How to take a progress shot

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New Member
I think this is something that needs discussing.

For the sake of this discussion, short hair is nape/neck or shorter. Long hair is shoulder or longer. If you're somewhere in between, use your own judgment.

Before taking your picture you might want to:

- Comb, groom, etc. You want your hair to look its best, this is, after all, a progress shot.

- Remove any embarrassing items from view. This means panties hanging off the radiator, or "personal toys" loitering on the dresser. You don't want anything distracting to take attention from the main attraction -- your hair.

For short hair-

At this point in your hair journey, we are interested in the health of your hair. Profile angle, face angle, close-ups of texture or anything special you wish to share about your hair.

If you wish to pull on an end to show where it would be without shrinkage, that's cool. Please don't neglect to show your shrinkage. Many ladies are interested in that part of the hair journey. Varying angles and close-ups.

You can do these from arm length, just make sure your hand is steady to avoid any blurring. Please make sure your lens is clean, because at these closer distances, any bit of fluff or lint will give you some weird flashy/floating orb effects.

For longer hair -

These are mostly pictures taken from behind.

- The ABSOLUTE BEST way to do this is to have another person take this picture for you anywhere from 6-10 feet away.

- If for some reason, you can't find someone who can take a decent picture, or if it's too embarrassing to ask someone to take this picture for you, then your next best option is to use a camera with a timer. Find a place to sit your camera, at roughly bsl to eye level off the ground. A bookshelf, a dresser, a cabinet, something. Set timer to 10 seconds, this gives you enough time to stand where you want to stand, remember, you did all your grooming already, so all you have to do is walk to the right spot, and stand there.

Example, garden variety digital camera set on a book shelf


- If you don't have a suitable shelf or dresser to set the camera on, or you only possess a camera cell that can't stand up on its own or has no timer, your only option is to take this picture in a mirror. Please try to make sure your mirror is clean. My mirrors are never clean, so I can see how this is a lot to ask, but at least give it a quick rub down with an old sock or something? I'd be mortified if my mirrors looked like some crackhead walked up and skeeted all over them, or if they look like I was rubbing them down with chicken grease. Crackhead jizz and chicken grease are not verified growth/retention products, there is no reason for them to be in your bathroom, in your hair, or on your mirrors. Also, you don't have to hold your arms way up high. You can hold the camera closer to your head, or to your side, and you'll get a better, more accurate, shot of your length.

For example, my first hair shot, it was taken in a mirror.


- Bra straps. Now this is a touchy subject. Some ladies object to showing bras in progress shots, I personally don't mind or care, so I won't go into the moral/ethical arguments for why you should or shouldn't show your underwear. However, if you choose to show your bra, please make sure it's a properly fitting bra? If it's high up and your hair reaches that, then you are not BSL. You are in the sketchy area between APL and BSL, I would call you APL until you show me otherwise. Please make sure that the shoulder straps of your boulder holders are straight. Please make sure your bra is clean. If this is a problem, it would be a good idea to set aside a bra just of the purpose of taking a progress shot.

- Leaning backwards, head tilting, neck stretching, back arching, pelvic thrusting, etc. THESE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. I don't care who you are, you could be the Gladys Knight in all her Pip glory, it would still be unacceptable, this is a big no-no. BAD! BAD! BAD! If I could find the spanking smiley right now, I would use it a million times. Stretching, photoshopping length, lying about your length is also unacceptable.

Why is this bad? Because it's cheating. There are people here who have worked for their growth, they have had the patience and discipline to see techniques and products all the way through. When you cheat, you are insulting them and you're treating the people who hope to reach their goals like they are stupid.

The way to take a proper is to stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground, hands with your back straight. Imagine how you stand waiting on the line at the DMV, or waiting for a bus, you don't do any body contortions. Please don't showcase your acrobatic abilities just to add an extra inch or two to your length. If you have to arch your back and break your arm to pull down on your length, ask yourself "Is it worth it?" Hair grows in its own time. Don't rush it.

- Now, on a personal note, there's the back fat issue. I am one of those of the pudgy bodies. Yes, this is embarrassing sometimes, no we don't want people fixating on our fatty backs or arms. You are free to use Photoshop or whatever image editing program to crop these things out.

