How to: Set Standards in Dating


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I’m hoping this is an informational thread for the married ladies and those with successful dating experiences to help the rest of us figure how to do this, and how to do it smoothly.

Most of us know that we need to set standards when dating someone new, but I (and maybe others as well) have trouble picturing the actual implementation of said-standard setting: how to express them to the guys in our lives, what words to use, when to set those boundaries, etc.

My thinking is usually that the guy and I will discuss and set boundaries overtime, after the initial get-to-know-you stages… but a few of the guys I've met often cross the line before such a conversation can even happen:wallbash:

Scenario 1: I’m on a 2nd date with a guy, after a fantastic first date. Halfway through date 2, as we’re taking a long walk, he randomly pulls me in and plants one right on my lips. I’m like: :-O The thing is, I am not comfortable with intimacy so soon, and at that point, I’m still figuring out if I like the guy enough to let him go there. So, it’s still much too early for my liking. I’m confused, and he’s confused too by my reaction, because I did not know that this is something I was supposed to tell him on date 1. So, this initial moment of intimac. Turned out to be very awkward.

Question: How do I let someone know that I do not want to go there at all for at least a few dates? Dodge attempts? (what if taken offguard?)

Scenario 2: On a 3rd date, as we’re walking, homeboy puts his hand on my behind. I’m shocked, but my tipsy behind giggles:rollseyes: But I tell him not to do that. [Wasn’t very effective, thanks to the tipsy giggle that preceded:wallbash:]

Overall though, I want to avoid situations like this one. I feel that I am often taken aback by such forwardness and I don’t know if this is a message that I am sending that I am okay with that, but I am NOT. I know that on dates 1-2, we got to know each other’s backgrounds, but did not set ground rules for what behavior is/isn’t acceptable while we’re hanging out.

This leaves me wondering: Do you lay out the rules before they even act? Or do you set standards as the opportunity arises? (which, in some cases, means that the guy is overstepping limits, as he did above) In either case, what words do you use? How do you say it?


If you’d like, you can post your scenarios and how you handled them, or what you would have done in a particular case. I feel that I’m somewhat at a loss about when to define what the boundaries are. [Usually, I get pissed and tell them off when they’ve REALLY crossed the line, and decide to cut them out of my life… but maybe their behavior can be prevented sooner].
Great thread although it sounds like you mean more "boundaries" or "barriers" than "standards"? I asked this on another forum once and the first reply was basically like "say no" as if that was the end of it. I was like **** you and never posted there again.
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I would bother with a 2nd or 3rd date if an attempt at a kiss or hand on my butt offended me.

I guess you would need to watch your body language too. Maybe he thought you were giving off cues that you were ok with his actions.
Thanks ladies.
I gave those examples as 2 scenarios that I've dealt with. I don't know if they should have been considered dealbreakers (didn't treat them as such), but in both cases, I definitely questioned whether it was because we did not have a talk about boundaries that the guy behaved as he did.

I wonder if, in the case of scenario 1, I should have said: "Hey, I'm enjoying my time with you, but it is too early for you to kiss me. I want to feel more comfortable before we go there again"... would that work? and that's a potential mood-killer, no?:lol: I don't know.

Anyway, I would love to read about specific instances where you told a guy exactly what the boundaries are.
10WordzOrLess, can you share some examples?
JayAnn0513, I wonder about my body language too... In my mind, I am looking "interested," NOT trying to say that I'm down for a groping session. The guy in scenario 1 did say that I give him "looks"... which isn't the truth. I just get droopy eyes when I drink:ohwell: he, and a couple of other guys I've gone out with, seem to assume that they're bedroom eyes:wallbash:
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I would bother with a 2nd or 3rd date if an attempt at a kiss or hand on my butt offended me.

