how to say this tactfully?


Well-Known Member
So, I write a column for my alumnae class in our alma mater magazine, and I periodically receive news about people's accomplishments and whatnot.

One girl excited sent information about a recent engagement with plans to relocate and wed in... 2013.

I have to unfortunately tell her that we cannot accept these news:lol: As mean as it sounds, we cannot post about engagements nor pregnancies... only about events that are certain:giggle:

Any thought on how to phrase this tactfully without having her realize that it IS because stuff like that isn't certain that we don't want to post it??
Do you guys publish weddings? Congratulate her and ask her to resubmit for the newly married section, as you all don't current publish engagements.
Well, she's only engaged. So, her wedding post would could only be submitted sometime in 2013.

Thanks for the "congratulate her" advice, though. It really didn't cross my mind to write that in the email lol. that would have been bad.
I think if you congratulate her and invite her to resubmit in 2013 she won't take it the wrong way. Or just simply state that your paper's policy is only to report on events that have already taken place.
thanks ladies!

I thought to include a 3rd type of event that we cannot publish, but I called my alumnae office, and it is just pregnancies and engagements:lol:

But yes, I will congratulate, encourage resubmitting after the wedding, state the policy, and ask for any other current news.
I didn't want to sound as though I'm pooping on anyone's exciting engagement news, especially since one of my BFFs, also a former classmate, also got engaged.

I sent out the emails, and those who initially announced engagements all responded very nicely!
I congratulated each and said that while I personally would love to publish such exciting news, the column unfortunately has a list of announcements it cannot accept, and the list includes engagements (as a precaution).

I said I would highly encourage that they send announcements post-wedding, and that we especially love receiving pictures of the bride and her classmates. Then, I gave them the option to update the notes that they initially sent.

They all said they understand:yep:
can i add my personal selfish note? :look:

The news about engagements included: "I am, with great delight, engaged to my boyfriend of x years, (so-and-so)."

We're only 23!!

*runs around screaming aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!* is this a wake-up call? to what?:lol:

/the end.