How to grow my edges back?


Active Member
I'm new to this forum and I have a million questions. But I'll do one at a time. I had alot of my hair fall out after I had my son which made my edges pretty much nonexistent. I'm not sure what to do to get them to grow back. Its been three years and they're still only like an inch long. I haven't been taking very good care of my hair until I got a hair cut in September. Now I'm on a journey to get healthy hair. I want it to grow but I think the health is more important. Anyone have any ideas about getting my edges to grow?
have you tried scalp massaged? You can do it with a mix of essentials oils and EVOO.

Hopefully more people will respond.
you can use peppermint, lavendar, thyme, or rosemary but always mix these oils with a carrier oil like EVOO. NEVER use them by themselves.
Try ORS Temple Balm or Nioxin follicle booster. I tried both for my edges during different events which caused my egdes to break off and they both worked well for me.
In addition to the great advice already given, avoid manipulation as much as possible. Limit any brushing, combing, smoothing with hands, some headbands with teeth, or stress (ie tight ponies or buns) on your edges. If you're relaxed, try to stretch your relaxers longer and touchup that area last. Make sure your edges are always moisturized.

Hope this helps!
I have heard a lot of good things about Sulu Max. If you do a search on this site you will find a few threads on it. There are also a few videos on youtube the tracks the progress of hair growth using the product.

Warning......the smell is not the greatest but it does work. I have tried it.

I am sure your edges will grow back in. Keep us posted.
Yeah, Mega Tek or Cell Therapy will help with your edges. It has definitally helped mine and several others. Check out the MT?OCT challenge post.
My edges fell out right after I had my 2 year old as well. 2 bad I didn't know about LHCF back then. I just skimmed the other posts but if no1 has suggested it, maybe u should try Mega Tek. Here's a post on the Mega Tek thread from a lady whose progress truly inspires me. She might even be willing 2 help u out w/a routine 2 get ur edges back n shape.

NLS is right - MegaTek worked (is still working for me).
im having trouble to! the rest of my hair is growing like crazy but them dang edges mainly the right side :nono: time to get mega tek........
Is mega tek for horses?

It is made for horses and humans, both. If you are uncomfortable using an animal product you can by Ovations Cell Therapy, it is the more expensive, made and marketed to humans, Mega Tek. Both products are made by the same company.
i had major damage and bald spots....i drank lots of water and NO 3x a week and added biotin suppliments to my vitamin intake...and in 30 days i had major results....i have pics in my albums...
So I googled mega tek and still can't figure out what it is. Is it an oil or what? Ive read to rub it in then wash it out everyday. Thats doing too much. How do you use it?
So I googled mega tek and still can't figure out what it is. Is it an oil or what? Ive read to rub it in then wash it out everyday. Thats doing too much. How do you use it?

Hi! Mega-Tek is a creamy and white (the 2nd ingredient is protein). Looks just like any standard conditioner and smells like coconut. Some ladies amend it with oils but I don't. I simply part my hair and apply it to my scalp and roots. Although it smells like coconut, I don't really like the smell but you may find it pleasant. Because of the smell, I put on a plastic cap and then a scarf. I wash it out in the morning and seal my hair with either castor oil or aloe vera gel.

Thanks everyone for your great advice. I don't know if mega tek is for me though. Its too expensive. I bought boundless tresses some months ago and never used it so I doubt I use that either. I'll stick with the scalp massages and oil. Maybe i'll actually use the BT.