupid and lazy! Children are EVERYONE'S future. How they are taught, reared, and treated affects every single person on the planet. Just look at the majority of our prison population, those who are gang members, battle drug addictions, and those who work in the porn industry. Most have had very troubled childhoods and were abused. This affects us all. When children are indoctrinated with filth, mistreated, thrown away, and slaughtered every one of us should care and fight on their behalf. The child shouldn't have to be your own to roll up your sleeves and fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves. I fully believe that we will all answer to God for the choice to be complacent when it comes to these issues.

You know all my life people have said I was too passionate, loud, stubborn, and way too talkative. People criticize me for being comfortable with being different :lachen: Maybe, just maybe, those characteristics were the battle gear Heavenly Father gave me so I can go to war. :yep:

I'm ready... :bat:

It's no secret that I'm a crusader and with much passion...