How/Why I Joined LHCF...


New Member
Hi ladies, I just joined 2 secs ago after about 2 days of lurking. My hair growth tale is long and saddening... :beer:

For about 8 years I was natural, having chopped off my hair back in high school after years of poor relaxer maintainence and very unhealthy hair. So for 8 years I had no relaxer touch my hair. And although I still hadn't properly taken cared of my hair, I still had a good head of nice natural hair.

Then I graduate college and enter the working world. At the time I still didn't know how to properly take care of my care and the only site I knew of was Nappturally. And the little that I did hear about how to take care of our seemed like rocket science or impossible. Like, where am I suppose to find Protein to put in my hair? (little did I know that it's as going to RiteAid).

So I kept my hair in braids and halfwigs, and occassional wore my Afro out. But those looks started to wear out and I wanted a more "professional" look for my new job. So what do I decide to do? I decide to relax my hair after 8 years.

November 1, 2008 I relax my hair and I officially enter that "world". But before I made that decision I did all my research on how to take care of relaxed hair, etc. But what I thought I knew was obviously not enough. 10 months later and my hair is LITERALLY chopped and screwed! It's so hard to describe but it's like someone took a scissor and took chuncks out of my hair. I guess it would be called breakage, but the "cuts" are precise with random parts of my hair longer then the other. :perplexed

It's very depressing and I'm really at a lost. I did don't know what the cause is but all I knwo is that I STOPPED going to my stylist. I'm back to wearing a half wig :sad: and feeling very self conscious about my hair. It's like high school all over again! :cry3:

But it was during sprint to buy the wig, I ran into this woman who told me about LHCF and how great the site was and helpful. She also told me what I should consider using on my hair, which was Nexxus Therappe, Hemectress, and Kerapix. I bought these items and have only used for a week but do notice the difference!

Now I need further help. Can anyone tell me if they've ever experienced this kind of hair breakage and how you overcame it? How can I best maintain my hair while still getting a relaxer, since I did enjoy the 8 months of relaxec hair I had when it was nice and healthy.

Any advice, tip, tricks, would be very much appreciated!


Hair Info
Hair type: relaxed hair is very thin/fine and before Nexxus felt very fragile. But when I was natural, my hair was medium coarse: coarser on the tops and middles, softer in the backs and nape.

Past Hair Care Products: Carol's Daughter Turi Shampoo and Deep Conditioner Smoothie, Tui Leave-in conditioner, and Margureite's Magic as mositerurizer. Washed once a week, twice a week when I could. Would hot iron once a week, and get touch-ups every 8 weeks.

Current Hair Care Products: Nexxus Therappe, Hemectress, Kerapix and Margureite's Magic. Washing twice a week for sure but using Kerapix once a week. Thinking of shortening my touch ups to 6 weeks since I think the pushing caused a lot of breakage. And with the half-wig I only hot iron my fronts (edges) only.

I'm so happy an lhcf member directed you here. How sweet of her!

Anyway, I'm natural so I don't have that much I can tell you. I do think you should keep stretching your relaxers to 8 weeks, but definitely look at the stretcher's support threads so that you can learn how to do it without breakage.

Also, if your hair wasn't very healthy, then your heat usage could have contributed to the damage so you may want to continue to avoid it. Is there a way you can blend your front edges without putting heat on them? The edges are usually the weakest part of the hair for most people for them to be relaxed and then flat ironed may not be the best thing (at least until you get your hair healthy again).

Anyway, I'm sure some relaxed heads will chime in with great advice. Glad to have you here!
WELCOME! You will find a wealth of information on this board and your hair will bounce back in no time! :D
:welcome: I am a newbie here too! I'm a natural girl, but it sounds like your routine did not have enough protein in it to help fortify the hair from the relaxer and flat iron use. I'm sure there will be more ladies coming in to give you some help.
:welcome: I am a newbie here too! I'm a natural girl, but it sounds like your routine did not have enough protein in it to help fortify the hair from the relaxer and flat iron use. I'm sure there will be more ladies coming in to give you some help.

Welcome! I also agree that the problem was probably lack of protein.
Hello!! :grin:
I'm new here too!

I'm not a hair guru or anything, but your hair sounds like the way mine was a few years ago. I found a stylist who gave me weekly protein and steam treatments and would rollerset my hair for me. After about a month of that, my hair was healthier, so she recommended that I start braiding it. I pretty much hid my hair in cornrows and micros (I had to watch my edges and nape) for the next two years. It was around that time that I found LHCF, and I was so happy that I wouldn't have to wear braids for the rest of my life to have pretty hair.

So I guess that would be my suggestion to you...except for that you can do deep conditions and protein treatments at home and save your money. :grin:
And if you like them, then braids, lace-fronts, weaves, half-wigs, buns, phony-ponies...protective styling in general, can really help you retain your growth.

Good luck!
You have come to the right place. You will discover the right way to take care of your hair. You just need a consistent healthy hair routine.
I'm very new too but the best things that I have learned from this site for my relaxed hair is to limit direct heat usage and try protective styling. You may also need a protein treatment to combat breakage; I've used the apoghee protein treatment and it works well.
Im new to the site also-I've been on for about 3 weeks and I dont quite have a regimen just yet, im still buying products but the changes I have done due to the knowledge from this board is great!! I can tell the difference already. My hair always stopped barely above my shoulders. I am excited about the possibility of my hair getting there and reaching APL all while it being healthy.
You are definitely at the right place :)
Hi- I am a newbie also. I cannot give much advice I can only say that this is a wonderful site full of love and good information. Well I will see you around as we grow together.
Thanks ladies for all the encourage and welcomes! I'll continue to surf the forum and soak up all the hair growth knowledge :)
welcome! without seeing ur hair i don't wanna say too much, but i would suggest doing a strand test to determine what your hair really needs- more moisture or protein. u can find info on dang -i will try an find the link. also get tips from (i think she has the strand test on there, not sure). but DEEP CONDITION w/heat every week and that's a fact or if no heat source available just leave it in longer although a steamer is da bomb! wish i could help u more, but u'll find a WEALTH of info on here. Good Luck 2u!