I guess you would need to watch your body language too. Maybe he thought you were giving off cues that you were ok with his actions.

good point re body language. women who have had something to drink gives guys an impression that they can push the boundaries a bit. it's awful and wrong but a reality; at least in my experience. i am very much about my space and boundaries so I do not drink or get tipsy on the first of several dates.
I'm with LaBelleLL on that- don't drink! Have diet soda, have tea. Don't drink any booze, for several reasons.

Many men feel that if you are drinking in his presence it is for the sole purpose of "loosening up" for sex. If things go bad he can easily say "well why were you drinking then?" Even though this is dead wrong; a woman doesn't want sex just because she is drinking! the men that believe this will potentially cause big problems for you.

If, god forbid, he assaults you, your credibility is undermined thoroughly by the basic fact that you had an alcoholic drink on the date. Is it right? NO, of course not. But if the guy believes you were giving him eyes, and you were drinking... :nono: really bad things can happen and nobody will side with you. You will have "he should have punched her softly not punched her so hard" :dizzy: types judging what happened later on :nono:

Like you said, the tipsy giggle totally canceled out your claim to not want him grabbing your butt. :ohwell: And please, do not permit a man to touch you that way in public :nono: If he does, you STOP walking, turn and look him straight in the eyes, and say in a firm tone of voice "Do not touch me that way, ever." I would never date a man like that again. He clearly thinks very little of you, to treat you that way.
If he tries to kiss you, you can pull away and say "it's a bit early for me for that." If he tries to touch you where you don't want to be, you can step away or move his hand and tell him "we're still getting to know each other, it's a little too early for that." I don't know that a discussion about it all on the first date is necessary. Just be clear about it when he does something you don't want him to do.
Third date is too early for a butt touch if you haven't even kissed yet. That is disrespectful on his part. I would be so turned off by a guy who did that before it was clear to him and me that I really did like him. So he thinks a booty touch is okay when you rejected his kiss? That is NOT cool. I agree with LadyPaniolo, drinking is totally a bad idea if you are not ready to be intimate with someone. Do not even have a drink unless you know for sure you want this guy and would be okay with kissing, touching and so on.
Scenario 1:

I would've pulled away if I didn't want to be kissed and if he questions it I would've said "too soon".

Scenario 2: I cannot identify with the tipsy part but I'm dramatic so my mouth would've gone into a huge 0 and I would've been like, where is your hand?

I don't like to see a man hand on a woman's butt in public period. I find it to be so disrespectful!

I was walking to my dorm once and this guy took it upon himself to decide to hold my hand. I felt so violated. I pulled and pulled and swung and swung and he wouldn't let go! I never walked anywhere with him ever again!
So is there heavy conversation before the first date? If I give a guy my number I get heavy conversations in before I go on the first date so I make my standards clear; I also want to see if the date is worth it for both of us.

The only few times I've never subscribed to the convo before date is when I met someone and we right then and there had a date - they were rare but wonderful; never went anywhere but memory worthy!
I agree with the importance of body language. I also try to control intimacy by placing my hand up any time a guy goes in like he might kiss me. I put my hand on his chest once he's close so he can't get too close and turn my head slightly. I might even put my hand on his neck, so he doesn't feel completely rejected. After the totally PG kiss is over, I'll smile at him and quickly face forward, start walking or whatever so he doesn't go in for more. I did this with a guy on Thursday. I don't think he felt rejected and most guys wouldn't stop trying even if they did. Male arrogance is skrong.

I can't recall dealing with a scenario like the butt one. If a guy wants to know why I'm shying away from intimacy, I just say something like "for the same reason I don't want to know what you do for a living. I just want to get to know you as a person-- the whole, not parts or pieces. Everything else is guaranteed to come and come freely, once I know the whole."

That isn't something I'd explain on a first date, though, b/c it shouldn't come up. The first date or two is generally too light for that convo.

