How to self trim?


New Member
Hi ladies!

I'm a newbie, and I'm gearing up for 2007. I would really like to snip off some of my ends because my hair thins out toward the ends - is trimming even the best option? I want thick hair from the root to the end.

I've never self trimmed, but I'd like to try and do this myself :scratchch

Is there a difference between cutting wet or dry hair (I've had stylists trim wet and dry)? Is there a certain "technique" I should use to self trim? Should I trim right after a touch up?

Also, it sounds intuitive, but could someone explain the difference between a trim and a dusting??

Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions!!
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I just did a trim for my daughter the other day using a method i think Southerngirl recommended. i did the cut on dry hair

I had my daughter bend over and we brushed all her hair forward. I then I cut it straight across.

The results were amazing.

She has layers looks really cute.

I will attach pics if you want.

Dusting is light trimming to get rid of split ends. a search and destroy technique. I'm sure one of the ladies will chime in.
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Inquisition12 said:
Hi ladies!

I'm a newbie, and I'm gearing up for 2007. I would really like to snip off some of my ends because my hair thins out toward the ends - is trimming even the best option? I want thick hair from the root to the end.

I've never self trimmed, but I'd like to try and do this myself :scratchch

Is there a difference between cutting wet or dry hair (I've had stylists trim wet and dry)? Is there a certain "technique" I should use to self trim? Should I trim right after a touch up?

Also, it sounds intuitive, but could someone explain the difference between a trim and a dusting??

Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions!!

The only answers I can offer are : a dusting is like a really really small trim. And I think it can even be in just areas that appear to need it but still nothing major at all..just minor cutting.

And if you plan on trimming your own hair, get a good pair of hair scissors and only use them for hair.

Sorry - can't offer any advice on the wet vs dry trimming
Sweetg, snoopy1me, Sweet_Ambrosia:

Thanks for your input! It's helpful. I'll try to remember to post before and after trim pics.