How to prepare an ACV rinse???


New Member
Hi All!

I've heard so many great things about apple cider vinegar rinses. Can someone give me some advice on how to prepare the rinse. I'd like to do one this weekend. Thank you so much!
Take four ounces (1/2 cup) of Apple Cider Vinegar and stir it into 28 ounces of distilled water. Pour contents over your head.

It is best to not warm this mixture, because you want it to close your cuticle.
What exactly does the ACV rinse do? Do you rinse it out again once you apply the ACV? Is it used as a conditioner?
No, ideally you don't rinse it out. And no, it's not used as a conditioner. See here previous discussions on ACV.
What is the best brand of ACV to buy? Does it matter which brand? What if it's regular vinegar?
I don't think the brand of ACV matters. I use Safeway's generic brand and it works for me. Regular white vinegar is recommended for blonde hair while apple cider vinegar is recommended for dark hair, as they each enhance that color of the hair respectively.