How would this situation make you feel... long


Well-Known Member
How would this situation make you feel... long Updated

Yesterday I met this guy at a store that I went to. I think he was the manager or something. When I first walked in the store, our eyes met and he gave me a little smile :look: and I must have looked like I needed help:perplexed because when looked up he was looking at me . He gave me another quick smile and he came right over to me and asked me what I was looking for. So he helped me find some stuff for my car and talked a little about the area we live in. While talking to him I couldnt help but to keep grinning:grin: especially cause I found him very attractive. I kept staring at his eyes..cause they were the strangest color. He was dark skin, with these grayish brown eyes and the best smile.. OMG. He didn't seem the least bit interested. So I just thanked him and went on home.

I see cute guys all the time but i don't know why I thought about this guy all night. I'm a shy person and I don't know how to read people that well. I don't think he was attracted to me...I just thought he was a nice person. So I was just sitting around the house with this goofy grin
on my face contemplating my next visit to this store. I started feeling silly So I pushed the thought out of my head. I decided that I didn't want to go back to the store and look "thirsty" cause if he was interested he would have said something right?

So fast forward to an hour ago. I just got in from work. I'm checking my email. I see that I have two messages from this dating site (I know....I know) that I'm signed up for. So I go over to the site to see who the messages are from. LOL...and guess who they were from. The GUY from DA store.... I have been sitting here laughing for the last hour. I am so embarrassed, kinda creeped out and happy at the same time....

I'm so weirded out by this. So he said Wow if I had known I would find you on here. I kept thinking that I should have said something to you then. I would really like to get to know you. I talked to you earlier at XYZ Store.

I have a username on the site that is totally different from my name, which he did ask, and I always select a different city than where I actually live... so he found my profile by chance...I think?

I told a friend of mine and she said...girl he probably does that to every woman who comes in the store. She called me crazy for even entertaining the thought cause.. He's just a pimp. So she just crushed my fantasy...

I haven't responded yet....or even know if I should.

How would you feel or what would you do?


Okay so update- I took off of work today..stomach virus.

I sent him a message back and asked him did he find my profile by chance and asked him his marital status and how many children he had.

He responded he didn't say how he found my profile, but he did tell me he has two kids and was never married. That raised an eyebrow.

I didn't respond a couple of days passes and he sends another message. He goes: Hi can you call me? Or would you rather chat on here until you are comfortable. I'm okay with that. It is something that I saw in you and I know you saw in me. We have to get to know each other. Don't you think?

I did respond. I just said Yes I rather chat online for a while and asked him for his Yahoo Messenger. I didn't respond to his question about us having to get to know each other. But I did say that when I met him that I felt like we already met before. And I did get that feeling.

So sorry to let you ladies down.....I know I need to brush up on my mackin skills. I'm a shy boring person. I just ended a long term relationship a few months ago. Although I really want someone in my life...I thought it would be a least a year or so until I met someone and I really need to get "me" together. That's why my last relationship ended. I am terrified that I am feeling someone this quickly. I am so scared and not to mention super hormonal right now since I haven't colored in ages. He is not one of those guys that I could just be friends with...I am just too attracted to him. So I need to keep my distance from this guy.

I plan on taking this very slow...and for some reason I think this guy will be waiting.
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Talk about coincidences. I would respond. I don't see the harm. Ask him how he found your profile.
If you use a different name and city, how would he even know to look for you on the site and how would he find you? It sounds like a neat coincidence at this point. Take it slow and maybe get to know the guy. Of course take the regular precautions: talk, meet in public places with friends close by in case something pops off. It could be really nice or it could be nothing but it's too soon to tell. At least you know that he is employed. :lachen:

As for your friend...consider the source. Does she know him? Has she met him? Is she just pessimistic in general? Not judging, but I'm just saying. :look:

Whatever you decide, good luck! Keep us posted, please.
I really have mixed feelings about the story. On one hand it does sound sweet, kinda like faith allowed him to find you, but on the other hand it does sound kind of creepy.

I wonder if it is truly a coincidence that he found you on the site.

I really don't know what I would fione is he again?

Well, I'm thinking there are 50-11 dating sites so how would know to look on that one? Or why would he even think you were on a dating site?

It doesn't hurt to respond and ask him how he found you. Hell, I wanna know! :lol:
That is the WEIRDEST thing!!

I'm with the others in that it sounds WAY too good to be true yet if its fate, go with it.

But then it sounds creepy and what are the odds of someone just logging on to a random dating site and finding you? Smells like a setup.

Hmmm...he could've investigated you by name. Did you purchase something at that store that required you to put in your name or number or you had a bonus card or something?

Cause he could've picked up your info easily that way and then just googled your name. And how long has he been registered on that dating site? And how far away is your fake city in comparison to the city you live in?
^Aww I just re-read your post and you had a username different from your actual name...Hmmmm..that's fate right there!
I say go for it, my mama always says its only creepy when it not comin from Mr. Right....

:laugh: ITA! Kinda like it's only sexual harassment when the woman isn't attracted to the man.

OP, at this point the only way you're going to know what's up with him is to talk to him and meet him again. If he's up to no good, then you'll find that out. But even if he did finagle some way to find you online, that's not so weird; and I don't see how he could have managed to do that. Unless your friend knows him, I'd ignore that comment. That'd be a kind of complicated game he'd be running by meeting women in the store and looking them up online...If a man is going to play women, he doesn't have to put in that much effort. idk, sounds like a neat coincidence to me.

Keep us updated!
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Wow OP thats very odd. I think you should respnd (after all it is only online chatting for now) and please return and tell us how he found your profile because since u use a different name and location that would make you damn near impossible to find!
I've come across people I've met offline when perusing through online sites. If you set your search parameters for within 50-100 miles of your zipcode then different cities will show up. It doesn't seem unreasonable that he would've come across your profile. I think your friend sounds like a negative nelly naysayer and you might want to ignore her. What's the harm in replying to him. You were interested and thinking about him anyways. If he's on some B.S. you should be able to sniff it out pretty quickly. In the meantime just take it for what it is and reply to his message.
Number one... Tell that friend to shut up because he's foine and chances can be taken on foineness
Number two... any updates? :D
Subbbing cus I to want to know what happens, sounds like a coincidence to me

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I'm wondering if you gave your eml address with your details, and maybe he found you that way. Either way, this is pretty neat. I too am keeping tabs on this thread. :)
So cool! I am thinking it would be neat to go back to the store he works at before you respond to his invite and see if he would bring up the subject on seeing you online.
Plus any questions you have on how he found you, you can hear and see with your own voice if it sounds true which you won't get online. Good Luck and have fun with this.
1st -Subbing because this is juicy.
2nd - I think this is really cute! What if he did locate your information somehow because he regretted letting you walk out of the door without exchanging information (just like you did)? Is that really too creepy? How many times do we say that we want a man to pursue us so that we don't look "thirsty"? Well, here you go.
3rd - Mmmmm, I'm a sucka for pretty eyes. Wooh!