how to use mtg

Ditto. I've recently received mine and I'm wondering how people are using it or what they are mixing with it. Thanks.
I put mine in a bottle (an old wgho bottle) mixed with surge and lotion motion number nine, and I part my hair and apply to the scalp and massage it in. That's all.
I put mine in a squeeze bottle... add a few drops of peppermint oil to mask that horrible smell... then part my hair and apply it. Very lightly sometimes with just my fingers... because it is very runny and oily. I wash my hair two to three times a week.

Do you guys stop using it before a relaxer? Do you think it would be safe to use the days leading up to a relaxer?
Hello Ladies,
I'm still hanging in here with the MTG! Mitcy, I tried it immediately when it arrived (after doing a small section in the back for 2 hrs). The smell, whoa here piggy, piggy! I had to find a way to cut the odor. But, I am applying it 2x a week and I think I'm going into week 3 this weekend. I wish I had planned this better bc I need a touch up but I wanted to use the MTG 4 weeks before my touch up.
Ok, here's how I cut that gasping for breath odor :lol: ... I use a 10 oz applicator bottle and filled it 3 oz full of the MTG, then added 2 oz of Premire's Rose Conditioner (it's an EO concoction also for horses but smells like cloves), 20 drops of peppermint oil and five whole cloves.
The scent is tolerable, but far from that "come hither honey and let me snuggle with you" scent I prefer.
I just add drops to my scalp all around and then use my finger tips to massage it in. That's it :lachen:
ooh ok you wash,condition like you normally do
then apply mtg as a leave in product and that's it cool
ok thanks ladies
I dunno if its MTG or the combo of MTG, Lenzi and sometimes Surge and Vit supplement L-Cystein, but btw all of them, something is growing my kitchen like wild fire!!
I initially started using MTG 2-3x a week, the past week, I've used it everyday. Mind you I cowash every day or every other day so I wouldnt suggest that otherwise
I am glad, someone asked how to mix and use it, because I ordered a trial size yesterday, so I should be receiving it very soon. Thanks for your help Ladies.
I have several mixes for it. I have a bottle of straight MTG that I put on after I wash and spray surge afterward. It masks the smell a little. Next I have a mixture of Glovers, Castor oil, WGHO, and a little MTG. Next I have a mix of 2/3 MTG and 1/3 Castor oil. (I know I need help). I use them depending on how sensitive my nose is that day. I only apply after I wash usually 3 times a week. I always spray with surge or african braid spray afterward to help cut down on the smell. I only put it on when I wash my hair at night because it seems to not smell after sitting overnight. Otherwise I would be walking around smelling like bacon!!!
I don't mix mine with anything. When I'm done applying it to my scalp, I then usually wrap my hair up,then when I wake up in the morning, I put oil sheen in my hair. That usually cuts the smell down a little. But its working.
I dont mix mine with anything I want to see the results of it full strength first.
I usually put it in a squeeze bottle and apply to my scalp after surging and I mask the smell with Surge Deoderizer.