Question How to I change the title of a post?

Apparently it can't be done; Mr. Niko only allows for editing within the thread, but he wants us to hold true to our titles. People have tried but it never works. Ahem, I hate to point it out, but look at the title of this thread (*backs out of thread slowly*).
I just looked at your thread, and it is necessary. I bet a moderator will go in and change that title for you!
Apparently it can't be done; Mr. Niko only allows for editing within the thread, but he wants us to hold true to our titles. People have tried but it never works. Ahem, I hate to point it out, but look at the title of this thread (*backs out of thread slowly*).

LOL - Good catch!

That's what I get for being in a hurry. :blush::nono:
Re: How DO I change the title of a post?

@greenandchic It looks like you got it changed. Did you just edit it the way I did this response. I know you can't change the title in others' responses that used the wrong title but I thought you could change the title in any thread you post. I could've sworn I've done that. I didn't change what others had already responded to but I can almost swear it can be done.

If that's not what you did, can you share what you did?

I'm going to try to correct the heading of an old thread where I spelled Hairloss as one word. I'll let you know if I was able.

ETA: @virtuenow, I knew it can be done. I just changed the heading on a thread I started in 2004. If you look at the OP, you will Hair Loss is now spelled correctly as two words (link). But if you look at the responses, you will see the wrong heading I had with the made-up word Hairloss is what will remain in everyone else's post. To fix that everyone would have to EDIT their post and then go to the top and fix the heading. But the OP can most definitely edit the first post to read however s/he wants, and likewise each person. You just can't change the heading of another person's post.
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And just to mess with y'all...

...I just changed the heading of this response. :p Now it looks nothing like the OP's post.

So there you go! When it comes to your post, you're the captain of your ship.
Nonie - I can't change the title of the post itself. It still says 2010. You can change the heading of the individual responses, but not the post title.
I think (not sure though) there is a time limit on changing a topic title and it is very short.

If you wish something changed, all you have to do is either contact a moderator or open a ticket using the support area of the forum (Contact Us link top right).

Posts are semi-atomic in their operation. They link to one another and some information is copied from one to another. So for instance when you posted your topic and you had 2010..... as the title, when the ladies replied their posts had the title: "Re: 2010 Natural Products Challenge". Once the post title was changed the replies changed to "Re: 2012 Natural Products Challenge". So effectively your post does have the 2012 title right now.