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Third date is too early for a butt touch if you haven't even kissed yet. That is disrespectful on his part. I would be so turned off by a guy who did that before it was clear to him and me that I really did like him. So he thinks a booty touch is okay when you rejected his kiss? That is NOT cool. I agree with LadyPaniolo, drinking is totally a bad idea if you are not ready to be intimate with someone. Do not even have a drink unless you know for sure you want this guy and would be okay with kissing, touching and so on.

Yup, I totally agree. Sorry, can't multi-quote from my phone!

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I avoid this by going dutch at first until something one way or another has been established. If he feeling all insecure about me doing that honestly bump ole boy. I don't want him feeling entitled to nothing and he shouldn't feel bad if I don't go any further since he didn't waste his money. Alot of guys king/kang alike complain about that regardless of what they tell you. I know some women would not agree with me going dutch but it works for me.
I agree with Lady P about the drinking for all of the stated reasons plus the facts that
alcohol also dulls your senses and intuition. You may not pick up on many non-verbal cues or the body language of your date. He may appear more attractive or more charming after after a couple if drinks and that can be really dangerous.
Seems weird to be against early kisssing but at the same time ok with being tipsy with this person.
You two are just getting to know each other. Your senses shouldnt be dulled by alcohol at this time. You should be fully alert and somewhat guarded
I avoid this by going dutch at first until something one way or another has been established. If he feeling all insecure about me doing that honestly bump ole boy. I don't want him feeling entitled to nothing and he shouldn't feel bad if I don't go any further since he didn't waste his money. Alot of guys king/kang alike complain about that regardless of what they tell you. I know some women would not agree with me going dutch but it works for me.

I do the same thing. Nothing keeps it friendlier than paying for a date yourself. But beware (IMO) about a man who willingly let's you pay (he needs to at least protest). You don't want to set a standard of you paying for things. You just want to sometimes say separate checks. And don't be tipsy with a man your dating, it just sets the wrong image. He might have asked you on a date to get to know you as a woman, but end up thinking youre easy because you let your self get too comfortable. It seems disrespectful for a man to invite you to if he wants you tipsy for some reason.
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An example I have of setting boundaries would be when a man went in for the kiss, just turn your head and offer the cheek. I never want to crush a mans spirit if I think I like him, so I might say something like "you might be cute, but I don't know you well enough to be kissing you". If your problem is that they totally surprise you, then let them know (gently) by saying "I'm not ready for things like that. I just don't know you well enough." And then let the mood dampen for a minute or two, and then perk up the conversation when you are ready (but not before). That way you shift the power into your court. I think its important for a woman to realize she has all the power as long as she doesn't give it up too soon.

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This was an interesting read for me because ALL of them men I go out with use the "woman must make the first move rule." There is no kissing, touching or making any move until I do it, which usually really bothers me but after reading this thread I think I understand.

When I asked several of the men I have dated they all say they don't want to read my signals wrong or jump the gun so they play it safe and make no moves at all. It is rare that anything at all happens until the third date.

Maybe I should start appreciating men taking it really, really slow.
Thanks for the responses!

I totally see what you all have to say about drinking on dates, and I am going to make that one of my boundaries in future dating experiences (I am on a much-needed hiatus right now).

I never used to drink on dates in college. I wasn't 21 after all, and yes, I did always feel more alert then. Since graduation though, I've been drinking more than usual (the usual used to be no drink at all lol), so I am very much a lightweight. In both scenarios 1 and 2, there was drinking involved... and by that I mean ONE drink, or maybe 1.5 drinks in Scenario 2.

Also, eeevery guy wants to "buy me a drank" when I'm on a date. I don't know if it's an age thing (I've only dated guys fresh out of college or in grad schools, where drinking is a huuuge part of the culture). They look at me funny when I say I just want a cranberry juice when I'm in the club. "What? Cranberry juice?? girl, you can get any drank you want!":lol:

Once I get past the 1 drink threshold, my eyes get "bedroomy" and, looking back, my senses are dulled. That's probably why I didn't realize he was leaning to kiss me.

