How to?: Grow Out a Really Short Cut


Active Member
I went to the salon about three weeks ago to get my hair professionally relaxed and cut (tried to perm my own twa, which was a disaster). She cut off the part I relaxed, permed, and cut some more. I knew that I'd lose a lot of hair, but my cut is really, really short on the sides and back (1/4 to 1/2 inch) and the top is layered (2 inches, 1 inch, 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch). The cut was cute the first two days, but after I sweated it out, it just looked too manly to me. What can I do now? How did (or, are) you growing out a really short cut? Right now, I have donned my trusty wigs and I am waiting to see how much new growth I can get by my six weeks touch-up time. I am hoping that in six weeks the sides will have enough new growth so I won't be embarrassed to wear my hair out between hair appointments.
I would co wash then lay it back with some gel. Do something pretty like a wrap the hair with a side part then slick it down with the gel. Throw on your makeup, funky earrings and keep it moving. You may also be able to do some type of finger waves on the top and sides too for a different look. I've grown my hair out from that type of cut at least 3 or 4 times. As the hair gets longer it will keep a basic shape and you can work that too!
Ambitious1013 grew her hair out from a really short (shaved in the back) style to almost APL- and she colors her hair! Check out her fotki for inspiration ;)
girl i went thru the same problem last year with my hair i decided to stop growing it...ugh the back and the cut i thought looked so ewww...but i did start wearing wigs and cut back on going to the hair stylist....

right now im also doing the same...

when my hair loses the curl im back putting the wigs on...and washing and conditioning my hair myself until i get back to the trying to start going every two weeks...because im still going every week...and i also workout...
I am in the same boat. I went on Friday and I love the salon, Blackberry Salon on Southside in Greensboro, Harold Blackberry is the owner, my cut is basicallyjust like yours and I plan on growing it out and Harold said he would help me. He suggested that I gel my hair down after a workout if it went flat. I am going to workout in the morning and I will let you know how it turns out tomorrow....:) Keep the faith and before you know it your hair will be back on your shoulders.
Thank you, ladies! Reading your posts have encouraged me. I will definitely try to "work it" and check out those inspirational hair albums :)
I have grown my hair out so many times from the shortest of short (like not even an inch all around) to APL only to get bored and cut it all off again. I always used headbands to pull it back and make that little hump in the front and always wear dainty, pretty earrings (this will help you feel more feminine). Also, when I would get it done, I always had the stylist continue to trim down that back nape where it is super short and eventually the top will start to grow down. Then you will wind up with a short, cute bob with the back tapered. Keep doing this and the hair will start to kind of grow over that back nape part and you won't have to get it cut down anymore. I am coming out of this now. My hair is mid neck.

Don't sleep on accessories. They really pop and look so chic with a bangin' short cut. I would go get me some beautiful earrings, necklaces, etc. Work it till your hair grows out the way you want it. I know you want it to grow, but I loves me a nice short chic.
stacy said:
Do you have to keep getting the back shaved as you grow out?

Not shaved. I just got it shaped with the scissors until that top hair came down. It makes that in between a lot easier to deal with.
that is a great idea...i also try to do the same with keeping the back trimmed and shaped up..

very great hints..and i love my accessories..i just started accessorizing but i really go all out with the earrings..try Body Shop they usually have buy one get one free...
How long did/do you guys go between relaxer touch-ups? Ambitious1013 went/goes 10-12 weeks (I believe that was in her Fotki). I hope that I can go this long.
ShiShiPooPoo said:
I have grown my hair out so many times from the shortest of short (like not even an inch all around) to APL only to get bored and cut it all off again. I always used headbands to pull it back and make that little hump in the front and always wear dainty, pretty earrings (this will help you feel more feminine). Also, when I would get it done, I always had the stylist continue to trim down that back nape where it is super short and eventually the top will start to grow down. Then you will wind up with a short, cute bob with the back tapered. Keep doing this and the hair will start to kind of grow over that back nape part and you won't have to get it cut down anymore. I am coming out of this now. My hair is mid neck.

Don't sleep on accessories. They really pop and look so chic with a bangin' short cut. I would go get me some beautiful earrings, necklaces, etc. Work it till your hair grows out the way you want it. I know you want it to grow, but I loves me a nice short chic.

this is AWESOME advice! I would have paid for this advice all the times I cut my hair really short.
I've chopped down to almost bald twice and the best grow out solution for me was individual braids or twists with extensions. If you keep the scalp and hair moist, it's crazy how quickly your hair can grow in this style. Good luck!
Cornrows worked wonders for me and grew my short hair cut to a bob in about six months.
stacy said:
How long did/do you guys go between relaxer touch-ups? Ambitious1013 went/goes 10-12 weeks (I believe that was in her Fotki). I hope that I can go this long.

well i cant pull off relaxers for that long...but i do enjoy the thickness that my hair and short cut gets when it does get closer to relaxer time..but i think the longest i went was for about 6 weeks....the last time i think i went 4 really depends on how fast your hair grows which with short cuts it seems to grow fast(especially if its being cut all the time)...

Im thinking of starting to learn how to self-relax my own hair....or just going only for hair is now kind of getting long enough to where i can curl it myself (yay!!!)
Doing that right now. Its been rough some days but headbands have saved my life over and over and over. Sometimes I would rinse my hair, add my products and tie it down in the shape I want to wear it. Then just go in the mornin w/ a headband and a fly outfit.
I grew out a short cut that was tapered in the back when I was in 11th grade. I went to the salon every 2 weeks. It wasn't really that short on the top but the back was. I only let her shave it that first time she initially cut my hair. After that, I had her gel it down every time. Once it was long enough to brush up in the back, I would get my hair pinned up sometimes. Like twists or french braids in the front and a track ponytail. Sometimes she'd rod and sometimes she'd cut it (layers) and curl it. Where the ponytail hung down, it covered the back of my hair. Sometimes I wore twist outs or rod sets. I would try to alternate with each visit. Sometimes I would wear it down. When I wore it down I either got a roller wrap or flips. That's when the flips had came back in. So I wore that flip/shag looking hair style like Kelly from Destiny's Child had on the Survivor album. That way we didn't have to worry about the back. It worked though. My hair grew out pretty fast (I was getting my hair relaxed and trimmed every 6 weeks) and I was to shoulder length in maybe a year and a half. Not quite 2 whole years.