How to help a friend going through a divorce?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
A close friend of mine is getting divorced. I won't put all of the details out here, but there was no infidelity or anything like that. The relationship just seems to have run its course. (Sorry, I know that's really vague, but :look:) So yeah. She is not happy about it and fighting her way through to keep from being depressed. She has said that she doesn't feel like being too social right now, which I can totally understand. But I'm also worried about just leaving her high and dry like, "Welp, she said she don't want to go out." So, I suggested doing things where we don't have to talk - like go see a movie.

She doesn't live closeby so I can't just bumrush her at home . . . plus I don't want to be pushy about it.

Any advice? Feedback from anyone who has been through a divorce is much appreciated.

Thank you,

Just call and email her until she's ready to be social. Just be ready once she realizes that the best way to get over someone.......