How to tell if my ends are


Well-Known Member
This may sound stupid, but for some reason I cant seem to figure out whether my ends are split, or my hair is just uneven. From close-up diagrams and other microscopic pics I have seen, the hair is literally split or bent at the end. But when I look at my own hair, I dont see any type of "split" even though my stylist constantly tells me my ends are damaged and need to be trimmed. (She is not very good at promoting healthy hair anyway). I have noticed that the bottom third of my hair is thicker and looks coarser, but could this just be underprocessed hair? The stylist I have now compared to the one I have now did not leave my relaxer in as long as my new one does (she likes my hair to be "bone straight" :mad: ) So maybe the thicker hair is just underproccessed and is mistaken to be damaged because it is not bone straight and much thicker? My hair is also in layers so it makes the "illusion" of split ends seem worse :confused: I cannot tell and I have been examining my hair every five seconds trying to figure out the problem. I really am confused and need help detecting whether my ends are split or not. Pictures would definitely help. If they really are split ends then Im in a lot of trouble because I would be trimming my hair to above ear length even though I am desperately trying to get to shoulder length. :(

ETA-BTW I dont really have a lot of breakage, only when I comb my hair which is not very often.
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Chances are if u cant tell,, theyre not split lol,, but ive had my share for sure ,, so i would look for,, lighter colored ends, any whitish appearance,, any nodes or balls, splits on the very tip,, hairs that bend at a 90 degree angle and u can just rip them off, and ends that are soo frizzy and never look right no matter how u try to smooth them,, i think these are signs you need a trim,, if u dont have these then please dont let anyone trim ur hair!!!!
Here is a split ends chart that might be helpful. There are all types of "split ends", aside from the traditional 2-way split. If your ends look like any of these, chances are a good dusting wouldnt hurt.


But if your ends look healthy, and are just a tad uneven or u-shaped...... you dont necessarily need a trim, or dusting for that matter. Some stylists just prefer that you have an even, blunt cut. But that is a personal preference, based on aesthetics only. And that is YOUR decision to make, not some pushy, overbearing stylist. :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Here is a split ends chart that might be helpful. There are all types of "split ends", aside from the traditional 2-way split. If your ends look like any of these, chances are a good dusting wouldnt hurt.


But if your ends look healthy, and are just a tad uneven or u-shaped...... you dont necessarily need a trim, or dusting for that matter. Some stylists just prefer that you have an even, blunt cut. But that is a personal preference, based on aesthetics only. And that is YOUR decision to make, not some pushy, overbearing stylist. :lol:

Great chart, KiniKakes, that was very helpful! And I totally agree with the bolded part, too. :lol:
Thank you all for the feedback. Raven, I have noticed that the ends are frizzy, but when I curl them with low heat they usually go away. My hair has always tended to be thicker at the ends than anything. Thank you Kini for the hair chart, I have noticed the 90 degree angle ends before, but the rest are non-existant. The chart really does help a lot. I guess my hair is just weird. :ohwell: I guess I started becoming a lot more concerned after my last hair appt. Because when I came home after being away from school my hair was raggedy looking; my stylist trimmed an inch or two off after relaxing and my hair looked beautiful, the ends were healthy looking and was perfect. Even when I began washing it myself the ends looked fine. But when I returned to her 5 weeks later for a simple wrap, not only did she tell me my hair was too "nappy" to wet wrap, but she used TRIPLE heat! :eek: Meaning she blowdryed, flat-ironed my hair straight so she could trim it, then she flat-ironed it again to curl it. :mad: Ever since then my ends look funny and feel weird, it was a very sloppy trim at that. So now I am very concerned about my hair health and just am scared to have another BC.
Shamoo, you are lucky to have thick ends! and really if your ends are not damaged do not let someone whoees either jealous or very lazy cut your hair,, sounds to me like the stylist was lazy. I have been thru stylists who got MAD at me becuz my hair was so thick they knew theyd be working for a while, just baby your ends now,, I am using something called Jason Mango butter(intended for skin) for my ends now,, it is the best stuff Ive found for ends ,, if your ends are hard maybe they need moisture,, try not to use heat just bathe your ends in something moisturizing and pull yout hair back and leave it alone for a while
I judge clients hair by sight and feel, you can feel damaged split ends while combing, you will feel snags or sandpaper feeling on the hair. I think your hairdresser was looking for a rent payment.