How to make your hair lay down...


New Member
hey ladies....ok so i really want to keep my hair in protective buns or even phony ponys but how do i get my hair to lay down in order to put it in a nice bun.....

like ill wash and condition my hair then moisturize and seal it after i do that do i then brush in into a pony tail? and even after i brush it into a ponytail its not neat...ill have hairs sticking out and be really poofy. I feel like there is a step im missing...

I'm asking because alot of you ladies wear your hair in buns and i was wondering if you all brush it into the ponytails and apply a certain product to keep your hair laying down or what...especially with phony ponys

im trying not to use relaxers anymore so my hair is really unmanageable right now. the only thing i can do is cornrow it and throw on a wig...which i dont want to do anymore
After washing I usually just apply some castor oil (very little) and brush or comb (denman/ widetooth comb) my hair into a pony tail (or two one in the front another in the back) then tie a silk scarf. My hair usually comes out very smooth and I may use a toothbrush or my fingers to put down any little hairs in front. HTH
A lot of here use various different gels among other things for smoothing some include Fantasia IC, Eco Styler, Elasta QP Glaze, Jam, Aloe Vera Gel, Let's Jam, Shea Butter, Cheapie conditioners. Some of us also tie with a scarf after the styling product is applied to "set" the style.
I have started to Phony-Bun for the Summer. So on My Wash Day, I will co-wash, DC and then I will use my Leave In, Hair Gel and (now Serum) to slick my Hair down.:lick:

The Leave In, the Gel and the Serum all work together to straighten/smooth my Hair down so that the Phony Bun looks nice and neat.:yep:

Then I will tie with wrap paper/neck strips and Dry 1/2 under the Dryer and 1/2 Air Dry. Or if I have time, I will sit under the dryer and dry.

Lastly I Tie down with Silk/Satin Scarf. This always gives me a nice, clean, smooth look. HTH
Sleep in a scarf; keep your hair well moisturized to hep it behave. Or if its wash day brush your barely damp hair smooth, tie the scarf tight around it and get under the dryer for a while (20 mins?) the heat and the scarf will work to smooth your hair down. Maintain that nightly w/ a scarf.
I love aloe vera gel, dc's like cholesterol, V05, and clear Eco Styer but I have to have moisture to make my hair lay down. I apply product, let my hair dry, and apply more product to get the look I like than use water to refresh afterwards.
This is what helps me:

I wash and condition (comb my hair with a denman with conditioner).
After conditioning I squeeze the water out of my hair and apply my leave-in directly, while still in the shower (I only use coconut oil).
If I want it really smooth I pull a paddlebrush through before making one or two ponytails. I then get out of the shower and put a satin sleeping wrap on my head for 10 minutes.


I am currently 6mo, 2 weeks post.
I haven't had a relaxer in about 19-20 weeks. What I use is Elasta QP Mango Butter and IC Fantasia Clear Gel with Aloe Vera. I have a Boar's Hair brush that lays down my edges. I don't brush the rest of the hair though. I simply comb it back into a banana clip and seal the ends with oil. I then use bobby pins to hold the ends in a clockwise circle around the banana clip. HTH!