How to roller set


New Member
How can I achieve bouncy curls. I wash and deep condtion. Then roller set on 11/2 curlers with the snaps. I tried the clips but I am not good with the clips it takes me forever to roll. My hair has those dents from the snaps and also I have gaps in my hair. Help. Also can someone explain to me how to dry with the ponytail method.
To get rid of the big parts, use more rollers. The dents from the rollers are less noticeble if you use a creamy leave-in(such as Elucence or my fav...Lottabody creme wrap).The lotions that dry 'crisp' leave more dents in my opinion. Also if you smooth a little oil on the roots where the tops dent the hair, it helps. The 'dents' don't bother me(they give my hair body in the roots). You can also try wrapping it to smooth out some of the bends. That's the only ideas I can come up with.
Sweetcoca, does the lotta body cream wrap make your hair crispy. I want you to know that because of your post you have convinced me to try a roller set this weekend. I'm so excited!!
You can do a search on the ponytail method on this board. I asked that same question a few weeks ago. If I find it I will give you the link.