You are also free to use image editing programs to fix the lighting, some pictures are too dim (see my mirror shot picture)

Thank you for your time. I would like for people to feel free to add any more suggestions in case I have missed something.
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well said!

can you add something about pics with your hair wet vs dry? i don't think it's fair when people make threads saying they are APL, but only when their hair is soaking wet under the shower head.
*sucks teeth* I'm coming out with my Crackhead Skeet Brand Moisturizing Shampoo© and Chicken Grease Brand Sleep-In-It Conditioner© in the next month or two. Why hate on progress and your fellow sistahs and their own personal Come Up Shuffle, Bene? This really burns my soul. :(
I think this is something that needs discussing.

For the sake of this discussion, short hair is nape/neck or shorter. Long hair is shoulder or longer. If you're somewhere in between, use your own judgment.

Before taking your picture you might want to:

- Comb, groom, etc. You want your hair to look its best, this is, after all, a progress shot.

- Remove any embarrassing items from view. This means panties hanging off the radiator, or "personal toys" loitering on the dresser. You don't want anything distracting to take attention from the main attraction -- your hair.

For short hair-

At this point in your hair journey, we are interested in the health of your hair. Profile angle, face angle, close-ups of texture or anything special you wish to share about your hair.

If you wish to pull on an end to show where it would be without shrinkage, that's cool. Please don't neglect to show your shrinkage. Many ladies are interested in that part of the hair journey. Varying angles and close-ups.

You can do these from arm length, just make sure your hand is steady to avoid any blurring. Please make sure your lens is clean, because at these closer distances, any bit of fluff or lint will give you some weird flashy/floating orb effects.

For longer hair -

These are mostly pictures taken from behind.

- The ABSOLUTE BEST way to do this is to have another person take this picture for you anywhere from 6-10 feet away.

- If for some reason, you can't find someone who can take a decent picture, or if it's too embarrassing to ask someone to take this picture for you, then your next best option is to use a camera with a timer. Find a place to sit your camera, at roughly bsl to eye level off the ground. A bookshelf, a dresser, a cabinet, something. Set timer to 10 seconds, this gives you enough time to stand where you want to stand, remember, you did all your grooming already, so all you have to do is walk to the right spot, and stand there.

Example, garden variety digital camera set on a book shelf


- If you don't have a suitable shelf or dresser to set the camera on, or you only possess a camera cell that can't stand up on its own or has no timer, your only option is to take this picture in a mirror. Please try to make sure your mirror is clean. My mirrors are never clean, so I can see how this is a lot to ask, but at least give it a quick rub down with an old sock or something? I'd be mortified if my mirrors looked like some crackhead walked up and skeeted all over them, or if they look like I was rubbing them down with chicken grease. Crackhead jizz and chicken grease are not verified growth/retention products, there is no reason for them to be in your bathroom, in your hair, or on your mirrors. Also, you don't have to hold your arms way up high. You can hold the camera closer to your head, or to your side, and you'll get a better, more accurate, shot of your length.

For example, my first hair shot, it was taken in a mirror.


- Bra straps. Now this is a touchy subject. Some ladies object to showing bras in progress shots, I personally don't mind or care, so I won't go into the moral/ethical arguments for why you should or shouldn't show your underwear. However, if you choose to show your bra, please make sure it's a properly fitting bra? If it's high up and your hair reaches that, then you are not BSL. You are in the sketchy area between APL and BSL, I would call you APL until you show me otherwise. Please make sure that the shoulder straps of your boulder holders are straight. Please make sure your bra is clean. If this is a problem, it would be a good idea to set aside a bra just of the purpose of taking a progress shot.

- Leaning backwards, head tilting, neck stretching, back arching, pelvic thrusting, etc. THESE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. I don't care who you are, you could be the Gladys Knight in all her Pip glory, it would still be unacceptable, this is a big no-no. BAD! BAD! BAD! If I could find the spanking smiley right now, I would use it a million times. Stretching, photoshopping length, lying about your length is also unacceptable.

Why is this bad? Because it's cheating. There are people here who have worked for their growth, they have had the patience and discipline to see techniques and products all the way through. When you cheat, you are insulting them and you're the people who hope to reach their goals like they are stupid.

The way to take a proper is to stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground, hands with your back straight. Imagine how you stand waiting on the line at the DMV, or waiting for a bus, you don't do any body contortions. Please don't showcase your acrobatic abilities just to add an extra inch or two to your length. If you have to arch your back and break your arm to pull down on your length, ask yourself "Is it worth it?" Hair grows in its own time. Don't rush it.

