How to Stir Up The Gift of Prophecy God's Given You


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have the gift of prophecy. God speaks to me alot in dreams and shows me things years before they happen and this past year, he has given me dreams and I was supposed to pray for the people in the dreams but I didn't.

He gives me revelations about alot of stuff but the Lord confirmed through someone else that I do indeed have the gift of prophecy.

I want God to use me more with this gift I have and the only thing I can think to do is:

- Pray
- Fast
- Fill myself on His word
- Worship and spend time with Him
- Praise
- Keep walking in obedience and love for him and other human beings besides myself.

Is there anyone who has the gift of prophecy or is in the office of prophecy and how did you see your gifts evolve?

I looked at this site and they gave some good tips:
STAY in the word of God and listen, even when it seems 'unlike' Him.

Write everything down. Keep a pad/pen by your bedside and write everything down. Always ask the Holy Spirit to bring the 'Word' / Message to your rememberance. Write it down.

Did I say, Write it down? Yes, I did several times. :yep:

I learned this from my Spiritual Mentors.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Because the enemy uses this to 'stifle' you. Do not be afraid to fail. This is how you learn the 'differences' and that also there may not be a difference and you will have to step out on faith from what you already know to be God.

Do not be afraid to fail. Or you will.

Accept that God is not 'Deep', yet He is. However, His word to us is not all that deep and mysterious.

God is not Deep, yet He is.

You probably 'know' all of this, but this is how I learned and so have many, many others. Yet always, it bears repetition, for faith and instruction comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing..... by the word of God.

Love and blessings... :love2:
I have a spiritual mentor too. She is a prophetess and I learn so much from her especially regarding the gift. Having a mentor is important. Ask God to lead you to one if you don't have one.
I have two sisters in Christ who are very dear to me and have this gift. I thank God for them both. Also, I forgot to add I know a man who has this gift and he is a blessing. ladies here are giving some great tips.