How to post actual pics inside a thread?

When i upload my pics to photobucket it's way smaller than the original photo size and when I try to resize it the picture looks stretched. Help!
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My issue is posting pics directly from my cell. They are gigantic! Any suggestions?

Currently, I upload to photobucket and resize there. Would be nice to skip photobucket and upload directly from phone (droid x).
My issue is posting pics directly from my cell. They are gigantic! Any suggestions?

Currently, I upload to photobucket and resize there. Would be nice to skip photobucket and upload directly from phone (droid x).

I don't know even how to do that. Can someone help my? I have photobucket, too. Which file do i choose to upload to my avatar?
I don't know even how to do that. Can someone help my? I have photobucket, too. Which file do i choose to upload to my avatar?
wheezy807 -
I always resize my photos on photobucket. I think the size is 320x240 (I'm going from memory so forgive me). I use that same photo to either post to the forum on my avatar. I always select the "direct link" photo from photobucket. Does that help?
@wheezy807 -
I always resize my photos on photobucket. I think the size is 320x240 (I'm going from memory so forgive me). I use that same photo to either post to the forum on my avatar. I always select the "direct link" photo from photobucket. Does that help?
divachyk thank you so much! i finally got it. It kept telling me that my remote file is too large. I didn't even read at the bottom the pic pixels are a maximum of 100x100. That was hard, lol. Thank you for responding!
Glad it worked wheezy807. I had a typo earlier. What I meant to say is the resized photobucket photo can be used to post to the forum (within a thread or within my siggy) as well as change out my avatar.