- Now, on a personal note, there's the back fat issue. I am one of those of the pudgy bodies. Yes, this is embarrassing sometimes, no we don't want people fixating on our fatty backs or arms. You are free to use Photoshop or whatever image editing program to crop these things out.

You are also free to use image editing programs to fix the lighting, some pictures are too dim (see my mirror shot picture)

Thank you for your time. I would like for people to feel free to add any more suggestions in case I have missed something.

Thank you so much for this information especially the red bold!
Dear mods, please make this a sticky. Thank you!
No, but for real...great points. I can't stand to see ladies darn near doing the limbo, giving themselves 3 extra inches.
*sucks teeth* I'm coming out with my Crackhead Skeet Brand Moisturizing Shampoo© and Chicken Grease Brand Sleep-In-It Conditioner© in the next month or two. Why hate on progress and your fellow sistahs and their own personal Come Up Shuffle, Bene? This really burns my soul. :(

That was nasty, huh? I'm a bad girl. it made me giggle. :lachen:
No, but for real...great points. I can't stand to see ladies darn near doing the limbo, giving themselves 3 extra inches.
for real! i'd rather be one of the folks who's almost MBL and just claiming BSL rather than one of the people who is hollering BSL before her hair gets to her armpits.
Since I have back fat, I will not be showcasing my hair w/ only a bra on but all of these points are very helpful.
Thank you for this. I really don't understand why people act like it's brain surgery to take a progress picture, or why they decide to post pics claiming what is blatantly not there.
me and my mirror live in the crackhouse..
i'm always looking at pictures like, "why didn't i wipe off the crackhead skeet?"
HILARIOUS but true. I can't get a progress pic to save me.. My son looks at me like *COME ON MA AGAIN* and it never comes out right. Him stretching my hair and taking a pic. ummm FAIL

How about the pics of strings of hair reaching a goal and one claiming it? It's unfair IMO
also please clean your bathroom and surroundings, no one wants to see that. Make sure your girls are covered up too, this isn't playboy or KING magazine. And last but not least, please do NOT pull the one piece of hair that is APL/BSL/WL. You aren't full any length if all your hair isn't that length, boo boo.
Please don't wear a shirt the same color as your hair to take pictures against. ie., black hair on a black shirt. We can't see your hair, make sense?
OP - allow me to piggyback on your original thought...

I also hate the back pics with both arms raised above the head (camera in hand). Shrugging aka "a turtle's neck" does NOT equal length!

All of these "creative" poses just lose credibility but most importantly, you're cheating yourself!
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- Leaning backwards, head tilting, neck stretching, back arching, pelvic thrusting, etc. THESE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. I don't care who you are, you could be the Gladys Knight in all her Pip glory, it would still be unacceptable, this is a big no-no. BAD! BAD! BAD! If I could find the spanking smiley right now, I would use it a million times. Stretching, photoshopping length, lying about your length is also unacceptable.

:lachen::lachen: Thank you for this.
also please clean your bathroom and surroundings, no one wants to see that. Make sure your girls are covered up too, this isn't playboy or KING magazine. And last but not least, please do NOT pull the one piece of hair that is APL/BSL/WL. You aren't full any length if all your hair isn't that length, boo boo.

now i understand the 1 piece but c'mon now..a lot of ladies have back longer then the front or sides. if the 'majority' of my hair is a certain length..then thats the length i'm claiming.
now i understand the 1 piece but c'mon now..a lot of ladies have back longer then the front or sides. if the 'majority' of my hair is a certain length..then thats the length i'm claiming.

I don't think she meant it that way. Yea you can claim something if that's where the majority of your hair falls, but if ALL of your hair isn't BSL, then you are not full BSL. I would only claim to be a full anything when basically every strand of hair reaches that length.
Okay, about wet vs. dry hair progress shots.

This is really a personal matter. I prefer dry hair. Why? Because most of us don't walk around with soaking wet hair most of the time. In it's natural state, hair is dry. When hair is wet, the shaft stretches and swells. So this is not an accurate way to determine ANYTHING about hair.

Same for texture diagnosis. When I want to know my texture, I'll wash and condition as normal, detangle while wet and then leave it alone to airdry without any manipulation or extra products. I think that this is the only real way to tell.

But, it's a personal choice, so it's not for me to say anything about someone choosing to take wet hair shots. I just know that if it's wet, I'm not going to pay any attention to it.
Nice post. But why is a post like this necessary? Are there people who really need this type of instruction? Most of the pics I have seen on here look fine.
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