On a date several months after both scenarios, I used a trick I read from a book. The guy, an old acquaintance I was already fairly comfortable with, was leaning in for a kiss. We'd talked extensively prior to the date (a series of several over 1 weekend, because he'd flown into town to take me out). I told him that I didn't kiss on the first date. Needless to say, he understood, and tried again on date 2 (the next day). I told him: "Let me come to you... when I am ready." :look: (this is from "Why Men Love B*tches). He seemed very pleased with that suggestion... although I never did "come to him"... as I did not feel that attraction.

Windsy: No, we usually don't talk on the phone before the date... only to set it up.

I just don't know how to infuse these boundaries into our regular conversation... without sounding too uptight. I'd like for that topic to just be brought up casually and flow with the rest of the conversation. Not sure how to do that.
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This was an interesting read for me because ALL of them men I go out with use the "woman must make the first move rule." There is no kissing, touching or making any move until I do it, which usually really bothers me but after reading this thread I think I understand.

When I asked several of the men I have dated they all say they don't want to read my signals wrong or jump the gun so they play it safe and make no moves at all. It is rare that anything at all happens until the third date.

Maybe I should start appreciating men taking it really, really slow.

babyu21, I think that's a great approach. Usually when the guy makes the move, I find it to be too soon...

I would much rather be the initiator with those little things early on.
Hmm.... where are your dates? Usually people aren't comfortable doing PDA with people they don't know very well. You could try having the first couple of dates in a very public setting, no wandering off to secluded areas, etc. I don't know if you're doing this already. Also, in one of your post you mentioned the club, I hope you're not going on dates in the club.... that's a really hypersexualized environment, lots of frisky behavior.

Regarding the drinking, if you want to be polite and social but are worried about getting overly tipsy, sip on a glass of wine as opposed to a mixed drink. Something like a Riesling or a Moscato is nice and sweet, and has low alcohol content. Accept one glass, and then stop. Even if you're a lightweight, its pretty hard to get drunk off one glass if you're nursing it the whole night.

As far as the guys behavior, you really have no control over that. I think you should just develop more comfort with defending and maintaining your boundaries, which might come with experience... aka people crossing your boundaries and you having to tell them off. I can't think of any cute ways that I've discovered to set boundaries. I know they've definitely been crossed, but I think I just tell the person that I didn't like it, ride the awkward moment out, and then move on. Its become a lot easier as time goes on, I don't think about it so hard now, its even somewhat reflexive.

Don't suppress or second-guess your feelings, if you don't like something, then speak out about it.
Thanks, freelove :)
I'll heed your advice about the wine.

On the dates I mentioned in the thread, we were out to eat something (usually something really small), and then walked to a different location, either for movies, salsa dancing, etc. Another was at a semi-formal event. In all these occasions, they ordered drinks. The guy usually has a lot more than I've had... like 2-3. I don't know how or why they do it:ohwell:

I mention the club experience because that's what happens to me when guys approach me at the club/lounge:lol:
Him: What? you're not drinking? Really, it's on me, order what you want.
Me: No, I already had a drink... I'll just have a cranberry.
Him: :confused:

Yes, a conversation like that has happened... this probably was with the guy in Scenario 1.

In scenario 1, we took a 20-minute walk mid-date. By then I'd had 1 drink. I knew the location of the second place, and I suggested we either walk or cab it (he was new to town). As soon as he agreed to walk, I thought: uh-oh:ohwell: should have gone with my gut.
So is there heavy conversation before the first date? If I give a guy my number I get heavy conversations in before I go on the first date so I make my standards clear; I also want to see if the date is worth it for both of us.

The only few times I've never subscribed to the convo before date is when I met someone and we right then and there had a date - they were rare but wonderful; never went anywhere but memory worthy!

ITA. I think this is key to easily mentioning your boundaries while having the "pre-date" heavy conversations.